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Q: Do developing countries have an increasing birth and death rate?
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What is the leading cause of the death of children in developing countries?

The leading cause of death in children in developing countries is protein-energy malnutrition.

Which countries population is increasing?

Countries with increasing populations include Nigeria, India, Pakistan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These countries have high birth rates and declining death rates, contributing to their population growth.

How can one assess birth control effectiveness?

Birth control can be very effective if you measure the effects it has had one other developing countries not just the first world countries for example it has cut the maternal death rate or the number of women who die giving birth to a child by 44% In these developing countries. It doesn't just tackle problems in other developing countries but with the increase of teenage sex and pregnancies, it has become a crucial weapon in the fight against teenage parents without going to the extremes of abortion.

What key concepts make up developing countries?

The main concepts that makeup developing countries or regions are birthrate, death rate and migration

What are the differences between developed and developing country?

Developing countries have high rates of natural increase as their birth rates are high, and although their death rates are also high there is usually a big gap between the two figures. Malawi's natural increase is 30 per year for every 1,000 people. This is calculated from the Birth Rate of 51 minus the Death Rate of 21 (51 - 21=30). Developed countries have both a low death rate and low birth rate, with only a small gap between the two. Norway's natural increase is 3 per year for every 1,000 (14 - 10=3).

How can a population of a country grow?

It can grow by birth rates increasing, death rates decreasing, more people immigrating.

What are some characteristics of developing countries?

thedoubling time is high, the Birth Rate is higher than the Death Rate, the population is a lot compared to the area of land etc... hope this this was done by a short 12 year old!

What do demographers figure out when they compare birthrates and death rates?

because birth rates and death rates relate to population. the birth rate shows how much a population is increasing, and death rates show how much a population is decreasing. when you average the two out, it will give you the population(:

How do women die during childbirth?

The most common cause of death during child birth, even in developing countries is hemorraging. This can lead to hypovolemic shock, insufficient perfusion of vital organs and death if not rapidly treated. There are also complications such as vaginal injuries or mothers heart rate, abnormalities. However, if there is a trained professional, this should not lead to death. Usually, this may happen in under developed countries. In developed countries death is rare. Hope this answers the question. Go to Wikipedia for more information.

Why does the infant mortality rate differ from different nations?

That birth rates vary from country to country, is a relatively new phenomenon. The reason why there are different birth rates is that the countries are in a different state of the so called 'demographic transition'. It usually has 4 stages which a country passes: Stage 1: High birth and high death rate (all countries before industrial revolution) Stage 2: High birth and falling death rate (some African countries) Stage 3: falling birth rate and low death rate (most of the developing countries) Stage 4: low birth rate and low death rate (developed countries) The birth rates fall because there's no need for children as workers anymore. Countries in stage 1 and 2 are rural societies that demand child labor in the fields. The people have also to compensate the high infant mortality rate. In stage 3 lesser and lesser people work in agriculture and children are no longer an economic benefit but a burden for the parents. There's also much divergence in the birth rate in stage 4 countries. Most of the developed countries will go to the Stage 5 of the transition, with a death rate higher than the birth rate. Only two developed countries will not: USA and Israel. This has cultural reasons.

How do birth rates and death rates changes as a country moves from a least developed or traditional economy to developing nation status?


How do birth rates and death rates changes as a country moves from a least developed or traditional economy to developing-nation status?
