


Politics and Government

From democracy to communism, every country on earth has a different political organization. Ask questions about political parties, leaders and history here.

33,457 Questions

Will the expansion of public sector help to increase public welfare?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the expansion of the public sector can increase public welfare by improving access to essential services, social safety nets, and infrastructure, but it must balance efficiency and fiscal responsibility.

Is Kenya government unitary?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Kenya has a unitary government system where power is concentrated at the national level with limited devolution of powers to county governments.

What began the Arab Spring?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Arab Spring was sparked by the self-immolation of a street vendor in Tunisia named Mohamed Bouazizi in December 2010. His act of protest against government corruption and mistreatment ignited widespread demonstrations and calls for political reform across the Arab world.

How would you explain the expansion of international NGOs and how do they affect global affairs?

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Asked by GregStathatos

The expansion of international NGOs refers to the growth in number and influence of non-governmental organizations operating across borders. These organizations play a significant role in global affairs by addressing humanitarian crises, promoting human rights, and advocating for social and environmental issues. They provide a platform for global advocacy, collaboration, and accountability, influencing policies and shaping discourse on important global issues.

What are some positives and negatives of having a nuclear reactor on the ring of fire?

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Asked by Wiki User

Positive: Access to geothermal resources for power generation, potential for increased energy self-sufficiency. Negative: Risk of seismic activity causing damage to infrastructure, increased potential for accidents such as meltdowns due to tectonic activity.

What countries are aiding Japan right now?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of my last update, the United States, Australia, and India have all pledged or provided support to Japan in response to recent events. This support includes relief supplies, expertise, and coordination efforts to assist with recovery and rescue operations.

What are factors affecting entrepreneur development in Kenya?

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Asked by Wiki User

Factors affecting entrepreneur development in Kenya include access to funding, infrastructure, market competition, government policies and regulations, education and skill levels, access to technology, and socio-cultural norms. Additionally, political stability, corruption levels, and availability of support networks play a significant role in shaping the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Kenya.

How can the gender of a crayfish be determined?

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Asked by Wiki User

The gender of a crayfish is typically determined by examining the swimmerets on the underside of their abdomen. In general, male crayfish have larger, more prominent swimmerets compared to females. Males also have a pair of specialized hard structures called gonopods on their first pair of swimmerets.

Terms is most closely related to an oligarchy?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Power distribution" is most closely related to an oligarchy. In an oligarchy, power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or a small group, giving them significant influence and control over decision-making and governance.

Where is the financial and political center in the US?

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Asked by Wiki User

The financial center in the US is often considered to be Wall Street in New York City, where the New York Stock Exchange is located. The political center is in Washington, D.C., where the US Capitol is located and where the federal government operates.

How many Democrats are there in North Dakota's State Senate?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 12 Democrats in North Dakota's State Senate.

What do we call the right of people accused of breaking the law to be tried by a group of fellow citizens?

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Asked by Wiki User

This right is called the right to a trial by jury. It allows the accused to have their case heard by a group of impartial peers who will decide on the verdict based on the evidence presented during the trial.

Where can you read cables from Wikileaks about Kenya?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can access the cables from Wikileaks about Kenya on the Wikileaks website or through their database. The cables are categorized by country and can be searched using specific keywords related to Kenya.

What are negative aspects of nuclear fission?

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Asked by Wiki User

Negative aspects of nuclear fission include the generation of radioactive waste that requires long-term storage, the risk of accidents leading to releases of radioactive materials, and the potential for nuclear proliferation if the technology falls into the wrong hands. Additionally, the cost of building and maintaining nuclear power plants can be prohibitive.

What is the definition for global issues?

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Asked by Wiki User

Global issues are complex, interconnected challenges that transcend national borders and have widespread impacts on people and the environment worldwide. Examples include climate change, poverty, pandemics, and human rights violations. Resolving global issues often requires international cooperation and coordinated action.

Do International organizations play a positive role in the global system explain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, international organizations play a positive role in the global system by promoting peace, cooperation, and diplomacy among countries. They provide a platform for nations to address common challenges such as climate change, poverty, and humanitarian crises. Additionally, international organizations help to establish and enforce global norms and standards that guide behavior and facilitate international relations.

In the context of the United Nations what is an observer state?

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Asked by Peak7000

An observer state is a non-member state or entity that has been granted observer status at the United Nations. Observer states can participate in General Assembly sessions and activities, but they do not have voting rights. This status allows these entities to engage in UN discussions and processes without being full UN members.

By how many carbon atoms does each member of a homologous series differ from the previous member?

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Asked by Wiki User

Each member of a homologous series differs from the previous member by one carbon atom.

The Forest Servie of this department manages the National Forest System that includes 191 million acres in 44 states?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Forest Service is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and manages the National Forest System, which spans 191 million acres across 44 states. It is responsible for overseeing activities such as timber harvesting, wildlife conservation, and recreational use within these public lands.

Fill in the blank Afghanistan is a collection of blank versus a cohesive nation?

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Asked by Wiki User

I think that the word is "provinces".

I was assuming it would be "tribal regions", good thing I checked. For more information, see the link below. The history of Afghanistan is complicated and interesting.

What type of political region is Nunavut?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nunavut is a territory in Canada with its own government and legislative assembly. It has a non-partisan consensus government that includes representatives from various Inuit regions. It is a self-governing territory with some areas of jurisdiction devolved from the federal government.

Which element was most important to the Rubenistes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Color was the most important element to the Rubenistes, a group of French artists led by Peter Paul Rubens in the 17th century. They focused on vibrant, dramatic use of color in their paintings to create emotional impact and convey the beauty of the visual world.

What formed the northern border of the Old Kingdom?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Nile Delta formed the northern border of the Old Kingdom of Egypt. It served as a buffer between Egypt and potential invaders coming from the north.

What is the proof of the Quantum Theory?

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Asked by MaddyKrish

The Quantum Theory is supported by numerous experimental observations and mathematical formulations that successfully predict the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels. These include phenomena such as the dual wave-particle nature of matter, quantization of energy levels, and entanglement. The consistency of these predictions with experimental data provides a strong basis for the validity of Quantum Theory.

The geopolitical theory that indicates the eurasian heartland is the key to control of the world was forwarded by who?

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Asked by Wiki User

The geopolitical theory that claims the Eurasian heartland is the key to world control was proposed by Sir Halford Mackinder, a British geographer, in his famous "Heartland Theory" in 1904. Mackinder argued that the control of this vast region would allow for domination over the "World Island" (Europe, Asia, and Africa), thus ensuring global supremacy.