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With dairy cows, yes. Other times cows (including beef cows) will moo when they are calling to their calves, or when it's feeding time, or even when they're in heat.

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Q: Do cows moo because they need to be milked?
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What are moo cows?

"Moo cows" are, essentially, cows that moo.

Why don't frogs moo?

Frogs don't moo because they aren't cows!

Why do cows lose their moo?

because their dead

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Because they moo.

Do German cows moo?

yes all cows moo.

Do sea cows moo?

Yes, because they are cattle.

Why did people paint there cows black in World War 2?

the reason people painted their cows black in world war 2 was because during the blackout, you had to hide your cows. moo the reason people painted their cows black in world war 2 was because during the blackout, you had to hide your cows. moo the reason people painted their cows black in world war 2 was because during the blackout, you had to hide your cows. moo

What is a moo cow?

a Moo cow is a cow that goes moo! "Moo cow" is just a silly phrase meaning a cow, because, obviously, cows moo.

Why do moo cows that moo moo?

Because they can. It's just like asking why kitty cats meow, puppy dogs bark, humans talk, etc.

Where do cows like to go on the weekends?

To the moo-vies! UK cows go to Uddersfield it likes to eat moo-slie at the moo-vies

Why do cows only fly at nights?

Two words: Weaning time!! That's right, if you hear cows and calves bellering and bawling at each other all day and all night that is a usual indication that the producer has initiated the weaning process. But don't worry, the noise won't last forever, and usually ends within a few days to a week or so. You'll just have to put up with a few sleepless nights that's all, just like your neighbors and the producer themselves!!

Why do people live in the duck moo?

people, as you so call them prefer to live in the duck moo because they love the fact that their cows have inbred with their ducks. DUCK-MOO