


Industrial Revolution

Started in the United Kingdom, and spanning from the 18th to the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution brought a profound and lasting effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the world with the great changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and technology. It was a major turning point in human history.

4,304 Questions

Why did the gap between rich and poor countries widen so much during the industrial revolution?

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During the industrial revolution, wealthy countries experienced significant economic growth due to technological advancements and increased production. This led to a widening gap between rich and poor countries as those with industrial capabilities were able to leverage them for greater wealth, leaving others behind in terms of development and prosperity. Additionally, colonialism and exploitative practices further exacerbated the disparities between nations.

Is it likely that a dark colored moths existed before the Industrial Revolution?

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Yes, dark colored moths likely existed before the Industrial Revolution. The dark coloration in moths can be attributed to genetic variations that provide camouflage against predators, regardless of human-induced environmental changes.

What does grey revolution refers to?

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Grey revolution refers to the development and modernization of the iron and steel industry in India during the late 1960s and early 1970s. This revolution aimed to increase steel production in the country and promote industrial growth. It played a significant role in boosting India's economy and infrastructure.

What gave Great Britain a head start in the Industrial Revolution?

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Great Britain had abundant natural resources such as coal and iron, a stable political and legal system that supported innovation and entrepreneurship, a large labor force due to population growth, and a strong network of transportation and communication infrastructure that allowed for the movement of goods and ideas. These factors combined to give Great Britain a head start in the Industrial Revolution.

How do you improve the Quality of life for people in poorer countries?

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Improving the quality of life in poorer countries involves tackling issues like access to education, healthcare, clean water, and sustainable economic opportunities. This can be achieved through initiatives such as investment in infrastructure, healthcare systems, education programs, and job creation. Collaborating with local communities and organizations to address their specific needs and challenges is also crucial for sustainable development and improving quality of life.

What is the relationship between coal and the Industrial Revolution?

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Coal played a crucial role in fueling the Industrial Revolution. Coal was used as a primary source of energy to power steam engines that drove machinery, trains, and other industrial processes. The availability and abundance of coal allowed for the rapid expansion of industries, leading to significant economic and social changes during this period.

When England became industrialized soot from factories helped which moths survive?

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During the industrial revolution in England, the peppered moth population shifted from predominantly light to dark individuals due to pollution from factories. Dark moths were better camouflaged on soot-covered tree trunks, providing them with an advantage in avoiding predators.

What greenhouse gases increased significantly after the Industrial Revolution?

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Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are the primary greenhouse gases that have significantly increased after the Industrial Revolution due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These emissions contribute to global warming and climate change.

In single replacemant reactions metals lower on the activity chart replace higher metals on a higher chart true of false?

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Asked by Bm73hb56

True. Metals lower on the activity chart are more reactive and can displace metals higher on the chart in single replacement reactions. This is because the more reactive metal is better able to give up electrons and form positive ions in the reaction.

A long-term result of the Industrial Revolution in Europe was?

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the transformation of economies from agriculture-based to industry-based, urbanization as people moved to cities for factory jobs, and an increase in technological advancements and innovation.

An industry identified in your textbook as one with mixed blessing for the Caribbean region is?

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The tourism industry is often identified as having mixed blessings for the Caribbean region. While tourism brings in significant revenue and job opportunities, it can also lead to issues such as environmental degradation, cultural exploitation, and economic dependency on a single industry.

Before the industrial revolution how was work complete?

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Before the Industrial Revolution people were working from home on farms or in workshops.

Name three results of the Industrial Revolution?

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  1. Urbanization: The Industrial Revolution led to the growth of cities as people moved from rural areas to urban centers in search of employment in factories.
  2. Technological advancements: The revolution spurred the development of new technologies, such as steam engines and mechanized production methods, which transformed industries and improved efficiency.
  3. Economic changes: The Industrial Revolution contributed to the rise of capitalism and the expansion of global trade, leading to increased wealth and economic growth in many parts of the world.

Developed industrial alloys and synthetics?

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Industrial alloys are engineered materials that combine two or more metals to improve properties like strength or corrosion resistance. Synthetics are man-made materials created through chemical synthesis to have specific characteristics or properties. These materials play a crucial role in various industries, from manufacturing to construction, by offering tailored solutions to meet specific needs and requirements.

How many immigrants com during in 1830-1890?

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During the years 1830-1890, over 7.5 million immigrants arrived in the United States. The largest waves of immigration during this period came from Germany, Ireland, and Scandinavia, driven by factors such as political unrest, economic hardship, and the promise of new opportunities in America.

What was the impact of factory system on family life?

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The factory system led to families being separated as individuals were required to work long hours in factories away from home. This disrupted traditional family dynamics and often resulted in children and spouses working in different locations, making it difficult to maintain close family bonds. Additionally, the demands of factory work left little time for leisure or domestic responsibilities, further straining family relationships.

What advances in transportation and communications helped spread the Industrial Revolution?

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Advances in transportation, such as the steam engine and railway systems, allowed for faster movement of goods and people, facilitating trade and industrial expansion. Meanwhile, improvements in communication, like the telegraph, enabled quicker transmission of information, helping businesses coordinate operations and reach larger markets during the Industrial Revolution.

Why is the production of seed one of the most important links in the agriculture industry?

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The production of seed is vital in agriculture because it ensures the availability of high-quality planting material that determines the yield and quality of crops. Good quality seeds lead to better disease resistance, increased productivity, and improved crop characteristics. The seed industry plays a crucial role in supporting food security and sustainable agriculture practices.

Should the Waterford Crystal Logo always used same font on the stamp placed on the bottom of crystal pieces?

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Yes, it is important to maintain consistency in branding, including using the same font for the Waterford Crystal logo on all crystal pieces. This helps build brand recognition and trust among customers, as they learn to associate that specific font with the quality and authenticity of Waterford Crystal products.

When did Waterford Crystal introduce the pattern Maureen?

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Asked by Maureenberndt

Waterford Crystal introduced the Maureen pattern in the early 1950s. It features a classic cut design with intricate detailing, popular among collectors and enthusiasts for its elegance and craftsmanship.

What factors helped to promote the US's industrial growth during the period from 1860 to 1900?

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Key factors that promoted US industrial growth from 1860 to 1900 included technological advancements, such as the development of the Bessemer process for steel production, abundant natural resources like coal and iron ore, a growing population leading to increased demand for goods, and government policies that favored industrial development, such as protective tariffs. Additionally, the expansion of railroads and improved transportation infrastructure played a significant role in facilitating the distribution of goods across the country.

Does a 240V circuit require a dedicated line?

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Yes, a 240V circuit typically requires a dedicated line due to the higher voltage and power requirements. This ensures that the circuit can handle the load without overloading or tripping the breaker. Sharing a circuit with other appliances could cause issues with voltage drop or overloading.

Are trampolines with enclosures ok in a fenced in yard?

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Yes, trampolines with enclosures are safe to use in a fenced-in yard as long as the trampoline is properly secured and the enclosure is in good condition. The fence adds an extra layer of protection to keep both users and the trampoline itself safe from outside interference. It's important to still follow safety guidelines and supervise its use, especially for children.

What role did technology play in the construction of the panama canal and empire building?

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The construction of the Panama Canal, one of the most impressive engineering feats of the 20th century, was heavily influenced by technology. The canal, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, was built between 1904 and 1914, and its construction was a testament to the power of technology in facilitating empire building.

Technological Advancements

Several technological advancements played a crucial role in the construction of the Panama Canal:

1. Excavation Machinery

The introduction of steam-powered excavators, such as the Bucyrus steam shovel, enabled the excavation of massive amounts of earth and rock. These machines increased efficiency and reduced the manual labor required, making it possible to complete the project in a relatively short period.

2. Locks and Dam Systems

The development of lock and dam systems allowed for the creation of a waterway that could accommodate ships of varying sizes. The locks, which raise and lower ships between the two oceans, were a technological marvel at the time.

3. Railroad and Transportation Systems

The construction of the Panama Railroad, which ran parallel to the canal, facilitated the transportation of workers, equipment, and materials. This railroad system was a critical component of the construction process.

4. Medical Technology

The discovery of the role of mosquitoes in transmitting diseases such as malaria and yellow fever led to the development of preventive measures, including mosquito netting and insecticides. This reduced the incidence of disease among workers, making it possible to complete the project.

Empire Building

The construction of the Panama Canal was a key component of empire building for the United States. The canal:

1. Established the United States as a Global Power

The completion of the Panama Canal cemented the United States' position as a global power, demonstrating its ability to undertake and complete large-scale engineering projects.

2. Facilitated Global Trade

The canal reduced travel time and increased trade between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, solidifying the United States' position as a dominant player in global commerce.

3. Expanded American Influence

The construction of the Panama Canal marked the beginning of American expansion into Central America, with the United States exerting significant influence over the region's politics and economy.

In conclusion, technology played a vital role in the construction of the Panama Canal, enabling the creation of a waterway that revolutionized global trade and commerce. The canal's construction was a testament to American ingenuity and engineering prowess, solidifying the United States' position as a global power and facilitating empire building.

Why was the expansion or colonization important for the industrial revolution in England?

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Colonies provided a market for finished goods or Colonies provided cheap labor. Colonies provided England with raw materials.