

Best Answer

Of course. You must practice your dancing if you want to become good at it.

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Q: Do dance schools assign homework
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Are teachers allowed to give you homework on fcat days?

it depends on your school. some charter schools DO assign students hw, but most don't.

Why don't we have less homework?

Teachers assign homework to help you understand the material - so long as there are students who are having trouble in the class, there will be homework.

When is it a good time 2 dance?

When you're finished with your maths homework. always cuz dance can be homework too

Is there a school version of facebook?

yes its called edmodo. teachers can assign homework on it

Should you assign homework?

I'm still in school, but yes you should assign homework. Even though most people hate it, including me, homework is extra practice. So that way, if you need help, the teacher can see or help you. Plus, it seperates the people who actually pay attention to the slackers.

Do public schools get homework?

Yes, they do

What countries have banned homework?

None. No schools or states have banned homework. Some schools have reduced the amount given but it is still given out.

What part of the world does not give homework?

Anywhere you find schools is going to have homework.

How many schools have summer homework?

There are no studies on the subject, but many schools do have it.

Why must Puay Chai school have so many homework?

Teachers assign homework to help you learn the material better and make better grades

Teachers should assign homework?

Homework is to help you learn the material better by practicing. It also teaches you how to find information and how to learn new material.

Which schools in Chicago offer dance classes at college?

Schools that offer college dance classes in Chicago include Columbia College Chicago and Academy of Dance. These schools offer great dance programs for prospective students.