


Political Theory

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What is the global world and what are the issues in the international community that are most concerning and why?

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The global world refers to the interconnected nature of countries and people across the world, characterized by economic interdependence, shared challenges, and the need for cooperation. Some of the most concerning issues in the international community include climate change, conflict and security threats, global health crises, inequality, and human rights violations. These issues are concerning because they have far-reaching consequences that transcend borders and affect the well-being of people worldwide.

Does Brazil have a democracy?

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Yes, Brazil is a federal presidential constitutional republic, meaning it has a system of government based on democratic principles where the president is both the head of state and head of government. Brazil holds regular elections and has a constitution that outlines the separation of powers across the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

What was The name of the early liberator of Colombia who planted more seeds of democracy than Bolivar did was?

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Francisco de Paula Santander, a prominent figure in Colombia's independence movement, played a significant role in establishing democratic institutions in the country. He helped draft Colombia's first constitution and served as the country's first vice president. Despite not achieving the same level of fame as Simón Bolívar, Santander's contributions to democracy in Colombia are widely recognized.

What do all cultures have in common?

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All cultures have language, social organization, food practices, and rituals as common characteristics. These elements contribute to the shared experiences and ways of life within different cultural groups.

Has Iraq ever been under a democracy?

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Yes, Iraq has had periods of democratic governance. Following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, Iraq established a democratic system with multi-party elections. However, the country has faced challenges in consolidating democracy due to ongoing conflicts and political instability.

Is there a symbol for fascism If so what is it?

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yes there is one...

a bunch of sticks..

Inside the sticks there is an axe


The actual word derives from the Latin fasces "bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade projecting" which was a symbol used by magistrates signifying power and punishment. The swastika is also taken to be symbol of Nazism and Fascism (of which Nazism is a virulent form) although the Nazis stole what was a benign symbol from Hindu and Buddhist tradition, still used today.

What is force theory?

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Force theory is the concept that states and governments were formed through the use of physical power, coercion, and dominance by ruling entities over their subjects. It suggests that governments emerged because those with greater force were able to establish control and authority over others.

Who developed a rigorous empirical approach to the study of memory?

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Hermann Ebbinghaus is known for developing a rigorous empirical approach to the study of memory. He conducted pioneering research in the late 19th century on memory processes, particularly the forgetting curve and spacing effect. Ebbinghaus' work laid the foundation for the scientific study of memory.

The official propaganda agency of the US today is the?

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The official propaganda agency of the US does not exist. The US government does not have a designated agency for propaganda.

Propaganda model and its five filters?

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The propaganda model, developed by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, describes how media content is influenced by five filters: ownership (media is controlled by corporations with profit motives), advertising (reliance on advertisers shapes content), sourcing (reliance on official sources limits range of viewpoints), flak (criticism and pressure from powerful groups can influence content), and anti-communism/fear ideology (fostering fear of enemies can shape content). These filters work together to shape media narratives in ways that maintain the status quo and serve the interests of the powerful.

How do you convince people?

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To convince people, it's important to present clear and logical arguments supported by evidence or examples. Tailoring your message to resonate with their values or interests can also help build rapport and gain their trust. Additionally, listening actively to their concerns and addressing any objections they may have can show them that their perspective is valued.

What are the most populous democracies?

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The most populous democracies in the world are India, the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan. These countries have large populations and a democratic system of government.

What are the problems affecting public administration in government law?

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Some key problems affecting public administration in government law include bureaucratic inefficiency, lack of transparency and accountability, inadequate funding and resources, political interference, and corruption. These issues can lead to delays in decision-making, poor service delivery, and erosion of public trust in governmental institutions.

What does a communist believe in?

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A communist believes in the establishment of a classless society where the means of production are owned and controlled by the community as a whole, rather than by private individuals. They seek to create a system that promotes equality, social justice, and the redistribution of wealth among all members of society.

What are three ways that interest groups differ from political parties?

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  1. Interest groups focus on advocating for specific causes or issues, while political parties are organized around a broader set of values and policies.
  2. Interest groups typically do not run candidates for office, while political parties aim to win elections and gain political power.
  3. Interest groups are often formed by individuals or organizations with a common goal, while political parties represent a wider range of interests and viewpoints within society.

What is the purpose of the national convention system?

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The purpose of the national convention system is to bring together delegates from each state to nominate a candidate for the presidency of the United States. It serves as a platform for party members to discuss and determine the party's platform and select its presidential and vice-presidential nominees.

Should hate groups have the freedom of speech?

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While hate speech can be harmful and divisive, it is protected under the freedom of speech. However, hate groups promoting violence or discrimination can be restricted under law to prevent harm to individuals or communities. It is a delicate balance between protecting free speech and preventing harm to society.

Who was the founder of the social contract theory of people needing to be ruled by a strong ruler because they could not rule themselves?

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Thomas Hobbes is considered the key figure advocating for the idea that people need to be ruled by a strong ruler due to their inability to rule themselves. His social contract theory, outlined in his work "Leviathan," posited that individuals willingly give up some freedoms in exchange for security and order provided by a powerful sovereign.

What is the definition of cell theory?

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Cell theory is a fundamental principle in biology that states all living organisms are composed of cells, that cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms, and that cells come from pre-existing cells through cell division. It provides the foundation for understanding the structure, function, and organization of all living things.

What is conventional morality?

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A concept of proper behavior that reflects the values of a particular social or political context. Distinguished from a moral understanding which is authoritative across space and time.

Much of our standard for "moral behavior" is based on ancient medical ignorance. Take the moral issue of marital fidelity (being a virgin before and staying with one partner after marriage), in ancient times people didn't know about bacteria and viruses. They thought that the horrible affictions, STDs, people who had many pertners suffered were the "wrath of God". Of course now we know differently, but many people still believe that it is morally wrong to "cheat" on one's partner, when perhaps it is only wrong because it may hurt them.

The second level of Kohlberg's Three Levels of Moral Reasoning
Acceptance of society's conventions considering or regarding right and wrong; At this level the individual obeys rules and follows society's norms even when there are not consequences for obedience or disobedience. (McDevitt & Ormrod 2007)

Which ideology wants to maintain tradition slow to change?

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Conservatism is the ideology that aims to maintain tradition and is generally resistant to rapid changes in society. Conservatives often prioritize stability, continuity, and traditional values.

Which political system provides the best example of a direct democracy?

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A country's citizens are given the right to vote on every one of the country's laws.

What statement best describes a similarity between a democracy and a republic?

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Both get their sovereignty from their citizens.

Why a group taking a vote on something is an example of a direct democracy.?

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A group taking a vote is an example of direct democracy because each member has an equal opportunity to participate and directly influence the decision-making process. In direct democracy, individuals have a direct say in decisions that affect them, rather than relying on elected representatives to make choices on their behalf.

What is the word for a person who rules in the place of the king or queen?

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I can think of a few.

1. Regent - a regent is someone who is appointed to rule a country while the monarch is unable to do so themselves- usually it's when the monarch is a young child, or is mentally handicapped.

2. Viceroy - a viceroy is someone who is appointed to rule a colony for a monarch. The monarch is usually too far away to rule it themselves, so the Viceroy handles it for them.

3. Governor-general - very similar to a Viceroy, a governor-general usually rules an independent country that still acknowledges a monarch as their ruler. Canada and Australia, which are independent countries, each have a governor-general who rules the country in the name of the Queen of the United Kingdom.