


Math History

Far more interesting than one might first expect, the history of mathematics is filled with bitter rivalries, political machinations, and incredible innovations by some of the most amazing minds in history. Post all questions concerning individual mathematicians, the development of mathematical theories, and the sociological impact that resulted into this category.

3,740 Questions

What is a cube like?

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Asked by Wiki User

'cube like' is correctly named as a 'CUBOID'.

Both are solid objects, with six faces, eight corners all set at 90 degrees. and 12 edges.

However, a CUBE has six square faces.

A CUBOID has four rectangular faces and two squares faces.

NB A bulders/bricklayers house brick is a cubois.

How many tens are there in 21489?

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21489 / 10 = 2148.9

What is the number one earthquake in history?

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The 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile is the most powerful earthquake ever recorded, with a magnitude of 9.5. It caused widespread devastation, including tsunamis that affected coastal areas across the Pacific Ocean.

How many meters go into a foot?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are approximately 3.28 feet in one meter. More precisely, it is 3.2808399 feet.

If 3.28 feet = 1 meter, divide each side of the equation by 3.28 to find what 1 foot equals in meters. Example: 3.28/3.28 feet = 1/3.28 meters Simplifying the fractions, 1 foot = .3048 meters (30.48 centimeters or 304.8 millimeters)
100 centimeters = 1 meter is 3.28084 feet.

Scroll down to related links and look at the fine "calculator of length".

Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula1 m*

100 cm

1 m


1 in

2.54 cm


1 ft

12 in


3.280839895 ft

How many meters is 4.2 feet?

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Asked by Wiki User

137.7952756 ft

Direct Conversion Formula 42 m*

1 ft

0.3048 m


137.7952756 ft

What did Johannes Kepler major in?

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Johannes Kepler majored in theology at the University of Tübingen in Germany. However, he is best known for his work in astronomy, where he made significant contributions to the field, including his laws of planetary motion.

How many liters are in a large punch bowl?

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Asked by Wiki User

A typical large punch bowl can hold around 3-5 liters of liquid, depending on its size and capacity. It's always a good idea to check the specific volume measurement of your punch bowl to be sure.

5 feet and 3 inches in meters?

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Asked by Wiki User

5 feet 3 inches is equivalent to approximately 1.60 meters.

What is the biggest counting number?

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when x aproaches infinity.

besides, we get to know from Archimedes principle, that there are infinite numbers, so even that "biggest counting number" has a number bigger than it.

Bottom line: There's no such thing as the "biggest" counting number. Whatever

number you name, no matter how big it is, all I have to do is add ' 1 ' to it and

make a bigger number.

What year was the statue of Niels Henrik Abel built?

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The statue of Niels Henrik Abel was built in 1908. It stands in Oslo, Norway, as a tribute to the famous Norwegian mathematician.

What are you really measuring when you measure the volume of an object?

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Asked by Wiki User

You would use any unit that is for measuring length. In the realm of science, it would usually be from the Metric System, but you can measure volume in inches, feet, yards and so on as well. It would be the cubic form of whatever unit (cubic feet, cubic centimeters, etc).

What are the rocks and minerals of mt Everest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mt. Everest is composed of various types of rocks, such as granite, gneiss, and schist. Common minerals found in the rocks of Mt. Everest include quartz, feldspar, and mica. The mountain also contains deposits of limestone, shale, and sandstone.

What is the origin of pie?

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Asked by Wiki User

'pie'???? Do you mean 'meat pie', or 'apple pie'.

I think not!!!

If you mean the 'pi' of circular fame, then it is spelled as 'pi'. It is the modern English spelling of the Classical Greek small/lower case letter 'p'. and represents 'proportion'.

It origins go back to the Sumerian Civilisation, some 4000 years ago.

It was noticed , that when a donkey or mule was tethered to a post to drive up water from a well . the animal would go round in a circle, and the tether would be the radius.

However, long the radius and its corresponding circle, the constant of PROPORTION was always the same , that it pi = 3.141592....

Thereby the circle equations were calculated l-

C= pid or C = 2pi*r

Where 'd' = diameter and 'r' = radius , thereby d = 2r.

The Classical Greeks applied 'pi' to the eq'n.

pi is an Irrational number, which casually means that the decimals go to infinity AND there is no regular order in the decimal digits. . To date 'pi' has been calculated to at least 50 billion places and still going.

When given pi = 3.14 or 3.1416 etc., these are only approximations, and NOT the exact value.

Hope that helps!!!!

How do you measure the circumference of the earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

The circumference of the Earth can be measured by using geometry and triangulation methods. One way is by measuring the distance between two points on the Earth's surface and then multiplying by the number of times that distance fits around the Earth's equator. This method, known as geodesy, has been used historically to determine the Earth's circumference.

What is the universal scientific system of measurement called?

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The universal scientific system of measurement is called the International System of Units, abbreviated as SI. It is based on seven base units from which all other units are derived, providing a consistent framework for measurements across various scientific disciplines.

What is meant by divisible pool?

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A divisible pool refers to a shared resource or fund that can be partitioned or divided into smaller portions to be allocated to different individuals or entities. This type of pool allows for flexibility in distribution and can be divided without impacting the overall quantity or value of the resource.

Decagon has how many more sides than a pentagon?

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A decagon has five more sides.

How many more sides does a decagon have than an octagon?

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a decagon only has 10 sides so 2 more sides

How to solve ratios?

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To solve ratios, first make sure the units in each ratio are the same. Then, set up an equivalent ratio using cross multiplication to find the missing value. Finally, simplify the ratio if needed by dividing both parts by their greatest common factor.

Who invented decimals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Decimals were first used in ancient Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations around 2000-3000 BC for calculations. They were further developed by ancient Greek mathematicians such as Archimedes and were popularized by the Persian mathematician Al-Khwarizmi in the 9th century.

What is the following number to this sequence 2 5 5 4 5 6 3 7?

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The next number in the sequence is 6. The sequence alternates between adding 3 and subtracting 1 from the previous number.

Why do you need to study geometry?

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If you wish to have a career in Architecture, Engineering, Astronomy, Fine Art, you need to understand the rudiments of shape, and how shapes relate.

The Parthenon in Athens , Greece, is the finest example of Classical Architecture and Engineering using natural geometry,

The word, 'geometry' means to 'measure (metry) he Earth'(geo).

What are pigs heads?

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Asked by Katester514

Pigs' heads are the head portion of a pig that typically includes the snout, ears, and cheeks. They are sometimes used in cooking to prepare dishes like pork head cheese, brawn, and head broth. They are also used to make products like pig's head masks or as ingredients in pet food.

Where decimal system is used and why?

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The decimal system is used globally as the primary numeral system for commerce, mathematics, and everyday calculations. It is based on powers of 10, making it easy to understand and work with fractions. This system's simplicity and alignment with human species' ten fingers have contributed to its wide adoption.