

Death Rate

Mortality rate is the number of deaths in a country per 1,000 people, per year.

665 Questions

How are DDK rates measured?

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Asked by Wiki User

DDK rates, or Dissociation, Dissipation, and Kinetics rates, are typically measured using techniques such as NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, or other biophysical methods. These techniques enable researchers to monitor the changes in molecular interactions and dynamics over time, providing insights into the rates at which molecules dissociate, dissipate energy, and undergo kinetic processes.

What influences birth and death rates?

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Asked by AliciaASholagurrl

Factors that can influence birth rates include access to healthcare, education, cultural beliefs, and government policies. Factors that can influence death rates include healthcare quality, disease prevalence, sanitation, and standard of living. Both birth and death rates can also be influenced by factors such as war, natural disasters, and changes in government policies.

What can you say about the people in Germany and Indonesia based on their birth and death rates?

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Asked by Wiki User

Indonesian birth rates may be attributed to the high quantity of rice comsumed by the populace, while German birth rates are affected by beer and spirit comsumption. Death rates in both areas are the result of totalitarian regimes, including nazism, buddhism, and chauvinism.

How are birth rates and death rates used to measure population growth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Birth rates and death rates are used to calculate the rate at which a population is growing. When the birth rate exceeds the death rate, the population is increasing. Conversely, if the death rate is higher than the birth rate, the population is decreasing. The difference between the birth rate and death rate over a period of time is known as the natural increase rate.

How is birth rate related to population size?

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Asked by Wiki User

Birth rate is directly related to population size, as it determines the rate at which new individuals are added to the population. A higher birth rate in relation to death rate will lead to population growth, while a lower birth rate may result in a stable or declining population size. Over time, changes in birth rate can significantly impact the overall population size of a region or country.

How can fertility rates affect the use of scarce resources?

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Asked by Wiki User

Higher fertility rates can strain resources like food, water, and land, leading to overpopulation and increased competition for limited resources. This can result in environmental degradation, food shortages, and reduced access to healthcare and education. Lower fertility rates can help alleviate pressure on resources by reducing the population growth rate.

What happens when the birthrate exceeds the death rate?

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Asked by Wiki User

When the birth rate exceeds the death rate, the population increases. This can lead to a larger workforce, greater consumer demand, and potential strain on resources and infrastructure if not managed properly. Over time, it can also affect social services and healthcare systems.

Does Hot weather or cold weather cause more deaths?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hot weather tends to cause more deaths than cold weather. Heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke can be more dangerous and deadly than cold-related illnesses like hypothermia. Additionally, extreme heat can exacerbate underlying health conditions and lead to more fatalities.

What is the death rate in Kenya?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of 2021, the death rate in Kenya is approximately 6.7 deaths per 1,000 people. This rate can fluctuate due to various factors such as healthcare access, disease prevalence, and demographic changes.

What month has the highest human death rate?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no specific month that consistently has the highest human death rate worldwide. Factors such as natural disasters, diseases, and accidents can influence death rates on a monthly basis. However, some studies have shown that winter months tend to have higher death rates due to factors such as cold weather and flu season.

What are the Five top causes of death in Ethiopia?

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Asked by Wiki User

The top five causes of death in Ethiopia are lower respiratory infections, neonatal disorders, diarrheal diseases, HIV/AIDS, and cardiovascular diseases. These causes are largely influenced by factors such as access to healthcare, sanitation, and poverty.

Which best describes the number of people who die per one thousand individuals in a population per year?

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Asked by Wiki User

The number of people who die per one thousand individuals in a population per year is referred to as the crude death rate. It is a measure of the mortality or death rate in a population and is calculated by dividing the number of deaths in a year by the population size and multiplying by 1000.

Do lefties die 9 years before most righties?

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Asked by Alyssagagne5

There is no definitive scientific evidence to suggest that left-handed individuals die 9 years earlier than right-handed individuals. Life expectancy is influenced by a variety of factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and overall health, rather than handedness.

Which animal has killed more people in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humans - In August of 1945, we humans instantlykilled 70,000 other humans with one atomic bomb at Hiroshima. Three days later, we instantly killed another 70,000 with one more bomb, at Nagasaki.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us." -Pogo, 1953

How many people die in Australian tornadoes per year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unlike in the United States, tornadoes in Australia do not kill people every year. It appears that the last time a killer tornado hit Australia was 1990. Records seem to indicate 1 killer tornado in Australia every 5 to 20 years in the later half of the 20th Century.

How many people die a day in skidrow?

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Asked by Wiki User

The number of deaths in Skid Row can vary and is not always publicly available. Skid Row is a densely populated area with high levels of homelessness and poverty, which can contribute to health challenges and mortality rates. Comprehensive data on the exact number of daily deaths in Skid Row may not be readily accessible.

How many people choke to death every day?

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Asked by Wiki User

On average, about 17 people die from choking every day in the United States. Choking is a leading cause of accidental death, especially among young children and elderly adults. It's important to know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver and take precautions to prevent choking incidents.

How many people each day die from fecal infected water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Roughly 800 children under the age of five die every day from diarrheal diseases linked to inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene. These deaths are largely preventable through improvements in water quality and sanitation practices.

Why are the death rates so high in the UK?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are multiple factors that can contribute to high death rates in the UK, including an aging population, prevalence of chronic health conditions, lifestyle factors such as smoking and obesity, and healthcare system challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has also had a significant impact on death rates in the UK.

How many people die of diabetes per minute?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is estimated that one person dies of diabetes every seven seconds, which would amount to around 8-9 people per minute. This number can vary depending on different factors such as location, access to healthcare, and overall health of the population.

How many people die from car crashes every minute?

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Asked by Wiki User

On average, one person dies from a car crash every minute worldwide. This statistic varies depending on the region and time of day.

How many people die in one minutes?

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Asked by Wiki User

On average, approximately 56 million people die each year, which translates to roughly 104 individuals per minute globally.

What is the death rate of cesarean in Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

The death rate associated with cesarean sections in the Philippines varies depending on factors such as the specific healthcare facility, the mother's health status, and any complications during the procedure. It is generally lower than the maternal mortality rate for vaginal deliveries but can still pose risks, especially in cases of emergency cesareans or inadequate medical care. It is important for healthcare providers to closely monitor and manage both routine and emergency cesarean sections to ensure the safety of both the mother and the baby.

What are the mortality and morbidity rates associated with hand surgery?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Mortality rates associated with hand surgery are extremely low, usually less than 1%. Morbidity rates, which refer to complications or adverse events, vary depending on the specific procedure but are generally low as well. Common complications might include infection, nerve damage, or stiffness in the hand.

Why does Indonesia have such low rates of lung cancer deaths despite high rates of smoking?

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Asked by Wiki User

There could be a few factors contributing to this phenomenon. One possibility is that other factors, such as genetics, diet, or lifestyle, may play a role in offsetting the negative effects of smoking on lung cancer risk in Indonesia. Additionally, access to healthcare and early detection of lung cancer may also impact mortality rates. Further research would be needed to fully understand the reasons behind this trend.