

Do birds like paticukar colours

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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Some birds are scared of the colors orange or red.

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14y ago

some do it depends wat type of bird it is

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7y ago

No they don't

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Birds see all the colors we do, as well as ultraviolet.

What color attracts light?

Most birds are attracted to bright colours, with different birds being attracted to different colours. Many like reds, yellows and oranges, and these are usually the colours of berries and of flowers which rely on birds for pollination. However some birds are attracted to blue.

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Butterflies like the viceroy have adaptations that help them survive. The viceroy would make a tasty snack for birds if they didn't look like the monarch. The Monarch Butterflies bright colours and horrible taste to birds help them survive. Birds stay away from them. The viceroy has an advantage by looking almost exactly like the monarch. I hope that helps you!

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The bright colours attract many birds and insects and also the stigma that's were the pollen is stored.

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Why are budgerigars different colours if wild ones are green?

Well, There are many reasons to this. When humans interfere with nature, they usually like to explore with them. So people breed these birds and on color came out and they breed it with other birds and came a bunch of other colors.

Are the solid colours the basic colours?

No because a solid colour is just a full colour like just plain blue nothing special like the colors baby blue and light blue. Basic colours are primary colours and primary colours are colours which you can mix like red, blue, green, yellow and so on.

Why are birds attracted to colors?

Many of them have evolved to eat fruit, so they associate fruity colours with food.

What colors do mocking birds like?

they like purple blue green and even yellow! use these colours to lure them towards you then you catch it and have a nice pet mocking bird. mocking birds are very easy to tame all you have to do is say sit or something like that and hold out a colour listed above. and then BAM! you have tamed yourself a mocking bird

How are birds and insects drawn to flowers?

By their scent, by the food some flowers offer (pollen and nectar) and by the colours of the flowers.