


Math History

Far more interesting than one might first expect, the history of mathematics is filled with bitter rivalries, political machinations, and incredible innovations by some of the most amazing minds in history. Post all questions concerning individual mathematicians, the development of mathematical theories, and the sociological impact that resulted into this category.

500 Questions

How to solve ratios?

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Asked by Wiki User

To solve ratios, first make sure the units in each ratio are the same. Then, set up an equivalent ratio using cross multiplication to find the missing value. Finally, simplify the ratio if needed by dividing both parts by their greatest common factor.

Who invented decimals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Decimals were first used in ancient Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations around 2000-3000 BC for calculations. They were further developed by ancient Greek mathematicians such as Archimedes and were popularized by the Persian mathematician Al-Khwarizmi in the 9th century.

What is the following number to this sequence 2 5 5 4 5 6 3 7?

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Asked by Wiki User

The next number in the sequence is 6. The sequence alternates between adding 3 and subtracting 1 from the previous number.

Why do you need to study geometry?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you wish to have a career in Architecture, Engineering, Astronomy, Fine Art, you need to understand the rudiments of shape, and how shapes relate.

The Parthenon in Athens , Greece, is the finest example of Classical Architecture and Engineering using natural geometry,

The word, 'geometry' means to 'measure (metry) he Earth'(geo).

What are pigs heads?

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Asked by Katester514

Pigs' heads are the head portion of a pig that typically includes the snout, ears, and cheeks. They are sometimes used in cooking to prepare dishes like pork head cheese, brawn, and head broth. They are also used to make products like pig's head masks or as ingredients in pet food.

Where decimal system is used and why?

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Asked by Wiki User

The decimal system is used globally as the primary numeral system for commerce, mathematics, and everyday calculations. It is based on powers of 10, making it easy to understand and work with fractions. This system's simplicity and alignment with human species' ten fingers have contributed to its wide adoption.

What is the definition of plot?

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Asked by Wiki User

A plot is a storyline. A plot is also a piece of land, a mathematical graph, or a plan to do something. As a verb, it means to plan something or to mark out a graph.

A plot is a graphical technique for presenting a data set drawn by hand or produced by a mechanical or electronic plotter.

Click the related question to see the literary meaning of plot!

What happened to Leonard euler's eyesight?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leonhard Euler's eyesight began to deteriorate in his late 20s due to a fever. Over time, he lost vision in his right eye and eventually became almost completely blind. Despite his visual impairment, Euler continued to make significant contributions to mathematics and science.

Why is it important to learn chemistry?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chemistry is the central science. It means that even if you don't see how chemistry is relevant in your life now, everything DOES come down to chemistry.

gives you a better understanding about the world around you gives you a better understanding about the world around you

How many centimeters equal 131 millimeters?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • There are 13.1 centimeters in 131millimeters.
  • To convert millimeters to centimeters simply divide the number of millimeters by 10 because a millimeter is a tenth of a centimeter.

What is all of the numbers that round to 50?

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Asked by Wiki User

vfhfnhhfbngfbtrgbnfnghbewhrfggjbnedjfgnejfgbngjbnfdjbnrfhgbfjb rfjvunfejfvnrbjfrngvbrwhfvbfjvnrjbngjgnrfgjntgbhjhnytjgtgnbgtjgbngjbnbjgbmtmggkhttjehngnjbngjbngnjbngnjbjygnjhjnkhgknjetdgn nvnbgjnbfnjngjbngjngnbvjngmngnmnhgnmngfrvbn gfgbnhrefhnvwqfngfewqdfgewqfbn gfwqb gfwqbv gfdq

What is the hardest division problem ever?

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Asked by Wiki User


How many times does 18 go into 99?

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Asked by Wiki User


How many twelfths are in one half?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 24 halves in 12, so there must be 1/24 twelves in 1/2

1/24 = 0.04166

Another Take:

I may be misunderstanding the question. The above doesn't seem to work too well either. The question originally read: How many twelves are in one half? This did not seem to me to make sense so I changed it to: How many twelfths are in one half? I have noticed that students sometimes will not make a distinction between twelves and twelfths, five and fifths and so forth.

The question is How many twelfths (or twelves) are in one half, and not how many halves are in 12. So I conclude that the questioner wants to know that 6 twelfths is equal to half.

Who found integers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Integers were not "found" by any specific person. They are a mathematical concept that has been studied and understood by mathematicians throughout history. The concept of integers has been developed and refined over time by many different mathematicians.

What is multipy?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no term "multipy" in mathematics. If you meant to ask about multiplication, it is an operation that combines two or more numbers to give a product. For example, multiplying 2 and 3 gives a product of 6 (2 x 3 = 6).

What are some cool fact on pascals triangle?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pascal's triangle is a triangular array where each number is the sum of the two numbers above it. The numbers in the triangle have many interesting patterns and relationships, such as the Fibonacci sequence appearing diagonally. Additionally, the coefficients of the binomial expansion can be found in Pascal's triangle, making it a useful tool in combinatorics and probability.

Who discovered the mathematical formulas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many mathematical formulas were discovered by multiple mathematicians throughout history. Some notable contributors include Euclid, Isaac Newton, Leonard Euler, Carl Friedrich Gauss, and Albert Einstein, among others. It is important to note that mathematical formulas often build upon the work of previous mathematicians, and discovery is a collective effort within the mathematical community.

How can estimating be helpful before gettin an actual answer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Estimating can be helpful before getting an actual answer because it allows you to make quick calculations and get a rough idea of what the final answer might be. It helps in determining if the answer is reasonable or if there might be a mistake in the calculations. Estimating can also save time and effort by giving a sense of whether further calculations are necessary or if the rough estimate is sufficient.

Why key in one time pad must be random?

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Asked by Wiki User

The key in a one-time pad must be random because it needs to provide perfect secrecy. If the key is not random, it could lead to patterns or correlations between the key and the plaintext, allowing for potential decryption. Randomness ensures that each bit of the key is unpredictable and independent, making it impossible for an attacker to deduce any information about the plaintext.

Why is a pentagon name pentagon?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Greek Penta means 5 and gonyon means angle

How did Hypatia become interested in mathematics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hypatia's interest in mathematics likely stemmed from her upbringing in Alexandria, Egypt, which was a hub of learning and scholarship. Her father, Theon of Alexandria, was a mathematician and philosopher, and he is believed to have introduced her to mathematics at a young age. Hypatia went on to become a renowned mathematician and philosopher herself, contributing to the field through her teaching and writings.

Who were the two people who designed the first spreadsheet?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first spreadsheet was designed by Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston. They created the software, called VisiCalc, in the late 1970s, which revolutionized the computer industry by introducing interactive calculation capabilities and data organization in a grid format.