

Best Answer
  • Yes, bananas has positive effects on libido
  • Bananas help to increase sex drive boost male libido largely due to the presence of the enzyme 'bromelain'.
  • Bananas are also a good source of B vitamins like riboflavin and potassium, which increase the body's total energy levels.
  • Bananas are also very rich in potassium and B vitamins, which are vital for sex-hormone production.
  • Refer to link below for an extensive list of libido boosters
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Q: Do bananas affect libido in men?
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Libido can be increased in various ways. Eating right food and regular exercise is the source of increasing the libido. In aging men, the libido can be increased by libido boosters. They are effective.

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Heroin will reduce your libido.

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Libido levels do not determine sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is a complex and deeply rooted aspect of a person's identity that is not solely based on libido. Engaging in gay sex is a matter of sexual attraction and desire, which can vary among individuals regardless of their libido levels.

Can birth control affect libido?

Most likely, yes.

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It sometimes affects a womans libido.

Is there a word for diminishing libido?

androgen for men and menopause for women.

Does a tubal ligation interfere with libido?

Nope - it doesn't affect the balance of hormones in the body that cause desire and libido. It might have an effect if the surgery itself was unpleasant (i.e. psychological impact on libido), but not phsical.

Why a man gets more libido with age rise?

As men age, testosterone levels tend to decrease gradually. This can actually lead to a reduction in libido for some men. However, there are individual variations and some men may experience an increase in libido due to psychological factors, improved self-confidence, or a shift in priorities. Ultimately, the relationship between age and libido can vary among men.

Do bananas affect your teeth?

it does

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they will turn england bananas :s

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I have read that that can be a side effect... and i think it affected mine