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Yes. If you go back far enough, all life on Earth shares a common ancestor.

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Q: Do birds and reptiles share a common ancestor?
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Which trait suggests that crocodiles and birds share a common ancestor?

Both birds and crocodiles have a four-chambered heart and a system of air sacs for breathing not found in mammals or non-crocodilian reptiles. The fossil record also indicates a lineage from archosaurs for both.

Why is the dna of crocodiles is more similar to birds dna as compared to dna of turtles?

Simply put, birds are evolved from small dinosars, and dinosaurs belong to the same group that crocodiles belong to, archosauria, while turtles belong to the group sauropsida, because, while they appear to be more similar to crocodiles than birds, the evolutionary common ancestor they share is far more ancient, unlike that of crocodiles and dinosaurs. That's evolution for you.

How are birds reptiles?

The reptile clade includes the tuatara, lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodilians, and birds. Birds are considered reptiles now to make the phylogenetic tree monophyletic. Opposite to popular belief, the reptile clade is not entirely ectothermic; ( the absorption of external heat as the main source of body heat) birds are endothermic, capable of keeping the body warm through metabolism.

Why two or more taxa might have shared derived traits?

Because they share a common ancestor they split off from.

Are all dinosaurs reptiles?

All reptiles are diapsids. Mammals (like you and I) are, in contrast, synapsids. So in that respect all reptiles are alike. However, I would not say they were all alike. Snakes are reptiles but lack limbs. Alligators are also reptiles, as are lizards. Tuatara, gavials, amphisbaenids, and tortoises each represent one of the four main modern orders of reptiles. They share some characteristics--just as you and I do, but I would not say they were all alike.

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That crocodiles share a common ancestor with bird dolphins and dog support your answer?

Crocodiles and birds share a common ancestor. This can be seen by comparing the internal anatomy of the two. Dogs and Dolphins also have a common ancestor. Their skeletons again are both distinctly mammillian. The ancestor of dogs and dolphins and the ancestor of birds and crocodiles will again share a common ancestor, but you will need to go much further back. I am not sure of the timescales but we are talking tens to hundreds of million years.

How long ago did birds and humans share a common ancestor?

300 million years.

How are birds and lizards related?

And they are most closely related to crocodiles, which also came from archosaurs. This is what most people mean when they say that birds are reptiles, although technically, according to the phylogenetic system, birds, reptiles, and mammals all share a reptile-like ancestor.

Do seals and humans share a common ancestor?

yes they do in facts share a common ancestor.

Crocodiles share a common ancestor with birds dolphins and dogs?

Yes, if you go back far enough.

Why do we think birds Evolved from crocodiles and alligators?

They didn't but they do share a common ancestor. Looking at fossils, scientists have determined that bird evolved from small carnivorous dinosaurs. Both dinosaurs and crocodiles stem from a group of reptiles called archosaurs.

What can you infer about alligators and birds?

Alligators and birds are related and share an ancestor with these traits.

Which trait suggests that crocodiles and birds share a common ancestor?

Both birds and crocodiles have a four-chambered heart and a system of air sacs for breathing not found in mammals or non-crocodilian reptiles. The fossil record also indicates a lineage from archosaurs for both.

What does it mean when two species share a common ancestor?

An ancestor.

What year did dinosaurs evolve from reptiles?

Evolution is generally a gradual process, such that it is generally difficult to classify transition species one way or the other. Would you say birds are reptiles? Birds are dinosaurs. Dinosaurs and reptiles share a common ancestor, probably dating to some time in the early Triassic. That would be around 250 million years ago.

Are the chicken and the t-rex related?

Yes, they share a common ancestor. The group that contains the chicken, the T. rex, their common ancestor, and all the species that descended from that ancestor is called Coelurosauria.

Do dragons and vampires share a common ancestor?

There has been no evidence of such an ancestor.