

Terry Fox

Terry Fox was an extremely important and influential Canadian that continues to be remembered yearly with the Terry Fox Run to raise money for cancer research, and he is taught in all Canadian schools as part of Canadian History.

326 Questions

How many km did Terry Fox have left to complete his run?

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Terry Fox had just over 5,000 km left to complete his Marathon of Hope when he was forced to stop due to a reoccurrence of cancer.

What did terry fox teach us?

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Terry Fox taught us to always try your best , never give up and always put your effort into everything you do and remember everything is possible

What factors influenced terry fox beliefs and values?

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Terry Fox's beliefs and values were influenced by his personal experiences, such as losing his leg to cancer and witnessing the struggles of cancer patients. Additionally, his family and upbringing instilled in him values of perseverance, compassion, and a desire to make a difference in the world. The support he received from others during his Marathon of Hope further fueled his determination to raise awareness and funds for cancer research.

What did terry fox do for justice?

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Terry Fox was a Canadian athlete who embarked on the Marathon of Hope to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. He sought to bring justice to cancer patients by inspiring hope and advocating for improved treatment and research efforts. Terry Fox's perseverance and dedication continue to inspire individuals around the world to advocate for social justice and equality.

What year did terry fox start elementary school?

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Terry Fox started elementary school in 1952, when he was about 4 or 5 years old.

What is strong character traits of Terry Fox?

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Terry Fox demonstrated perseverance, courage, and determination in his marathon of hope to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. His selflessness and passion to help others in the face of adversity are admirable qualities that continue to inspire people around the world.

What is an acrostic poem for the words Terry Fox?

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Red and white





What does Terry Fox like to eat?

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diet coca cola

How much did Terry Fox raise before Terry died?

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he raised 2 million on his run and a telethon by ctv when he was in the hospital raised over 10 million

What did terry fox give?

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terry fox gave raised money to give the people who have cancer

When did Terry Fox become famous?

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Terry was desired in basket ball

When did Terry Fox finish his run?

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Terry Fox never did get to finish his run like he planned...this should not be under the humor category. Its actually rather sad.

Did Terry Fox win the nobel peace?

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He was the youngest person ever named a Companion of the Order of Canada, the nation's highest civilian award. He won the 1980 Lou Marsh Award as the nation's top sportsman and was named Canada's Newsmaker of the Year in both 1980 and 1981.

Why did terry fox want to run the marathon of hope?

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He wanted to walk all over the world to prove that he was cooler than MIcheal Jackson

What is Terry Fox favourite music?

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he liked basketball, running and wresting

How is Terry Fox important?

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Terry fox is important to the the Canadian heritage because Terry has sacrificed his life for many many people in the world

.So guess what! our family has cancer we can help them by encouraging the world to be a better place by helping them be healthy.Starting from eating vegetables and running.If the do that every single day they can fight their cancer mabie away.because your cells are vr importent and they cause the cancer.So HELP HELP HELP!

Where did terry fox run to and from for his marathon?

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Terrance "Terry" Stanley Fox started his legendary marathon in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada on April 12th, 1980. This city was chosen because it is Canada's Eastern most city on the shore of the Atlantic

The "Marathon of Hope," as his trek was called took him through six Canadian provinces, covering 3,339 miles. He ran nearly a marathon a day for 143 days before it was discovered on September 1st, 1980 that the cancer that took his leg at 18 had spread to his lungs as well.

Why do you run on Terry Fox day?

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He was Brave enough to go ahead and do what he wanted, to run across canda, to raise money for cancer research, and Terry fox has been an inspirational to all that know and remember him.

Who diagnosed Terry Fox?

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Terry Fox was an incredible Canadian athlete who lost a leg to cancer at the age of 20, then two years later began a run across Canada to raise awareness of, and money for, cancer research.

He started his run at St. John's, NF by standing in the Atlantic Ocean, with intentions to do the same at the Pacific Ocean. He ran nearly 5400 km in 143 days, the equivalent of a full marathon every day, with an artificial leg.

His run ended in Thunder Bay Ontario, when cancer moved into his lungs. He died shortly afterward at the age of 22, just a month short of his 23 birthday.

Mr. Fox's 1980 run was joined and supported by many, many celebrities from the United States and Canada, and was covered by news media around the world. The initial run raised more than 10 million dollars.

Terry Fox is a Canadian and international hero. His "runs" continue to this day, and have raised countless millions of dollars.