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Not all blind people use cell phones but I bet at least 40% of blind people use cell phones.

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Q: Do blind people use cellphones
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Cellphones are an easy way to contact people from mobile places and are very easy to use.

What makes cellphones popular?

You can use them to call people... Anywhere...

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We use telephones to talk with. These days, people use cellphones .

What are some reasons people use cellphones?

To call, text, sext, people

Does all people use cellphones?

All people that need communication to other places.

Why are people using cellphones?

"cellphones" are useful to us because it can be our recreation..

Why is it important for blind people to use braille?

It raises awareness and it helps blind people to read using their fingers

How do blind people see?

Some blind people use a stick to find where they are going. Some use their ears and they sometimes use their noses to smell what food they are eating. Blind people are pretty talented. Mos blind people where glasses so you can't see their eyes. Some also use guide dogs - which are soo cute hope this helps

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Why do people need their cellphones every day?

To stay in contact with other individuals for a variety of reasons. Some people, usually younger individuals that have cellphones, have cellphones for safety. In case of an emergency they can call someone or something they need in there situation like the police. Others use cellphones to stay in contact and record information such as phones with the feature as a daily planner. People have cellphones everyday because of buissness reasons also. Most people use their phones for more than one reason and on a cellphone you have lots of information that you could need at any moment. So basically people need their cellphones everyday because of the information and convenience they have. (P.S. Some use cell phones for fun and enjoyment) This was completely explainable and one of the most useless questions I have ever heard but, I decided to answer it because of complete boredom. So yeah. That is the answer. BTW I'm twelve and I use my phone to play games, and text my friends :) :). I have an IPhone 4

What type of rays do cellphones and ovens use?

They use electromagnetic waves. cellphones use radio waves while electric and microwave ovens use infrared and/or microwaves