


Food & Cooking

Many organisms, such as humans, ingest food to get the nutrients needed to maintain life. Cooking and preparation are often a necessity, but also a joy for many people. The Food and Cooking category includes questions and answers on the ingredients in food, recipes, nutritional information, cooking utensils, where to find certain foods, and much more. Bon Appetit!

24,368 Questions

What is Chessie's favorite food?

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Chessie, the enigmatic sea creature, reportedly enjoys an unexpected delicacy: newly caught oysters! It is believed that she surfaces from the depths of the Chesapeake Bay to indulge in a delightful oyster meal, bringing joy to the locals with her infrequent sightings.


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Asked by Collin Richards Student 2016

A blue apron is the best way to cook. Blue Apron sends out all the ingredients to customers weekly for inventive yet simple meals on weekdays. Freshness guaranteed, people come back to the kitchen and enjoy cooking again!

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Physical breakdown of food?

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Asked by Wiki User

mechanical breakdown

What is the retention time of CACO3 with H3PO4?

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The retention time of CaCO3 with H3PO4 can vary depending on the specific experimental conditions such as the solvent, temperature, and column type. Generally, CaCO3 has a shorter retention time compared to H3PO4 due to differences in their chemical properties and interactions with the stationary phase in chromatography. It is advisable to perform a chromatographic analysis to determine the exact retention time for this specific interaction.

Could you cool a kitchen by leaving the refrigerator door open and closing the kitchen door with windows open?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leaving the refrigerator door open will actually cause the appliance to work harder, generating more heat and potentially warming up the kitchen. It's more efficient to use the refrigerator as intended and explore other ways to cool the kitchen, such as closing windows during hot periods, using fans or air conditioning, and minimizing heat-generating activities like cooking on the stove.

What is flavor enhancer 635?

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Asked by Wiki User

Flavor enhancer 635 is a food additive commonly known as disodium inosinate. It is used to enhance the taste of food by adding umami flavor, which is a savory or meaty taste. It is often used in combination with other flavor enhancers like monosodium glutamate (MSG) to enhance overall flavor profiles.

What chemical would you use to mop the bar floor and what is the ratio or chemical to water?

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A common chemical used to mop bar floors is a neutral-pH floor cleaner. The ratio of cleaner to water typically used is about 1:64, which means 1 ounce of cleaner for every gallon of water. Always check the manufacturer's instructions for specific dilution recommendations.

How are microorganisms transmitted through food and their prevention and control?

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Asked by Wiki User

Microorganisms can be transmitted through food via contaminated water, unclean surfaces, or improper handling. To prevent this, it is important to wash hands and surfaces thoroughly, cook food to appropriate temperatures, store food properly, and avoid cross-contamination. Control measures include implementing proper hygiene practices, conducting regular cleaning and sanitizing, and monitoring food handling procedures.

What f value mean in microbiology?

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Asked by Wiki User

In microbiology, the f value represents the time required to achieve a specific reduction of microorganisms (usually one log cycle) during a thermal sterilization process. It is a crucial parameter used to determine the effectiveness of a heat sterilization process in eliminating microbial contaminants. The lower the f value, the more effective the sterilization process is at reducing microbial populations.

Why did George Washington stand in the boat as he crossed the Delaware River?

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Standing in the boat helped George Washington maintain balance and stability as he crossed the icy Delaware River with his troops. Additionally, standing allowed him to better oversee the movement of the boat and troops under his command.

What are 2 real-life examples of how bacteria can be helpful to humans?

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Asked by Wiki User

1) nitrogen fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen to nitrites and nitrates for plants.

2) some bacteria are involved in anaerobic respiration that are responsible for converting milk to yougurt.

What kind of foods are made from plankton?

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Foods made from plankton include supplements like spirulina and chlorella, as well as specialty products like plankton snacks and energy bars. Plankton can also be used as an ingredient in some sauces, condiments, and seasonings.

Is there iron in quinoa?

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Yes, quinoa contains iron. It is a good source of plant-based iron, which is important for red blood cell formation and overall health. Incorporating quinoa into your diet can help contribute to your daily iron intake.

Is guava from the new world or old world?

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Guava is native to the New World, specifically tropical regions of Central and South America. It was later introduced to the Old World by Portuguese and Spanish traders during the colonial period.

What are the advantages and disadvantage of microbes?

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Advantages of microbes include their role in nutrient cycling, food production (e.g. fermentation), and bioremediation. However, microbes can also cause diseases in plants, animals, and humans, leading to negative impacts on agriculture and health. Additionally, some microbes can contribute to the decay of organic matter, affecting ecosystems and infrastructure.

What is a wugi board?

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There is no such thing as a "wugi board." It is possible that you meant to refer to a "Ouija board," which is a game board with letters and numbers used in attempts to communicate with spirits. However, this activity is not scientifically proven to communicate with the spirit world and is often considered a form of entertainment.

Why is plastic not suitable for making saucepans?

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Plastic is not suitable for making saucepans because it cannot withstand high temperatures. When exposed to heat, plastic can melt, deform, or release harmful chemicals into food. Metal or ceramic materials are more appropriate for saucepan construction due to their heat resistance and durability.

Why Pomato plant cant Produce the seed?

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Pomato plant, a hybrid of tomato and potato, is a sterile plant and unable to produce seeds due to its genetic makeup. It is a result of cross-breeding two different species, which can lead to infertility in the offspring. Therefore, propagation of Pomato plants is typically done through cutting or grafting methods instead of seeds.

What are the negative effects of global food shortage?

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Global food shortage can lead to malnutrition, hunger, and increased susceptibility to diseases, particularly in vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly. It can also contribute to social unrest, political instability, and economic hardships in affected regions. Additionally, food shortages can drive up food prices, exacerbate food insecurity, and put pressure on natural resources and ecosystems.

What happens to bacteria at 63 degree celsius?

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Most bacteria start to die at temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius, as the heat disrupts their cell membranes and denatures their proteins. At 63 degrees Celsius, many bacteria will be killed, making the environment less hospitable for growth and reproduction. However, some heat-resistant bacteria or bacterial spores may survive, depending on the specific species.

What can minnows eat?

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Minnows can eat a variety of foods such as commercial fish flakes, freeze-dried bloodworms, and live or frozen brine shrimp. It is also important to feed them a varied diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients for their health and well-being. Avoid overfeeding minnows as it can lead to water quality issues in their tank.

How does the chinease weather affect it's food production?

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Chinese weather can significantly impact food production due to its diverse climate patterns. Extreme weather events like droughts, floods, and typhoons can damage crops, reduce yields, and disrupt agricultural activities. Conversely, favorable weather conditions can promote better growth and higher yields for certain crops, enhancing food production in the region. Improving climate resilience and adapting farming practices to changing weather patterns are crucial for ensuring food security in China.

Why can't people digest paper?

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Asked by Wiki User

Paper is mainly composed of cellulose fibers, a complex carbohydrate that humans lack the necessary enzymes to break down. Therefore, our digestive system is unable to process and extract nutrients from paper. Additionally, paper lacks the essential nutrients needed for our bodies to sustain proper functioning.

What happens if you eat bacteria?

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Eating bacteria is common and usually harmless, as the vast majority of bacteria are either killed by stomach acid or pass through the digestive system without causing harm. However, some bacteria can cause food poisoning or infections if consumed in large quantities, particularly if they are pathogenic strains. Proper food handling and cooking practices help minimize the risk of ingesting harmful bacteria.