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Presumably, when they are diagnosed they are told. It also depends on how severe the autism is. If it is a mild case, just to do with socialising, they know and usually understand. If it is very severe, like if they cannot talk, then they probably don't know, or understand.

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14y ago

They generally begin to realize that there is something "different" about them at an early age, but they probably won't know the name of their condition until their parents tell them (if they are diagnosed early in life) or when they are diagnosed (or learn about the condition on their own and are able to identify with the symptoms).

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12y ago

Yes and no.


They know because they think they're different from others and if they start to learn about this disease, they might know the symptoms and they know what they've done. A lot of them find out they are different from others when they usually the ages between 4-6. Also, presumably they are told when they are diagnosed as autistic.

NoIn certain cases of highly-visible autism, the affected person is not entirely aware of or able to interact with other people. So their status as autistic probably would not affect them or be something they are aware of.
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12y ago

I don't know whether they are aware of their exact condition, but my son who has high functioning autism, sometimes, points out things that he does that is different to his younger brother. For example, my 5 year old with autism is still in nappies, his 3 year brother is fully toilet trained, sometimes my autistic son asks in fewer words why he is in nappies and his brother isn't....... I don't know whether that answers your question but I hope it helps! Well I think it depends on the severity of the autistic person. I met a girl who was perfectly aware of the fact she was autistic, but my autistic brothers wjho are both really severe don't have a clue.

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14y ago

Yes they can know they have it. I know I have it.

They do not necessarily know that they have Asperger's Syndrome. They might not know what it is. They might realize that they have difficulties in some areas or that they are "different", but not know the reason for it.

Asperger's Syndrome is still not a well-known condition. Since awareness is so low, and the symptoms of people with Aspergers vary so much, it is quite possible to have AS and not be informed enough yet to recognize the condition.

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11y ago

An autistic person knowing that they are autistic depends on their level of comprehension. Some autistic people have limited comprehension and they may not be able to comprehend that they are autistic. Others may be able to understand that they are "different" but not really understand why, whereas others know they are autistic and can explain their autism.

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10y ago

Yes - we are seeing significantly higher numbers of people being diagnosed now because of increased awareness of autism, this means more older people ar elearning that they may be autistic where as previously they had not known.

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9y ago

Yes, it's very common for a person to be autistic and not even know. Many people don't know they're autistic, they only know that they're different in some way. This is one reason for an increase in diagnosis, because increased awareness of autism means that more people know what Autism is so can discovered that they may be autistic and thus seek diagnosis.

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9y ago

Yes - if we are self-diagnosed then we will know, if we have an official diagnosis we're normally told. Even before diagnosis most of us know that we are 'different' from our neurotypical peers even if we don't know exactly why or how we are different. Those who are severely effected may or may not know they're Autistic depending on how aware they are of what is being told to them.

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7y ago

Whether an Autistic person knows they're Autistic or not depends on a few factors.

For example many people do not know they're Autistic until they're older because autism wasn't widely known about in earlier decades - for example I knew I was 'different' but didn't know I was Autistic until my mid twenties and wasn't diagnosed until my late twenties, my partner is Autistic but didn't get diagnosed until he was 40 years old. Many people will never get a diagnosis and will never come to know that they are Autistic. There will of course be Autistic people who may not be aware enough of the world around them to know that they are Autistic even if they are told outright.

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I don't know how many people have seizure disorders that are on the autism spectrum. I have when I was experienced it as a small child. There is truly no knowing how many people nowadays in the autism spectrum have seizure disorders.

What is Autism awareness?

Autism awareness is simply making people aware of autism and Autistic people. Unfortunately organizations such as Autism Speaks uses autism awareness to speak negatively about autism and Autistic people to increase their profits, thus there remains a lot of ignorance about autism.

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No, as far as we know there are no environmental factors that lead to autism - autism isn't 'triggered' it is a neurological variation. This however does not stop people using autism to try to support their agenda, for example some people claim vaccines, GMO's or pesticides cause autism.

How prevalent is autism in population?

The CDC have put Autism diagnosis at 1 in 68 within the US. We don't know how many people are Autistic because not that many people are diagnosed, many may not even know they're Autistic.

What is mild autism?

There's no such thing as mild autism, there is just autism.A person is born Autistic, how their autism effects them can vary greatly and change throughout their lives. This is why autism is know an a spectrum disorder. Also some people claim Asperger Syndrome is a 'mild form of autism' but this isn't the case, it's just an old diagnosis for Autistic people who didn't display developmental delays - or often it was used to diagnose people to avoid stigma of Autism.

What can you do to people who have autism?

It would not be ethical or legal to do anything TO people who have autism.

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Yes people with autism do repeat them self's.

What happens when you have Autism ?

People with autism are generally slower at learning then others,but along with that said so by my health teacher,people with autism can remember dates alot better then general people.I know this one person with autism and he asked me my birthday so i told him and he said oh, you were born on a Saturday i believe.sure enough, he was right

Why do people say that autism is a mystery?

People say that Autism is a mystery because it is a mystery, we know very little about it and it's only been considered a condition for a few decades. We don't know what causes it, why different people experience different symptoms, how to treat it and how to take advantage of it.