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Q: Do autotrophic bacteria release oxygen into the air?
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Do autotrophic bacteria release oxygen into the air when using the sun's energy to produce food?

yes they do and they also release oxygen when they turn chemicals around them into food.

Bacteria that thrive in devoid of air?

Most bacteria needs air for the process of breaking down food to obtain energy (respiration). But to survive, no.

How does the plant get oxygen?

Most of autotrophic plants get major amount of oxygen from photosynthesis. During night, when there is no photosynthesis, oxygen by plants is obtained from air However, the amount of oxygen released during photosynthesis by plants is manifold of their requirement for respiration.

What can form compounds from nitrogen in the air?

bacteria (and i love riley)

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Hey! So, basically, the flask is inverted so that air (oxygen) can get in, but bacteria cannot.

How can you get oxygen from plants?

Plants taken in the air we breath as carbon dioxide and release it back into the air as oxygen.

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What organisms return nitrogen back into the air?

The organisms that are involved in the movement of nitrogen between the air and soil and back to the air are plants and bacteria. When plants decompose they release nitrogen and bacteria fixes nitrogen back into the air.

Why must brewers take special care to prevent air from entering fermentation tanks?

There are anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria thrive in oxygen rich environments. Oxygen is potentially lethal to anaerobic bacteria. If the system is set up to use anaerobic bacteria, you want to keep out the air which brings in oxygen to maintain the best environment for the desired bacteria.

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