


Middle East

An area comprising the countries of southwest Asia and northeast Africa. In the 20th century, the region has been the continuing scene of political and economic turmoil.

2,570 Questions

What time is 7 o'clock pacific time in the Midele east time zone?

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7 o'clock Pacific Time is 5:00 AM the next day in the Middle East time zone. Middle East Time Zone is typically 10 hours ahead of Pacific Time.

Where are peoples' lives more likely to be affected by earthquakes A Iraq B Israel C Lebanon D Turkey?

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D. Turkey. Turkey is located on a seismically active region called the North Anatolian Fault, making it more prone to earthquakes compared to the other countries listed.

Plastering in hot climate Middle East?

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Plastering in a hot climate like the Middle East requires careful consideration of the materials and techniques used to prevent cracking and ensure longevity. It's important to work in shaded areas and apply the plaster in thin layers to allow for proper drying and minimize the risk of shrinkage cracks. Using additives like accelerators can also help speed up the curing process in hot weather conditions.

An example of a relict boundary is the boundary between?

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An example of a relict boundary is the boundary between East and West Berlin that existed during the Cold War. Even though the city has been reunified, remnants of the physical and ideological divide can still be observed in certain areas.

What do Arabs use to cover their face in a sandstorm?

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Arabs typically use a headdress called a kaffiyeh or a face covering like a shemagh to protect themselves from sandstorms. These garments help shield their face from the blowing sand and dust.

What are the major water features in the Middle East?

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Asked by Iawaygirl

Some major water features in the Middle East include the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the Nile River, the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee, and the Persian Gulf. These water bodies are important for irrigation, transportation, and as a vital source of water in the region.

Where does Aqaba is located?

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Aqaba is a resort town located in the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea in the southern most tip of Jordan. Across the Gulf is Eilat, Israel and Taba, Egypt. Aqaba is Jordan's only seaport.

Aqaba is famous for its clean beaches, warm waters, luxury resorts, and water sports like scuba diving, snorkeling, and wind surfing. Its desert location is also ideal for desert some great activities. Wadi Rum and Petra (one of the new seven wonders of the world) are not far and both are breathtakingly beautiful and great for trekking, climbing, camping, and more. To learn more about Aqaba, visit

What physical and human characteristics does the middle east have?

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The Middle East has a diverse range of physical characteristics, including arid deserts, mountain ranges, and fertile river valleys. Culturally, the region is known for its diverse ethnic and religious groups, such as Arabs, Persians, Kurds, and Jews, as well as Islamic, Christian, and Jewish traditions. The area is also significant historically, as it is considered the birthplace of many early civilizations.

Are there any grasslands in the Middle East?

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Yes, there are some grasslands in the Middle East, particularly in regions like the Iranian Plateau and the Anatolian Plateau. These grasslands support diverse plant and animal species adapted to this environment, despite the arid conditions prevalent in the region.

What type of climate does the middle east have?

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The Middle East generally has a desert climate, with hot and dry conditions. Summers are very hot, with temperatures often exceeding 100°F (38°C), while winters are mild. Rainfall is scarce and irregular, mainly occurring in the winter months.

What is the most common religion in North Africa and the Middle East?

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Islam is the most common religion in North Africa and the Middle East. It is practiced by the majority of the population in countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, and Turkey.

What are the two countries located at the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula?

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Yemen and Oman are the two countries located at the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula.

What acient Greek geographer influenced Arab mapmakers?

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Ptolemy, the ancient Greek geographer, influenced Arab mapmakers through his work on cartography and geography. His detailed maps and writings were translated into Arabic during the Islamic Golden Age, leading to the development of advanced mapmaking methods in the Arab world. Arab mapmakers built upon Ptolemy's ideas and made significant contributions to the field of geography.

Why are the Middle East and North Africa so dry?

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The Middle East and North Africa are dry primarily due to their geographic location within the subtropical high-pressure belts, which create stable atmospheric conditions and prevent the formation of rain clouds. Additionally, the presence of large deserts like the Sahara further contributes to the arid climate in the region.

Name the 3 non-Arab countries in the Middle East?

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The 3 non-Arab countries in the Middle East are Israel, Turkey, and Iran.

Which natural feature forms much of the border between laos and Thailand?

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The Mekong River forms much of the border between Laos and Thailand. It is a major river in Southeast Asia that flows through multiple countries.

What is the difference in job security under a communist state and a free market economy?

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Asked by Fabiola2008

In a communist state, job security is typically more guaranteed as the government controls employment opportunities and aims to provide jobs for all citizens. In contrast, in a free market economy, job security is subject to market fluctuations and individual performance, with less government intervention in job creation or protection.

What continent is Sinai a part of?

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Sinai Peninsula is located in Egypt and is a part of the African continent.

Are there Joshua trees in the middle east?

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No, Joshua trees are native to the southwestern United States. They are not found in the Middle East.

Southwest Asia physical features?

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Southwest Asia is marked by diverse physical features including deserts (such as the Arabian Desert and the Syrian Desert), mountain ranges (like the Zagros Mountains and the Taurus Mountains), and water bodies (such as the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf). The region also experiences varying climates ranging from arid in the desert regions to more temperate in the mountainous areas.

What are the two biggest countries in the middle east?

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Algeria is the largest country in the Middle East at 2.4 million kilometers squared. Saudi Arabia is the second largest country in the Middle East at 2.2 million square kilometers.

(If you do not count Algeria, because it is, strictly-speaking in North Africa, then the largest country becomes Saudi Arabia and the second largest is Iran.)

Rivers in southwest Asia?

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Some major rivers in Southwest Asia include the Euphrates and Tigris in Iraq, the Jordan River flowing through Israel, Jordan, and Palestine, and the Nile River in Egypt. These rivers are vital sources of water for agriculture, industry, and human consumption in the region.

What kind of animals are on K2 mountain?

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Actually, there are few animals in the higher Karakoram ranges. Some large sheep, the Marco Polo sheep, the very rare snow leopard, and some birds here and there, but there are very few, if any, large mammals such as bears. There is no food for big animals like that.