

Unemployment Benefits

Payments made by a government, state, or other authorized body to people drawing unemployment.

1,323 Questions

How does a recession affect us?

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A recession can impact us by leading to job loss, decreased consumer spending, lower wages, and reduced economic growth. This can result in financial hardship for individuals and businesses, as well as potential cuts to essential services. Overall, a recession can have widespread negative effects on the economy and people's well-being.

Is it true that in the calculation of nation's unemployment rate un-employees who stopped receiving unemployment benefits are not counted?

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Yes, that is correct. In the calculation of a nation's unemployment rate, individuals who have stopped receiving unemployment benefits are still considered unemployed if they are actively seeking work. They would be classified as part of the labor force and counted in the unemployment rate.

Why is the use of manipulatives important in the teaching pattern recognition and extension?

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Using manipulatives helps students visualize and understand patterns in a concrete way, making abstract concepts more tangible and engaging. It allows students to physically manipulate objects to identify, predict, and extend patterns, enhancing their understanding and retention of the mathematical concepts involved. Manipulatives also cater to different learning styles and provide opportunities for hands-on learning, helping students develop problem-solving skills in a more interactive manner.

What does message 999 mean when checking your ct unemployment claim?

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The specific meaning of message 999 may vary depending on the context of the Connecticut unemployment system. It is best to contact the Connecticut Department of Labor or check their website for information on what message 999 indicates for a claim.

If your company files chapter 11 do you qualify for unemployment if you are only a part-time worker?

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Whether or not you qualify for unemployment benefits after your company files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as a part-time worker depends on the specific eligibility criteria set by your state's unemployment agency. Generally, part-time workers may be eligible for unemployment benefits if they meet certain requirements such as earning a minimum amount of wages or working a minimum number of hours. It is recommended to check with your state's unemployment agency for detailed information regarding eligibility in your particular situation.

Can a 17 year old get unemployment benefits?

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If you worked long enough. Check your State's requirements for req'd term & has to be involuntary quit.

How do you feel about working overtime?

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Many people feel that working overtime is a bonus, especially when it doesn't happen often. Working overtime is extra money in a persons pocket.

Can you still get your unemployment benefits if you are in prison?

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I would say no in Ky. You have to be available to work and you have to be actively looking for employment.

Does unemployment pay for schooling?

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If you need additional training in order to get the same job you had or something better, there may be funds available. You would need to talk to one of the employment counselors to see what you qualify for.

Can you still collect unemployment benefits if you get sick and have no other source of income?

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No. The only thing you might be able to collect is 'Disability Insurance'. Unemployment Insurance comes into play only when a person has been laid off from active employment - people are not laid off for medical illnesses.

Can you collect unemployment benefits in New York State if you received a lump sum severance payment that is equal to 10 months of pay?

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The answer may be qualified if the payment in any way falls under allowance for vacation or something similar, the Related Link below may address the issue. Delay of benefits may occur for a period represented by the amount of severance pay compared to unemployment benefits for the period. Time plays a big part, so check the Link and other portions as it relates to New York.

Can you collect New York State unemployment benefits if you get laid off because you are pregnant?

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Yes you can otherwise it would be discrimination. Even if your employer laid you off because you were pregnant it is discrimination as well.

Apparently you can, especially if you did not lose your job because you QUIT due to the pregnancy. Refer to the item "Does pregnancy affect my eligibility?" in the Related Link below. However, like other claimants, you have to be ready, willing and able to seek employment.(??)

How long must you work on a job to receive unemployment benefits in NY?

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Besides the monetary requirements, the normal period of employment (total time) must be in at least 2 quarters of the base period (the first 4 of the last 5 complete calendar quarters). If you don't qualify then, there is an Alternate method of determining work period. If you still don't qualify, then the last quarter worked for an employer would be used. However, once a method has been chosen, you cannot go back and re-figure a new method, so be careful and discuss the option with the state.

In the state of Illinois must unemployment benefits be deducted from Social Security benefits?

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It's the other way around. Half the amount of your Social Security benefits are deducted from Illinois' unemployment benefits. Illinois is one of only three states that still applies a 50% offset to unemployment.

Where is the rockland county unemployment office located?

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Rockland CountyåÊis aåÊcountyåÊin theåÊU.S. stateåÊofåÊNew York. Located 15 miles (24åÊkm) northwest ofåÊManhattanåÊand part of theåÊNew York City Metropolitan Area, it is the southernmost county in New York west of theåÊHudson River, and the smallest county by area in New York outside ofåÊNew York City.

How long can a person collect unemployment benefits in the state of North Carolina?

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The standard period of benefits is from 13 to 26 weeks, depending on the formula in the Related Link below. Then the federal extension would kick in, for whatever period that would be.

Can you collect Social Security and unemployment in Washington state?

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No. They ask each week, were you ABLE and available for work. If you are unable to work then you are supposed to notify them and they WILL discontinue your benefits until you notify them that you ARE ABLE to work again. Sometimes a Doctor's note is required to get back ON unemployment, depending on the injury or illness. IMO... If ou are dependent on unemploment right now... I would not tell them about any injuries or illness unless it's really, really serious. They will cut you off. This last part, of course, is just my personal opinion. YMMV.

Can you receive unemployment benefits and Social Security benefits at the same time in Illinois?

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Yes, but unfortunately, Illinois and Louisiana are the only states that have not changed the law that deducts money from unemployment payments to people who also receive social security

Here's the formula in Illinois -- multiply your monthly social security payment by 12 (months). Divide that amount by 52 (weeks). Divide that amount in half and that's the amount that will be deducted from your weekly unemployment payment. If you have a dependent, usually a spouse, the amount might be a little different. But not by much.

Realize the unemployment benefits are reduced, not the Social Security benefits. Your Social Security benefits will continue at the expected rate.


$1,200 monthly social security payment x 12 months = $14,400

$14,400 / 52 weeks = $279.92 / 2 = $139.96

eligible for $385 weekly unemployment payment - $139.96 = $245.04 is your weekly unemployment payment

This unfair law can only be repealed by the State Legislature. Illinois AARP has made it a priority. To help or for more information, please contact Ryan Gruenenfelder at Illinois AARPFor more information, see Sources and Related Links and the Related Question Link, below.

What is the statute of Limitation for overpayments of unemployment benefits in New Jersey?

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Does NJ Have a statute of limitation for overpayment of uc benefits. I received a notice that they overpayed me in 1994. I have heard nothing from them until now. They state they have a judgement and will garnish my salary. How can they do this 19 1/2 years later without any notice prior to this. I do not have records from back then and cannot prove if I did or didn't receive an over payment.

Can you collect Pennsylvania unemployment if you move to Florida?

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Yes, as long as you qualified for it in Pennsylvania, before the move. There is an interstate agreement between all states that allow a person moving to not lose his benefits if he followed the rules pertaining to same. The mere act of moving, however, does not make one eligible for the benefits.

How do you calculate the New York state unemployment benefits?

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In New Jersey, each week you get 60% of your average weekly pay you had received during the base year (the first 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters) up to a maximum of $584 (in 2009) for a maximum of 26 weeks. You're paid one week of benefits for each week you worked in the base year. If you worked less than 26 weeks (the period of initial benefits), then you'd multiply the number of those weeks times the amount figured above and that would be the maximum benefits you would be entitled to. See the related Links below for examples on the computation.