



The Republic of Ghana is a West African country bordered by Burkina Faso to the north, Côte t the west, and the Gulf of Guinea to the south. Ghana has a total area of 92,098 sq mi and an estimated population of 23.8 million as of 2010.

2,982 Questions

How many earthquake zones do you have in Ghana?

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Ghana is not typically known for having a high level of earthquake activity. However, the northern part of Ghana is part of the West African Rift System, which is a geologically active region with the potential for earthquakes. There are no specific zones designated for earthquakes in Ghana.

When will Ghana and UK be on the same time zone?

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Ghana and the UK are in different time zones, with the UK typically being ahead by 1 hour during the daylight saving time period. They are unlikely to be on the same time zone in the near future due to their geographical locations.

Which year can Solar eclipse occur in Ghana?

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Solar eclipses can occur in Ghana in any given year, as they are a natural astronomical phenomenon. The occurrence of a solar eclipse depends on the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, and can happen at different times throughout the year. It is important to refer to specific astronomical predictions and schedules to determine when a solar eclipse will be visible from Ghana in a particular year.

What is the religon of Ghana?

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  • Major religions: Christianity (69%), Islam (16%) and a small percentage of indigenous beliefs.

Though I think Islam should be more than christianity and the indeginous beliefs because of the Arab traders that settled before the Uk and portuguese taught the Ghanian locals about Islam ^_^


Does Ghana and Senegal have the same time zones?

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Yes, Ghana and Senegal are in the same time zone, which is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Both countries do not observe Daylight Saving Time.

Does snow falls in Ghana?

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No, snow does not fall in Ghana due to its location near the Equator where temperatures are consistently warm. Ghana experiences a tropical climate with two main seasons: a wet season and a dry season. Snow is more commonly found in regions with colder climates and higher elevations.

What is the greenwich line passing through in Ghana?

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The Prime Meridian traverses the following approximate path in Ghana:

-- 59 miles east of Bolgatanga

-- 57 miles east of Tamale

-- 108 miles east of Kumasi

-- 20 miles east of Koforidua

-- 16 miles east of Accra

What is the difference between ancient Ghana and Ghana?

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Ancient Ghana refers to the historical empire located in West Africa around the 6th to 13th centuries, known for its wealth and trading power. Ghana today is a modern country in West Africa, formerly known as the Gold Coast. The modern Ghana gained independence from British colonial rule in 1957.

How many hours ahead is Ghana of The US?

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Ghana is typically 5 hours ahead of the eastern United States (EST time zone) and 8 hours ahead of the western United States (PST time zone).

What time is Ghana's capital city 0 degree when it is 12 noon in Jamaica 77 degree W?

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The time in Ghana's capital city, Accra, would be 4 pm. This is because Ghana is located at 0 degrees longitude, making it in the same time zone as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Jamaica, at 77 degrees west longitude, is 5 hours behind GMT, so when it's 12 noon in Jamaica, it's 5 pm at 0 degrees longitude.

What is the time difference between New Hampshire in the US and Ghana Africa?

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  • From 7 AM UTC on the 2nd Sunday of March until 6 AM UTC on the 1st Sunday of November, Ghana is 4 hours ahead of New Hampshire.
  • From 6 AM UTC on the 1st Sunday of November until 7 AM UTC on the 2nd Sunday of March, Ghana is 5 hours ahead of New Hampshire.

7 AM EST (New Hampshire Nov-Mar) =
8 AM EDT (New Hampshire Mar-Nov) =
12 noon GMT (Ghana)

Is Ghana in the center of the earth in latitude and longitude?

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Asked by More44

Ghana is located near the equator in West Africa, with latitude coordinates ranging from approximately 4 to 12 degrees north and longitude coordinates ranging from approximately 1 to 3 degrees west. It is not situated at the exact geographical center of the Earth in terms of latitude and longitude.

Does Ghana have hurricanes?

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No, Ghana does not experience hurricanes. The country is located in the Gulf of Guinea where hurricanes are rare. Instead, Ghana is more prone to experiencing heavy rainfall and flooding during the rainy season.

What tectonic plate is Ghana on?

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Ghana is located on the African tectonic plate. It is situated on the western part of the plate, near the boundary with the South American plate.

Is Ghana on the same time zone with Mexico?

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No, Ghana is on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) which is 6 hours ahead of Mexico. Mexico has several time zones, with most of the country being on Central Time, which is 6 hours behind GMT.

What is the smallest country Ghana borders?

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Togo. It's a small strip of a country in west Africa.

What is the best science school in Ghana?

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The best science school in Ghana is typically considered to be the University of Ghana. It is known for its strong programs in various scientific fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering.

What is the time in New York if it is 12 12 pm in Ghana?

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If it is 12:12 pm in Ghana, the time in New York would be 4:12 pm. New York is 4 hours behind Ghana during standard time.

How does weather affect people's lives in Ghana?

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Weather in Ghana can impact agriculture, as irregular rainfall patterns can affect crop yields. Extreme weather events like flooding can displace communities and damage infrastructure. Hot temperatures can also pose health risks, particularly for vulnerable populations like the elderly or young children.

How many kilos allowed to Ghana?

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The baggage allowance for flights to Ghana can vary depending on the airline and ticket type. Typically, most airlines allow economy passengers to check in 1-2 bags weighing up to 23-32 kg each. It is best to check with the specific airline you are flying with for the most accurate information.

What are names ghana's landforms?

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Ghana's landforms include savannas in the north, dense rainforests in the south, coastal plains, hills, and plateaus. Notable landforms in Ghana include the Akwapim-Togo mountain range and the Volta River.

What is the time zone of Ghana?

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Unable to give a proper answer to your question, and here's why: When asking about the time in different places around the world Wiki can only answer if we know (1) the place of interest and (2) a reference point. Bad question that will not be answered: What time is it now in England? Good question: What time is it in England if it is 11 AM in Perth, Australia? Bad question: What is the current Central Time? Good question: What is the Central Time if it is 2 PM in San Francisco? Do you see the differences? It might make sense to YOU when asking but please note that it might be hours or days before someone looks at your question. In the example above for a bad question, do you see how someone answering it might be, well, a bit flippant and just say "8 PM", or "Evening", or even "Working time"? And that would not really help you out, now would it? check out this link:

What Is Time Difference Between Ghana And Iraq?

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The time difference between Ghana and Iraq is 2 hours. Ghana is 2 hours ahead of Iraq.

What is the most prominent climate zone in Ghana?

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The most prominent climate zone in Ghana is the tropical rainforest climate, characterized by high temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year. The southern part of the country, including areas like Accra and Cape Coast, falls within this climate zone.

What time is it in Ghana if it is 9 45 in Florida?

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Ghana is 4 hours ahead of Florida. Therefore, if it is 9:45 in Florida, it would be 1:45 in the afternoon in Ghana.