


Human Behavior

The study of human behavior which is affected by genetics, perceived behaviorial controls, attitude, and societal norms

7,045 Questions

Can you describe three specific behaviors that respect human dignity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Respecting human dignity involves behaviors that honor the intrinsic value of each person. First, active listening shows genuine interest and empathy, allowing others to feel heard and valued. Second, offering unconditional respect, regardless of status or background, acknowledges the inherent worth of every individual. Third, practicing compassion in interactions fosters an environment where people feel safe and understood. These behaviors cultivate a deeper connection and mutual respect, enriching the human experience.

What is the word for a person who only focuses on the present?

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Asked by Wiki User

A person who only focuses on the present is often referred to as "mindful" or "present-oriented." Such individuals practice mindfulness, embracing the here and now with full awareness and attention. This quality reflects a deep engagement with the present moment, free from the burdens of past regrets and future anxieties. Embracing the present allows one to experience life more fully and authentically, cultivating a sense of peace and clarity.

Why are some people introverted and others extroverted?

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Asked by Wiki User

The distinction between introversion and extroversion is rooted in the unique nature of each individual. These traits emerge from a combination of genetic predispositions, early life experiences, and personal choices. Introverts often find energy and solace in solitude, reflecting inwardly and drawing strength from their inner world. Extroverts, on the other hand, thrive in social settings, gaining energy from interactions and external stimuli.

The diversity in these temperaments reflects the rich tapestry of human experience, allowing for a dynamic balance in social interactions and personal growth. Both introversion and extroversion have their own strengths and challenges, contributing to the intricate mosaic of human personalities. Understanding and embracing these differences can lead to deeper self-awareness and more harmonious relationships.

Describe which type of motivation you are most likely to respond to and utilize Explain your answer?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • I believe a good type of motivation would be laying out the pros and cons of a situation and explaining every detail of the decision

What are Oxytocin and ADH secreted by?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oxytocin is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland, while ADH (antidiuretic hormone) is also secreted by the posterior pituitary gland.

What was the bell ringing called after being paired with the meat powder so that it now produced salivation in Pavlov's experiment with dogs in which he demonstrated classical conditioning?

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Asked by Wiki User

The bell ringing is called a conditioned stimulus, while the meat powder is an unconditioned stimulus. The process by which the dogs learned to salivate in response to the bell alone is known as classical conditioning.

Do animals and humans share the same fear of the unknown?

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Asked by Wiki User

Animals and humans can share a fear of the unknown to some extent. Both can experience anxiety or stress when faced with unfamiliar situations or environments. However, the specific triggers and responses to the unknown can vary across species based on their individual personalities, experiences, and cognitive abilities.

Can behavior be genetically driven?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, behavior can be influenced by genetic factors. Genes can play a role in shaping an individual's predisposition to certain behaviors, traits, or disorders. However, both genetic and environmental factors interact in complex ways to ultimately determine an individual's behavior.

Why do guys like big hips?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some men are attracted to women with larger hips because it is a secondary sexual characteristic associated with fertility and childbearing. Evolutionarily, wider hips may have been linked to the ability to bear children more easily. Preferences for body types can vary greatly among individuals, so not all men are specifically attracted to large hips.

What if you have to poop in school?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you have to poop at school, it's best to ask your teacher for permission to use the restroom and go as quickly as possible. Most schools have bathrooms available for students, so it's important to take care of your bodily needs whenever necessary.

Would you want to be mooned by someone?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, I would not want to be mooned by someone. It is disrespectful and inappropriate behavior.

Do guys like guys with moles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some guys may find moles attractive in others as they can add uniqueness to one's appearance. However, personal preferences vary, and not all guys may have a preference for moles. What matters most is confidence and self-acceptance.

Why do boys smell other boys' feet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Much to parent's dismay, young boys, like other children, often find body functions and smells intriguing. Boogers, stinky feet or socks, burping, and fart jokes are all on the average child's list of things to laugh over. It is usually a normal phase that will pass.

Does conglomerate have gritty feeling?

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Asked by Wiki User

A conglomerate rock is typically made up of rounded fragments, so it usually doesn't have a gritty feeling. Instead, conglomerate rocks feel more compact and clumped together due to the nature of the sedimentary particles that compose them.

Can two guys make a baby?

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Asked by Wiki User

Biologically, two guys cannot conceive a baby together as they do not have the necessary reproductive system to produce a child. However, through the use of assisted reproductive technologies like IVF and surrogacy, two men can have a biological child with the help of a surrogate mother or egg donor.

What is a behavioral adaptation of the venus flytrap?

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Asked by Wiki User

A behavioral adaptation of the Venus flytrap is its ability to close its specialized leaves in response to physical contact with prey. This helps the plant trap and digest insects for nutrients in nutrient-poor habitats.

Why do guys sleep shirtless?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some wear pyjamas, some wear boxers and shirt, some sleep shirtless..why? Because they like it and as long they are fine with it. It depends mainly on temperature. I don't think they sleep shirtless in the base camp of Mt. Everest or in the Antarctic polar station or in winter in unheated rooms.

Why do you drool when pooping?

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Asked by Wiki User

Drooling while pooping is not a common or typical reaction. If you are experiencing excessive drooling during bowel movements, it may be a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions that could be causing this.

Why do strangers help each other during a disaster?

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Asked by Wiki User

Strangers often help each other during a disaster due to a sense of empathy and a shared human instinct to assist those in need. In times of crisis, people may feel a sense of solidarity and community, leading them to come together to provide support and care for one another. Additionally, witnessing others helping can inspire individuals to take action and contribute to the collective effort.

Can dogs get tickeled?

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Asked by Wiki User

While dogs can experience sensations that may be similar to tickling, they do not respond to it in the same way as humans. Dogs may react with happy body language and wagging tails when certain areas are touched, but it is not exactly the same as being tickled.

What is a woman called who consorts with wolves?

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Asked by Debrastientjes

A woman who consorts with wolves is commonly referred to as a "wolf whisperer" or a "wolf charmer". This term is used to describe someone who has a deep connection or understanding of wolves and is able to communicate or interact with them effectively.

Why do humans reproduce sexually?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sexual reproduction allows for genetic diversity, which increases the chances of adapting to changing environments and resisting diseases. It also creates genetic variation, which can lead to stronger offspring with a combination of beneficial traits from both parents. Additionally, sexual reproduction facilitates the exchange of genetic material and helps in the repair of damaged DNA.

How would an organization be without communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

Without communication, an organization would struggle to coordinate tasks, share information, make decisions, and collaborate effectively. This could lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, decreased productivity, and ultimately hinder the organization's ability to achieve its goals. Communication is essential for fostering a productive and cohesive work environment.

What makes a person a national hero?

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Asked by Wiki User

a hero is someone who will fight till the death for his country or to save a person in trouble

What does it mean if a guy rubs your leg and then squeezes it?

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Asked by Ninaemily

It could be a sign of physical affection or flirtation. However, consent is key in any physical interaction, so make sure you are comfortable with the gesture and communicate your boundaries clearly.