

Palestinian Territories

The Palestinian territories consist of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, whose final status has yet to be determined. They were originally part of the British Mandate of Palestine, then captured and occupied by Jordan and by Egypt and later captured by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War.

1,618 Questions

What are some of the issues related to political independence for the Palestinians?

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Some of the key issues related to political independence for the Palestinians include ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, settlement expansion in the West Bank, lack of territorial contiguity for a future Palestinian state, and disputes over the status of Jerusalem and the right of return for Palestinian refugees. These issues have been major obstacles to achieving a lasting and viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

What are the major geographical regions of palestine?

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Palestine is typically divided into four main geographical regions: the coastal plain along the Mediterranean Sea, the central mountain range (including the West Bank), the Jordan Valley in the east, and the Negev Desert in the south. Each region has its own unique landscape and characteristics.

What the climate in first century palestine?

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Asked by Hannahwelch

The climate in first century Palestine was characterized by hot and dry summers, with temperatures often exceeding 100°F (38°C), and mild, wet winters. The region received most of its rainfall between October and April, with precipitation decreasing towards the south. The variations in elevation and proximity to bodies of water, such as the Sea of Galilee, also influenced local climate patterns.

What happened to the Palestinians after the state of Israel was created?

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After the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, many Palestinians became refugees, displaced from their homes and land. This led to ongoing conflicts with Israel, resulting in continued displacement, occupation, and restrictions on Palestinian rights and movement. The issue remains a major point of contention in the region.

What is the absolute location of the west bank?

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The absolute location of the West Bank is approximately between 31.9° - 32.1° N latitude and 34.4° - 35.6° E longitude. It is located in the Middle East, primarily in the region of Palestine.

What is the Highest peak in the west bank of israel?

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Asked by Mikey4882

Mount Meron is the highest peak in the West Bank of Israel. It stands at an elevation of about 4,949 feet (1,509 meters) above sea level and is located in the region of the Upper Galilee.

Why is Palestine a strategic location?

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Palestine is a strategic location due to its proximity to key waterways, such as the Mediterranean Sea, and its position at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe. It also holds religious significance for multiple major world religions, making it a focal point for political, cultural, and social dynamics in the region. Additionally, it has historically been a point of contention and conflict, with various groups vying for control of the land.

Is Palestine a formal region?

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Yes, Palestine is considered a formal region due to its well-defined boundaries, distinct cultural characteristics, and recognized government institutions, despite its complex political status.

What are the Significant places of life of Jesus in the map of palestine?

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Significant places in the life of Jesus in Palestine include Bethlehem (birth), Nazareth (childhood and early life), Capernaum (ministry base), Sea of Galilee (many miracles), Jerusalem (crucifixion and resurrection), and the Jordan River (baptism by John the Baptist). These locations are central to the Gospel narratives of Jesus' life and teachings.

The primary concern of the Palestinian refugees is?

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The primary concern of Palestinian refugees is the right to return to their homes and properties from which they were displaced during conflicts with Israel. They also seek recognition of their refugee status and access to basic services and living conditions in the host countries where they currently reside.

Palestine was also known as?

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Palestine was known as the Palestinian Authority and was later known as the Palestinian Territories.

Geography facts about First Century Palestine?

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First Century Palestine was a region located in the eastern Mediterranean, known as the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was under Roman rule during this time. The geography of the region included diverse landscapes such as mountains, valleys, and the Sea of Galilee. Additionally, key cities like Jerusalem and Nazareth were significant in the religious and cultural context of the time.

How many Arab Christians live in Gaza?

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Roughly 1,400 Arab Christians live in Gaza today, down from 3,000 ten years ago. The number is decreasing due to the militancy and violence of Hamas and other Islamist thugs that oppress and repress the Christian population.

Are most Palestinian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

Yes, circumcision is a common practice among Palestinians, as it is in many cultures and religions around the world. It is often performed for religious or cultural reasons as a rite of passage.

What was the approximate population of first century Palestine?

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Asked by Wiki User

The approximate population of first century Palestine is estimated to be around 1-2 million people. This figure includes a diverse population of Jews, Samaritans, Greeks, Romans, and other ethnic groups.

Which country has the largest number of Palestinians living outside Israel and the Occupied Territories?

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Jordan has the largest number of Palestinians living outside Israel and the Occupied Territories. They make up a significant portion of the population in Jordan, with estimates ranging from 2 million to 3.2 million.

At that time it was still possible to obtain emigration permits to palestine is an allusion to what?

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This phrase is an allusion to the historical context of Jewish migration to Palestine, especially during the time of British control in the early to mid-20th century. It references the challenges and regulations surrounding obtaining permits for Jewish individuals seeking to emigrate to Palestine amidst geopolitical uncertainties and conflicting interests in the region.

What is the setting for letter from Gaza for Ghassan Kanafani?

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The setting of "Letter from Gaza" by Ghassan Kanafani is the Gaza Strip in Palestine. The story depicts the struggles and experiences of Palestinian refugees living in Gaza after being displaced due to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Is there a Palestinian Nation?

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The Palestinian people have a distinct cultural, historical, and political identity, but they do not have full sovereignty over their own nation-state. The status of a Palestinian nation is a complex and contested issue that is closely tied to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

What was the problem in first-century Palestine?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the first century, Palestine experienced political unrest due to Roman occupation, social and economic inequality, religious tensions between Jews and Samaritans, and conflicts among Jewish sects like Pharisees, Sadducees, and Zealots.

How does the Israeli-Palestinian conflict represent the struggle of right against right?

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Understanding the causes behind a situation can help you determine who is truly at fault.

in 3;25 minutes video we have shown 5 Reasons which cause this Attack and this situation.

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Which one do you think is bad palestine or israel?

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Understanding the causes behind a situation can help you determine who is truly at fault.

in 3;25 minutes long video we have shown 5 Reasons which cause this Attack and this situation.

Critical Diaries Official

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