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Butterflies are not going to flowers specifically to pollinate ..... A butterfly is eating nectar from flowers. Pollination is simply a by-product of the butterfly eating nectar.

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Yes they do

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Q: Do butterflies spread pollen to create other flowers?
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Do flowers carry pollen or does bees?

Flowers contain pollen and bees carry it to other flowers but some flowers can spread their own pollen.

How does wind help the nature?

carries pollen from flowers helping them spread.

What is another word for pollen?

Another word for pollen is dander. Pollen is a powder substance that is produced by flowers. It can be spread from flower to flower by the wind or insects.

How do birds pallinate flowers?

Most birds do not. However, hummingbirds may spread pollen when feeding on nectar from flowers.

What is the relationship between a plant and a butterfly?

Mutualism because the flower provides food for the butterfly while the butterfly carries the pollen to other flowers, helping the flower to reproduce.

How do organisms of animals flowers and family reproduce?

Pollen but to get pollen to other flowers they require bees. The bees work to spread pollen to other flowers while keeping some from themself to make honey. Basically you can call it a win win situation or Teamwork.

Why do plants need butterflies?

butterflies need plants because they need to lay their eggs on the leaf!

Why does making nectare help flowers become pollinated?

Animals looking for nectar spread pollen

What is the powdery dust from flowers collected by honeybees?

Pollen. It's part of most flowers' reproductive process, and provides protein in a honeybee's diet. As honeybees collect pollen to return it to their hive, they incidentally spread pollen from flower to flower, accomplishing pollination.

How do entomophilous flowers spread their pollen?

Entomophily is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by insects. These plants usually have characteristics that make them more attractive to insects.

Why do bees pollenate the earth?

Bees don't wake up in the morning and think 'I must go and pollinate some flowers today.' They visit the flowers for one purpose only: to get food. They live on nectar and pollen, both of which they get from flowers. In going from flower to flower to collect food they just happen to transfer some pollen from one flower to the next. The flowers give the nectar in order to encourage the bees to visit.

Why are only some flowers scented?

It's the flowers way of attracting pollenators , such as bees, so they can spread their pollen to other flowers ,and pollenate those flowers to make seeds and give birth to more flowers