


Intrigue and Unsolved Mysteries

Confounding issues in society such as unidentified flying objects (UFOs), conspiracy theories and urban legends

500 Questions

What did the subarctic people wear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Subarctic people typically wore animal skins and furs for clothing. This helped keep them warm in the cold climate of the region. They also used materials like bark and grass for making garments.

What clothing did the eastern woodlands tribes wear in the summer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eastern Woodlands tribes in the summer typically wore breechcloths, leggings, and tunics made from materials like animal hides, woven fibers, or deerskin. They often decorated their clothing with beadwork, quillwork, or fringe. Additionally, moccasins made from soft leather were commonly worn on the feet.

What is predicted to happen in 2012?

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Asked by Brrandon

In 2012, there were various predictions regarding the end of the world based on interpretations of the Mayan calendar. However, these predictions were not supported by scientific evidence and did not come to pass. It is important to rely on credible sources and critical thinking when considering future events.

Eastern subarctic people what did they wear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eastern subarctic people typically wore clothing made from animal hides such as caribou and moose, which provided warmth and protection from the harsh climate. Their clothing included items like parkas, mittens, and moccasins, often decorated with intricate beadwork and embroidery. They also incorporated materials like sinew and fur into their garments to enhance durability and functionality.

Is Leon Trabuco's 16-tons gold found?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no public information or evidence to suggest that Leon Trabuco's claimed 16-tons gold has been found. It is widely considered to be a legend or a hoax, as there is no concrete proof of its existence or any successful recovery.

Is Islam racist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Islam as a religion does not promote racism. Its teachings emphasize equality and brotherhood among all individuals, regardless of race or ethnicity. Some followers of Islam may hold racist beliefs, but this is not a reflection of the religion itself.

What is an Aleut?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Aleut are indigenous people of the Aleutian Islands and the western part of the Alaska Peninsula in the United States. They have a rich cultural heritage that includes unique art, language, and traditions, with a strong connection to the sea and marine life.

When were crop circles first discovered?

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The first documented crop circles appeared in the English countryside in the late 1970s. The patterns gained attention for their intricate designs and unexplained origins, sparking debates about their creation.

Was skull island real?

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Asked by Wiki User

Skull Island, as featured in the movie "King Kong," is a fictional place created for the film. There is no real-life location or island known by that name.

What did the eastern woodland Indians wear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eastern Woodland Indians wore clothing made from animal hides and furs such as deerskin or rabbit fur. Their garments included breechcloths, moccasins, and tunics decorated with beads, quills, and porcupine hair. In colder weather, they added layers of clothing and sometimes wore buffalo robes.

Eastern woodlands clothing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eastern Woodlands Native Americans traditionally wore clothing made from animal hides such as deerskin or elk skin. They crafted tunics, leggings, moccasins, and belts decorated with intricate beadwork and quillwork. Clothing designs and materials varied among different tribes within the Eastern Woodlands region.

What is the legend of Laoag City?

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The legend of Laoag City in the Philippines is about the giant Angalo and his wife, Aran. They are said to have formed the "Pamulinawen" river with their tears after a tragic love story. Today, the legend is celebrated through festivals and songs in Laoag City.

What is the advantage of having Land Development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Land development can provide opportunities to increase property value, generate rental income, and create new infrastructure. It can also help to meet housing demand, stimulate economic growth, and enhance community aesthetics. Additionally, it allows for the efficient use of land resources and can contribute to sustainable development practices.

What was the purpose of the iron plow?

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Asked by Wiki User

The purpose of the iron plow was to make it easier and more efficient to till the soil for planting crops. It replaced earlier wooden or stone plows and allowed farmers to work faster and more effectively in preparing their fields for cultivation. The iron plow also helped to break up tougher and more compact soil, making it more suitable for growing crops.

How tall is the average Aleut male?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average height of an Aleut male is around 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 9 inches.

What is Buried Treasure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Buried treasure refers to valuable items such as gold, silver, jewels, or coins hidden or buried by someone, often in a secret location. The idea of buried treasure is popular in folklore, pirate stories, and adventurous tales where treasure seekers embark on quests to find these hidden riches.

What kind of country is The Bahamas?

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The Bahamas is an independent nation in the Caribbean known for its beautiful beaches and clear waters. It operates as a parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy, with the Queen of England as the head of state. The country's economy is heavily reliant on tourism and financial services.

How does greek culture influence American culture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Greek culture has influenced American culture in various ways, including architecture, language, sports, philosophy, and democracy. Many aspects of American life, such as the Olympic Games, the structure of government, and academic disciplines like mathematics and theater, have roots in ancient Greek culture. Additionally, Greek mythology, food, and arts have also permeated American society, contributing to a rich tapestry of cultural exchange between the two nations.

How many people are learning Spanish?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is estimated that over 20 million people are learning Spanish as a second language worldwide. This number continues to increase due to the growing popularity of Spanish as a global language.

What is the scientific or professional name for a wigmaker?

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Asked by Wiki User

A wigmaker is professionally known as a "wig stylist" or "wig designer."

Which city was the first school of deaf located in?

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The first school for the deaf in the United States was located in Hartford, Connecticut. It was founded by Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet in 1817.

What languages were spoken by African-Americans?

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Asked by Wiki User

African-Americans historically spoke a variety of languages, depending on their origins. Once enslaved in the United States, they developed Creole languages such as Gullah and African American Vernacular English (AAVE) that combined elements of African languages with English. Today, English is the predominant language spoken by African-Americans in the United States.

How do you pronounce quetzalcoatl?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carefully. Especially if I drank too much. Hic!

...the Devil loves you, too.


Does pride in one's country still have a place in the modern world?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, pride in one's country can still have a place in the modern world. It can help foster a sense of unity, identity, and belonging among citizens. However, it should be balanced with respect for diversity, empathy towards others, and a willingness to work towards global cooperation and understanding.

What is the difference between past and present fashion?

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Asked by Wiki User

Past fashion refers to styles, designs, and trends that were popular in previous decades or eras, while present fashion refers to current styles, designs, and trends that are popular now. Past fashion can influence present fashion, as designers often draw inspiration from earlier trends when creating new collections. However, present fashion is constantly evolving and reflects the current cultural, social, and technological influences of the time.