



Despite being the world's second largest country, Canada only has 33 million people. Questions on its people, places and past are welcome here.

12,218 Questions

How long can you stay in the US with a visa if traveling from England?

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The duration of your stay in the United States would depend upon the type of visa you are having. Here is the general overview:

  • Tourist Visa, B-2: Normally, they allow you to stay up to 6 months per visit. The actual period is determined by CBP, the Customs and Border Protection officer, at the port of entry.
  • Business Visa (B-1): Usually allows you to stay six months at a time, though the actual period of stay is left up to the CBP officer.
  • Student Visa (F-1): For the duration of your studies, plus 60 days' grace period to make preparation for your departure.
  • Work Visa (H-1B, L-1, etc.):The validity varies for various types of visas. For H-1B, it can be as long as 3 years in the first instance. Further extensions are possible.

Always check your visa conditions and contact the US Embassy in the UK or an immigration attorney for detailed advice depending on the type of your visa and particular situation.

In what country is Toronto?

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Toronto is the largest city, in the second largest country on Earth: Canada. Canada is located immediately north of the 'lower 48' states of the US. Toronto is located on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario, one of North America's five "Great Lakes.

What are the north Canada's people called?

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The indigenous people of northern Canada are known as the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. These groups have distinct cultures, languages, and histories that have shaped the region for thousands of years.

What states do you drive through traveling from New York to Canada?

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When driving from New York to Canada, you may pass through states such as New Jersey if you take the route through Buffalo, or Vermont if you take the route through Montreal. The exact states you drive through can vary depending on your specific starting point and destination within Canada.

What Canada cities are on the same longitude as Anchorage Alaska?

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No place in Canada has the same longitude that Anchorage has.

However, Destruction Bay and Frances Lake in the Yukon Territory, Nahanni Butte

and Rat River in the Northwest Territories, Ennadai and Eskimo Point in Nunavut,

and Resolution Island in Quebec, have very nearly the same latitude that Anchorage has.

Which Territories are partially or completely included between 90w and 110w?

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Some territories that are partially or completely included between 90W and 110W longitude include Mexico, parts of Central America, and various Pacific islands such as the Galapagos Islands and French Polynesia. This region also includes parts of the United States, such as parts of California and Nevada.

What is a time difference between Toronto and New York?

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Toronto is almost always 1 hour ahead of Houston.

6 AM CST (Houston Nov-Mar) =
7 AM EST (Toronto Nov-Mar) =
7 AM CDT (Houston Mar-Nov) =
8 AM EDT (Toronto Mar-Nov)

How many times does Belgium fit in Canada?

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Belgium is about 20 times smaller than Canada in terms of land area.

What geologic process created the Canadian shield topography?

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The Canadian Shield's topography was created through a combination of volcanic activity, tectonic forces, and erosion over billions of years. This region experienced volcanic eruptions, mountain-building events, and glaciation, shaping its rugged landscape of ancient rocks and boreal forests.

What are some important landforms in the prairie provinces?

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Some important landforms in the prairie provinces of Canada, such as Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, include rolling grasslands, badlands, river valleys, and the Canadian Shield. These landforms play a significant role in shaping the natural environment, agriculture, and ecosystems of the region.

Is The Canadian Shield is a highland geological feature that has almost no natural resources?

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The Canadian Shield is indeed a highland geological feature comprising mostly bare rock. While there are limited natural resources in certain areas of the shield, such as minerals and forestry, it is generally characterized by its lack of fertile soil and agricultural potential.

Why does Vancouver have so many earthquakes?

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Vancouver is located near the Cascadia Subduction Zone, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate. This tectonic activity creates a high potential for seismic activity, leading to earthquakes in the region.

Where is Prince Edward islands located?

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Prince Edward Island is located in eastern Canada, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is the smallest province in Canada and is known for its beautiful beaches, red sandstone cliffs, and agricultural landscapes.

What two mountain systems dominate the westren portion of the US and Canada?

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The Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians Mountains are the two largest mountain systems in North America.

The largest mountain range in North America are the Rocky Mountains.

The second Largest mountain range is the Appleachians.

How much snow did canada get last year?

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Snowfall amounts can vary greatly across Canada due to its vast size and differing climates. In general, Canadian cities such as Vancouver receive around 25-30 cm of snow annually, whereas cities like Montreal can receive upwards of 200 cm. The amount of snowfall in a particular year can also fluctuate depending on weather patterns.

What time does the sunrise in ca?

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The time of sunrise in California can vary depending on the specific location within the state. On average, the sunrise in California is typically between 6:30 AM and 7:00 AM. You can check a local weather website or app for the exact time of sunrise in your specific area.

How long does it take to fly across Canada?

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This is the holy grail of ambiguous questions if there ever was one. First off, we don't know where in the US you are flying from OR where you are flying to in Canada. You could be flying from Detroit to Toronto, or you could be flying from Orlando to Vancouver, or perhaps from Anchorage to Vancouver. There is a potential difference of thousands of miles here. Please give some more details.

How large is Canada in square kilometer?

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Canada is approximately 9.98 million square kilometers in size, making it the second largest country in the world by land area.

Can Canadian buy online drugs?

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Yes, Canadian's can buy drugs online, but there is a catch.

You CANNOT import drugs from OUTSIDE of Canada so make sure you buy from a Canadian Online Pharmacy. is a pharmacy that operates out of CANADA supplying mail-order medication to Canadians as well as the rest of the world.

Remember, you DO need to submit a prescription! Be carefull NOT to get scamed with the many "canandian" pharamcies that are not really from Canada and say you don't need a prescription, those are simply ILLIGAL.

Is tundra a common climate region in Canada?

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Yes, tundra is a common climate region in northern Canada, particularly in the Arctic regions. The characteristic features of the tundra include low temperatures, short growing seasons, and a lack of trees due to the frozen, poor-quality soil.

What is the average climate in Canada's core region?

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The average climate in Canada's core region varies, but it generally experiences cold winters with heavy snowfall and warm summers. The region can also have unpredictable weather patterns with temperature fluctuations throughout the year. Overall, Canada's core region has a diverse climate due to its large geographic area.

What is a bigger island cape Breton island or Vancouver island?

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Vancouver Island, located off the coast of British Columbia, is larger than Cape Breton Island, which is part of Nova Scotia. Vancouver Island has an area of approximately 12,000 square kilometers, while Cape Breton Island has an area of about 10,300 square kilometers.

What sound is north of Victorie Island?

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The Arctic Ocean; Victorie Island is located in the Arctic Ocean and if you head north from there, you will encounter the sound of wind, waves, and possibly wildlife typical of the Arctic environment.

What line of latitude crosses Hudson Bay in Canada?

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Canada extends from 41°42' north to 83°06' north ... a span of more than 41 degrees of latitude.

There is no official set of lines to which you're limited or restricted, and you're welcome to draw

as many or as few lines in this range as you're comfortable with.