


Intrigue and Unsolved Mysteries

Confounding issues in society such as unidentified flying objects (UFOs), conspiracy theories and urban legends

1,770 Questions

How do you disappear off the face of the earth?

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I am here to provide helpful and positive support. If you are feeling overwhelmed or experiencing suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help. You are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to help. You can contact a mental health professional, a crisis hotline, or emergency services for support. Your well-being is important.

Do people kill rhinos?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, people do kill rhinos for their horns, which are used in traditional medicine and considered a status symbol in some cultures. The demand for rhino horn has led to illegal poaching and trafficking, posing a serious threat to rhino populations worldwide.

When was the first crop circle found?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first documented crop circle dates back to 1966 when three circles were found in Tully, Australia. The phenomenon became more widely known in the 1970s and 1980s when crop circles began appearing in fields with more elaborate designs.

Do most scientist agree with world ending 2012?

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No, the majority of scientists do not support the idea that the world would end in 2012. This notion was based on a misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar and had no scientific validity. Scientists rely on evidence-based research and consensus within the scientific community to make conclusions, which did not support the idea of a world-ending event in 2012.

How long have crop circles been around?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crop circles have been reported since the 17th century, but became more widespread and popular in the late 20th century. The phenomenon gained attention for the intricate and geometric designs found in fields, sparking debate about their origins and meaning.

Why is there a light going in circles in the sky?

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Asked by Dudemanter

The light you see going in circles in the sky could be a UFO, a drone, a helicopter, or some other flying object. It's difficult to determine the exact source without further context or observation.

Can aliens hurt you?

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If they are advanced enough to visit our planet it stands to reason that they would have weapons that could do humans a great amount of harm. For alien abductees, they are in pain and feel horrified and sometimes even tortured at the hands of the abductors.

What does a pyramid look like if it got struck by a tornado?

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If a pyramid were to be struck by a tornado, it would likely sustain damage to its exterior walls and possibly lose some stones or show signs of structural weakening. The tornado could cause debris to scatter around the base of the pyramid and may result in some visible destruction to nearby structures or buildings.

Top 5 producers of carbon dioxide emissions?

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The top five producers of carbon dioxide emissions are China, United States, India, Russia, and Japan. These countries contribute significantly to global carbon emissions due to their large populations and industrial activities.

Why do womens' side-zip skirts and trousers zip on the left side instead of the right?

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Asked by Wiki User

Historically, women's clothing fastened on the opposite side of men's garments to make it easier to dress them, as most women were dressed by servants or family members. This tradition has persisted in modern clothing design.

Can aliens hurt you or take you away?

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that aliens exist or pose a threat to humans. Claims of alien abduction are not supported by credible proof. It is important to rely on verified information and not be swayed by baseless beliefs or misinformation.

What do you call someone who believes in aliens?

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A person who believes in aliens is often referred to as an "alien enthusiast" or someone who is "believes in extraterrestrial life."

How do stars differ?

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Stars differ in size, temperature, color, and mass. These differences dictate their brightness, lifespan, and the elements they produce through nuclear fusion reactions. Additionally, stars can vary in age, composition, and evolutionary stage, leading to a diverse range of stellar phenomena in the universe.

Which pub did Watson and crick walk into and say they had found the secret of life?

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Watson and Crick are known for discovering the structure of DNA, not the "secret of life." They did not walk into a pub making such a claim.

Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution?

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Charles Darwin was a British naturalist who proposed the theory of evolution through natural selection in his book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. The theory states that organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on their genes to future generations, leading to the gradual change in species over time. Darwin's work revolutionized our understanding of the natural world and has had a profound impact on biology and other scientific disciplines.

When did Charles Darwin come up with the theory of evolution?

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Charles Darwin first published his theory of evolution through natural selection in his book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. However, he started developing his ideas on evolution during his voyage on the HMS Beagle in the 1830s.

Why do people call fossile fuels finite?

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Fossil fuels are considered finite because they are formed over millions of years from decaying organic matter, and their rate of formation is far slower than their rate of consumption. This means that once existing reserves are depleted, it would take millions of years to create more, making them a limited resource on Earth.

Are UFOs and astronomy connected?

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UFOs, or unidentified flying objects, are not directly connected to astronomy, which is the scientific study of celestial objects such as stars, planets, and galaxies. While astronomers may occasionally investigate reports of unusual aerial phenomena, UFOs are generally not considered a valid subject of study within the field of astronomy due to the lack of credible evidence supporting their extraterrestrial origins.

Do children with ADHD eat lead pencils?

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No, children with ADHD do not have a specific preference for eating lead pencils. Pica, a condition characterized by persistent and compulsive consumption of non-food items, can occur in some children with ADHD or other developmental disorders, but eating lead pencils specifically is not a common behavior associated with ADHD.

Have any genuine UFO been found that tells about life existence outside earth?

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There is no conclusive scientific evidence of any genuine UFO that definitively proves the existence of life outside Earth. Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are generally attributed to natural or man-made phenomena until proven otherwise. Scientific research continues in the search for extraterrestrial life, but no definitive proof has been found so far.

What things live in a UFO?

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In popular culture, UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) are often associated with extraterrestrial beings or aliens. However, in reality, UFOs are simply any airborne object that cannot be identified. So, nothing specific "lives" in a UFO.

How many people have seen a moose?

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It's difficult to give an exact number, but in regions where moose are common, it's likely that many people have seen one at some point, especially in areas where they are frequently spotted in the wild.

What is the disadvantages of letting in asylum seekers?

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Some potential disadvantages of allowing asylum seekers into a country include strain on resources such as housing and social services, potential security concerns if adequate screening measures are not in place, and political tensions or backlash from certain segments of the population.

What did Carl von Linne do?

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Carl von Linne, also known as Carolus Linnaeus, was a Swedish botanist, zoologist, and physician. He is famous for devising the system of binomial nomenclature, which is the two-part naming system for species (genus and species names) still used in taxonomy today. His work laid the foundation for modern biological classification.

What are the psycho-physical changes following an extraordinary encounter?

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Asked by Chillichip

After an extraordinary encounter, individuals may experience changes such as increased heart rate, adrenaline rush, heightened awareness, and altered perception of time. These changes are often associated with the body's stress response and can vary based on the individual's psychological and physiological reactions to the encounter.