


Kuwait is a small Muslim nation on the Arabian peninsula. It borders Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and the Persian Gulf. It gained its independence from Britain in 1961. It was invaded by Iraq in 1990 but was liberated by UN coalition forces in early 1991.

655 Questions

Which direction sun rise in Kuwait?

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The sun travels from east to west regardless of whether you're in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere.

Although we say the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the actual map directions range from rising north-east and setting north-west in the summer to rising south-east and setting south-west in the winter.

How many sq km is Kuwait?

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Kuwait covers approximately 17,820 square kilometers.

What is the lowest temperature recorded in Kuwait?

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The lowest temperature recorded in Kuwait was 2.2°C (36°F) in January 1964.

Is Kuwait near to the equator?

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No, Kuwait is not near the equator. It is situated in the Middle East, closer to the Tropic of Cancer than the equator.

What are the Physical features of Kuwait?

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Kuwait is a flat country with a desert landscape predominantly consisting of sand dunes, gravel plains, and salt flats. It has a coastline along the Persian Gulf and is characterized by extreme temperatures and low annual rainfall. The country is also known for its oil fields and oil lakes due to its rich oil reserves.

What is the absolute location of Kuwait?

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If you mean Mexico City, it is in (19°25'57.85'' N 99°07'59.71'' W). However, Mexico the country is pretty big (1,972,550 km2 or 761,606 sq mi) so the exact location would be North America, just south of the United States.

What is the absolute location of Kuwait City Kuwait?

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The absolute location of Kuwait City, Kuwait is approximately 29.3759° N latitude and 47.9774° E longitude.

What is the literacy rate of Kuwait?

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Literacy of Iraq:

definition: age 15 and over can read and write

total population: 74.1%

male: 84.1%

female: 64.2% (2000 est.)

From the CIA World Factbook

Is it permissible to bring a Bible into Kuwait if you have a Visa?

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Yes, it is generally permissible to bring a Bible into Kuwait for personal use. However, it is recommended to check with Kuwaiti customs regulations and guidelines to ensure that there are no restrictions or requirements for bringing religious materials into the country.

Which universities teach Arabic in Kuwait?

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I do not have a complete list although I do know for a fact that UC Berkeley in California has a great program, and I also know that the University of Washington has an Arabic program where undergraduates can achieve their Bachelors in Arabic Studies

Popular food in Kuwait?

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Food Nearly Always Contains Rice, Accompanied by Chicken, Meat Or Fish..

Examples Of Dishes are:

Machboos (or Majboos) Can Be Served With Chicken Or Lamb..

Mutabbaq (Layered fish and Rice)

What is Pizza Hut telephone number in Kuwait?

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What is the telephone country code for Kuwait?

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Kuwait is country code +965. There are no city codes or area codes. All numbers (except +965 18 numbers) have 8 digits after the country code.

Landline numbers begin with +965 2.

Mobile numbers begin with +965 5 (Viva), +965 6 (Wataniya Telecom), or +965 9 (Zain).

(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)

Why did Bush Sr get mad when Saddam invaded Kuwait?

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Saddam was going to mess up the oil industry. All because of economics.

What was one reason why Iraq invasion of Kuwait prompted an international response?

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Depending on whether you see the best in people or the worst in people, you can choose between one of these reasons:

1) Kuwait was a sovereign nation and the capture and subjugation of a free and independent nation is something the International Community will not abide.

2) Kuwait is a major oil producer and the conquest of Kuwait was sure to drive oil production down and oil prices up.

What is Kuwait's currency?

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it is Kuwaiti Dinar

Are most Kuwaiti penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

In all country's where the Muslim religion is prevalent circumcision is the prevalent practice. By and large aside from Israel where the Jewish practice the same forms of genital mutilation on their children all other nations of the world. leave their children's genitals intact. that is of all the worlds men somewhere in the region of 15% 0f men are circumcised, the rest are undamaged.

Will the Iraqi dinar revalue like the Kuwait dinar?

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The Iraqi dinar has been in process of change since the issue of the New Iraqi Dinar in late 2004. ....Central Bank of Iraq financial statements indicate that the redemption of the old Saddam dinar and the old swiss dinar came to a total of around 7 trillion dinar. ....Those same financial statements indicate that the Central Bank of Iraq has been expanding the paper currency supply each and every year since then, and the current currency level is well over 32 trillion dinar. ....One must also consider that their current broad money supply is around 70 trillion dinar(the actual amount that must be revalued). .....These actions indicate that the Iraqi dinar is in fact going to go through a re denomination, and possibly then go through a series of revaluations in returning to a place of prominence among its regional currency partners.

...The Kuwaiti dinar was not subject to a grand revaluation back in 1990, but rather the victim of a loss of confidence following the invasion of the country by Saddam Hussein. Savvy speculators did make a nice gain on the currency when the rate returned to its previous levels. ......But many of the tales just don't add up. .....One must take into consideration that even to this day, there are only about 6.5 billion physical Kuwait dinar in existence.

How large is Kuwait?

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Area: 17,820 sq. km.

How many hours it will take from India to Kuwait?

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It is 1,948 miles between Kuwait and India. The estimated flight time between these locations is 4 hours and 24 minutes.

What type of government does Kuwait have?

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Kuwait is a nominal constitutional monarhcy

What is the post code for hawally Kuwait?

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What is the zipcode of hawally nugra

Is Kuwait a land form or water?

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The water.

What are the names of landmarks in Kuwait?

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topkapi palace