


Labor and Employment Law

Labor law or employment law deals with the legal rights of employees and employers. It defines what working conditions are allowable by law, particularly with regard to compensation, work environment, health and safety, and penalties.

8,118 Questions

How are density and salinity related?

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Density and salinity are directly related in seawater - as salinity increases, the density of seawater also increases. This is because dissolved salts and other substances in seawater add mass without significantly changing the volume, thereby increasing the overall density. Conversely, a decrease in salinity will lead to a decrease in density.

What is considered part time hours in Colorado?

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In Colorado, part-time hours are typically defined as working fewer than 40 hours per week. However, there may be variations based on company policies or industry standards. It is recommended to check with the employer or refer to Colorado labor laws for specific guidelines.

Name 3 factors that can lead to workplace hygiene problems?

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  1. Lack of proper cleaning and sanitation procedures.
  2. Poor ventilation and air quality.
  3. Insufficient access to handwashing facilities and hygiene products.

What did Craig venter discover?

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Craig Venter is a biologist who is known for leading the private effort to sequence the human genome in the early 2000s. He also played a key role in creating the first synthetic life form, a bacterium with a completely synthesized genome.

Does an employer have to hire both conjoined twins?

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No, an employer is not required to hire both conjoined twins. Employment decisions should be based on qualifications, skills, and abilities related to the job role, regardless of the twins' unique circumstance. Denying employment based on the condition of being conjoined twins may be considered discrimination.

Temperature salinity and density are factors that form?

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Temperature, salinity, and density are factors that form thermohaline circulation, which drives the global ocean currents. Temperature affects the water's density, with colder water being denser. Salinity also plays a role, with higher salinity making water more dense. Together, these factors influence the movement of water around the world's oceans.

Can you have a felony and work for KBR?

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KBR's employment policies vary, but having a felony record may affect your ability to work for the company. It is best to reach out to KBR directly to inquire about their specific hiring policies regarding candidates with felony convictions.

What is the percentage of 0.63?

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Asked by Wiki User

.63 is also 63% or 63/100.

(432 x .63) is the same as (63% of 432) which is the same as (432 x 63/100).

Strongest to weakest earthquakes?

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  1. Great earthquakes: magnitude 8.0 or higher, capable of causing widespread and severe damage.
  2. Major earthquakes: magnitude 7.0-7.9, significant damage likely in populated areas.
  3. Strong earthquakes: magnitude 6.0-6.9, can cause damage to buildings in populated areas.
  4. Moderate earthquakes: magnitude 5.0-5.9, minor to moderate damage possible, felt by people.

How many hours constitutes part time work in England?

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Part-time work in England is generally considered to be anything that is less than the standard full-time working hours, which is typically around 35-40 hours per week. This could vary depending on the industry and employer, but part-time work could range from a few hours per week to around 30 hours per week.

What is the longitude and latitude of Spokane Washington?

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Spokane, Washington has a latitude of 47.6588° N and a longitude of 117.4260° W.

Mars model of organisational behaviour?

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The Mars model of organizational behavior focuses on individual behavior, organizational behavior, and results in organizations. It highlights the interactions between these three components and how they influence each other. The model emphasizes the importance of aligning individual behavior with organizational goals to achieve desired outcomes.

Why was Parliament house built?

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Parliament House was built to serve as the meeting place for the Australian Parliament, where Members of Parliament gather to debate and make decisions on national issues. The building was specifically designed to accommodate the functions of the Parliament, including housing the Senate and House of Representatives chambers.

If level 1 snow emergency do government workers work?

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During a level 1 snow emergency, government workers are expected to report to work as usual. This level indicates that roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. However, employees should take caution and follow safety guidelines when traveling to work.

Difference between specific job training and general job training?

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While general training provides an overview of the IT industry, role-specific training sharpens the skills required for specialized professions.

Can a newly elected sheriff make everyone deputies and appoint his own supervisory staff.?

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It depends on the laws governing the sheriff's department in that particular jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions may allow the newly elected sheriff to make such appointments, while others may have restrictions or guidelines in place to prevent wholesale changes. It's important for the sheriff to adhere to the local laws and regulations when making such decisions.

What happens when you get fired from work?

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When you get fired from work, you are typically asked to leave the job immediately. You may be provided with severance pay or other benefits depending on the circumstances. It's important to review your employment contract and understand your rights and options moving forward.

How many days are in a common year?

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There are 365 days in a normal year, with 366 in a leap year.

Can an employee have 1 child support and 2 garnishments at the same time?

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Yes, it is possible for an employee to have child support and multiple garnishments at the same time. These obligations can be enforced simultaneously as long as they are within the limits set by federal and state law.

How many breaks allowed in a day?

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The number of breaks allowed in a day can vary depending on company policy, industry regulations, and labor laws. However, typical breaks include a lunch break and two shorter breaks during an 8-hour workday.

What are What are facts about the nucleus?

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The nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells that contains the cell's genetic material. It is responsible for controlling the cell's activities, including cell growth, metabolism, and reproduction. The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane called the nuclear envelope and contains structures such as the nucleolus, chromatin, and nucleoplasm.

Characteristics of grievances?

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Grievances are formal complaints raised by employees regarding workplace issues such as unfair treatment, discrimination, harassment, or violation of company policies. They are typically addressed through established grievance procedures to ensure a fair resolution and maintain a positive work environment. Grievances can help identify underlying problems in the organization and prevent future conflicts.

Should manager attempt to motivate employees with different ethnic backgrounds all in the same manner?

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It is important for managers to be sensitive to cultural differences when motivating employees with different ethnic backgrounds. Tailoring motivation strategies to reflect cultural diversity can help ensure that all employees feel valued and engaged. Managers should strive to create an inclusive and understanding work environment that respects the uniqueness of each individual.

Can a part time employee be forced to work full time?

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In most cases, a part-time employee cannot be forced to work full-time hours without their consent. Employers are generally required to abide by the terms of the employee's part-time contract. If the employer wants to make a change to the employee's working hours, they should discuss it with the employee and come to a mutual agreement.