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They are in a semi dormant state and cluster together to keep warm.

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Q: Do bees hibranate in the hive in cold months?
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Do bees poop in there hive?

Yes, in the winter when it is too cold for them to leave their hive.

Is it a cold winter if bee hive are up high?

No,bees do it in autumn.

Can or cannot bees within one hive comunicate with bees from another?

Bees within one hive can communicate with bees from another hive through scent trails, which they use to signal the location of food sources or new hive locations. This communication enables bees to share information and resources with bees from different hives within the same colony.

What happens to honey bees in winter?

During winter, honey bees form a cluster inside the hive to keep warm. They vibrate their wing muscles to generate heat and protect the queen at the center. They rely on stored honey and pollen for food during the winter when there are fewer flowers available.

Who builds a bees hive?


Where bees bring pollen is called?

Where bees bring pollen is called a "hive." The hive is their home and the place where they store pollen, honey, and raise their young bees.

Can bumble bees wasps and yellow jackets survive cold weather?

A bee hive is an artificial home for bees which has been provided by a beekeeper to keep his bees in. In prolonged freezing conditions, bees might find it hard to survive if their hive was unprotected. However, in an average North European winter, bees will survive perfectly well within their hive provided that they are sheltered from cold winds and damp within the hive. They cluster together to keep warm, and the bees are always changing position so that the same bees aren't always on the outside of the cluster.

How old can a honeybee become before it dies?

A queen honeybee lives a protected and 'easy' life. She can live three to four years! But drones or worker bees have an average lifespan of a few weeks (1 month) to months (about 6 months). Worker bees can get evicted from the hive! Without the hive and its protection, the evicted bees will die.

Do any bees live in a frozen hive?

Honey bees do not hibernate. In cold weather they will cluster together in the hive and vibrate their wing muscles in order to generate heat. The temperature in the centre of the cluster will be in the order of 35 to 40 degrees Celsius, and bees on the outside of the cluster will move in as they cool off. Provided there are enough bees to maintain the required temperature and there is not too much heat loss through the hive wall, the outside of the hive can be completely frozen and the bees will be unaffected.


A hive is a home in which bees are kept.

Why are bees eating their own honey?

Bees eat their own honey because that's what they live off of throughout the year, especially during colder months when there are little or no blooming plants for the bees to collect the nectar for the hive. To better understand this, we need to know exactly what a hive is, and I think once you understand what a hive is, the rest will make sense. From the dictionary a hive is a place "to store or lay away for future use or enjoyment." That being said, that is what bees do. They store wax and honey for lean months. As a beekeeper, we take the comb from the hive from time to time to extract the honey for our own use. When we do this, the bees naturally continue to make wax, honey, and propolis. They don't realize that the comb is full of honey is gone, they just know that there is an empty space that they need to create more wax and honey in. When fall comes, the beekeeper, if he is managing his hive properly, will leave in the hive as many combs full of honey to sustain them through the bees winter months. That's why bees eat their own honey.

Why are bees hive hexaonal?

A bee hive isn't hexagonal. The cells that bees make from wax inside a bee hive are hexagonal and the bees use these cells to raise young bees and to store honey and pollen.