


History of Canada

Canada is the second largest country in the world with the fourth lowest population density in the world. It is the land of the maple leaf, moose and beaver. Got questions? Place them here and a "Canuck" may even answer.

5,126 Questions

How did amor de cosmos get rich?

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Amor De Cosmos, born William Alexander Smith, made his wealth primarily through his work as a journalist and publisher in British Columbia. He also invested in real estate and successfully speculated in land investments, contributing to his financial success.

What Father of confederation from British Columbia changed his name to love of the universe?

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The Father of Confederation from British Columbia who changed his name to "Love of the Universe" was Amor De Cosmos. He was a prominent political figure who played a key role in advocating for British Columbia's entry into Confederation and later changed his name to reflect his beliefs in universal love and peace.

How many km did Terry Fox have left to complete his run?

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Terry Fox had just over 5,000 km left to complete his Marathon of Hope when he was forced to stop due to a reoccurrence of cancer.

Why was Simon Fraser the explorer famous?

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Simon Fraser was famous for leading a series of expeditions in the early 19th century to explore and map western Canada, particularly in the area that is now British Columbia. He is best known for descending the Fraser River in 1808, which was the first recorded journey by a European through what is now interior British Columbia. His explorations greatly contributed to the knowledge of the geography and resources of the region.

What is the territory immediately east to the Yukon Territory?

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The territory immediately east of the Yukon Territory is the Northwest Territories.

What kind of plants are there in the Atlantic region?

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In the Atlantic region, you can find a variety of plant species, including salt-tolerant mangroves along the coast, many species of hardwood trees in the forests like oak and maple, and a variety of shrubs and grasses in the wetlands and marshes. The region's flora is diverse and adapted to both the coastal environment and the inland forests.

How did 16 mile creek get its name?

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16 Mile Creek got its name based on its distance from Hamilton, Ontario. The creek is approximately sixteen miles away from the city, which is how it got its name.

In which country is the province of British Columbia?

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The province of British Columbia is located in Canada.

When and where was sir Isaac Isaacs born?

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Sir Isaac Isaacs was born on August 6, 1855, in Melbourne, Australia.

What are the physical regions of Toronto?

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Toronto is geographically divided into multiple regions such as Downtown Core, East End, West End, North York, Scarborough, and Etobicoke. Each region offers unique neighborhoods, attractions, and amenities for residents and visitors to explore.

What two climate types does the far north of Canada have?

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The far north of Canada experiences a tundra climate, characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers. Some areas in the far north, closer to the Arctic Circle, also have an ice cap climate with permanent ice and very cold temperatures year-round.

Is Manitoba earthquake free?

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Manitoba tends to experience fewer earthquakes compared to other regions in Canada, as it is situated in a relatively stable geological area. However, small, low-magnitude earthquakes can still occur sporadically in the region.

How many people died in the 1929 tsunami?

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The Newfoundland government has an excellent page devoted to this. There are a handful of photos as well as facts and figures about this disaster:

A tsunami struck the east coast of Canada on 18 November 1929. It was triggered by an underwater earthquake off the Grand Banks.

28 were killed, and hundreds left homeless. 25 drowned and 3 died of related shock.

When was the warmest December ever in Edmonton?

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The warmest December on record in Edmonton was in 1939, when the average temperature for the month was 0.2 degrees Celsius.

Canada Prairie provinces river draining?

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The main river draining the prairie provinces of Canada is the Saskatchewan River. It starts in the Canadian Rockies and flows east through Alberta and Saskatchewan before eventually joining the Nelson River. This river system plays a crucial role in the region's ecosystem and supports various wildlife and communities.

Does Canada own the North Pole?

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Canada does not own the North Pole. The boundaries of the North Pole are governed by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which means that no single country can claim ownership of it. Multiple countries, including Canada, Russia, Denmark, and the United States, have made claims to parts of the Arctic region surrounding the North Pole.

What is the name of a Inuit's ice shelter?

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An Inuit's ice shelter is called an igloo. It is a dome-shaped structure made of blocks of compressed snow and ice, traditionally used as a temporary dwelling during hunting trips or for winter shelter.

Is Chicago the answer to the question which Canadian provinces does Montana border?

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No. Chicago is a city in Illinois, it is in the mid-west. Montana is in the northwestern US. The correct answer is: Montana borders on three Canadian Provinces: # British Columbia # Alberta and # Saskatchewan.

How did London Ontario get its name?

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London, Ontario was named after London, England. The founder of London, Ontario, Colonel John Graves Simcoe, admired London, England and wanted to replicate its strong sense of community and culture in the new settlement in Canada.

Why do scientist think the Inuit who live in North America's arctic region came across the Bering Sea?

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Scientists believe that the ancestors of the Inuit crossed the Bering Sea from Asia to North America in ancient times because of evidence such as similar language and genetic markers shared with other indigenous populations in the region. The migration was likely motivated by a combination of environmental pressures and opportunities for resources as they followed animal herds and adapted to new environments.

What year did British Columbia become a province?

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British Columbia became a province of Canada in 1871.

How many ecozones are there?

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There are 14 terrestrial ecozones and 4 freshwater ecozones, totaling 18 ecozones in total. These ecozones are regions with similar climate, geology, flora, and fauna, helping to categorize and study different ecosystems around the world.

Where can you get North West matric results?

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North West matric results can typically be obtained from the Department of Education in the North West province. Alternatively, results may also be available online on the Department of Education's website or through the use of the USSD service provided. It's recommended to check with the specific school or educational institution for more detailed information on accessing the results.

What is the basement of Canada?

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The basement of Canada is where the Canadian Shield is located, a large geological formation composed of ancient rock that covers a significant portion of the country. This region is characterized by its rugged terrain, numerous lakes, and rich mineral deposits.