

Machinery and Tools

The Machinery and Tools category covers questions regarding hand tools, power tools, workshop machinery (such as lathes, milling machines, etc), welding and cutting tools and equipment, measuring instruments, earth-moving machinery, furnaces, factory and industrial machinery.

1,596 Questions

Why do we need a transformer if we use a welding machine?

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Asked by Wiki User

A transformer is needed in a welding machine to adjust the voltage and current to suitable levels for the welding process. Here’s why:

1. Voltage Reduction: Welding requires a lower voltage than is typically supplied by the mains power. A transformer steps down the high voltage from the power source to a lower voltage that is suitable for welding operations.

2. Current Adjustment: Welding processes often require high current to generate the heat needed for melting and joining materials. A transformer can adjust the current to the necessary level, ensuring proper welding conditions.

3. Safety: By reducing the voltage to safer levels, transformers help prevent electric shocks and ensure safe operation during welding.

4. Controlled Heat Generation: Transformers help control the heat output by adjusting both voltage and current, which is crucial for achieving high-quality welds with proper penetration and bonding.

Overall, the transformer ensures that the welding machine operates effectively and safely by providing the correct voltage and current for the welding process.

Why is rope important if you are stuck on the moon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rope can be useful on the moon for tethering to a spacecraft or to other astronauts to prevent drifting off in low gravity. Additionally, it can assist in securing equipment, tools, or samples in place. In emergency situations, rope can be used for rescue or navigation assistance.

How does burning rope tell time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Burning a rope to tell time involves measuring the time it takes for the rope to burn from one end to the other. By knowing how long the rope is and timing the burn, you can estimate the time based on the rate of burning. Long ropes burn slower and can be more accurate for measuring longer periods of time.

Can you jump rope on the moon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can jump rope on the moon. Due to the lower gravity on the moon (approximately 1/6th of Earth's gravity), jumping on the moon would feel different than on Earth. The lighter gravity would make it easier to jump higher and for a longer period of time.

What is a tool that gathers light with mirrors and lenses called?

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A tool that gathers light with mirrors and lenses is called a telescope. Telescopes are used to observe distant objects in space by collecting and focusing light.

It looks into space and rhymes with rope?

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Asked by Wiki User

uh...that would be telescope or dope.

What did climbing rope used to be made from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Historically, climbing ropes were made from natural fibers like hemp or manila. These ropes were sturdy and flexible, but they tended to be heavier and less durable than modern synthetic ropes. Today, most climbing ropes are made from synthetic materials such as nylon, which are stronger and lighter.

Large concave mirrors are used in solar furnaces Give reason?

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Asked by Hassanamanullah

The shape of concave mirrors catches and directs the sun light inward which provides greater heat retention. This allows the heating system to achieve a higher temperature and be better suited to heat your entire home. A flat or convex mirror would reflect a lot of the light outward, thus making those shapes less efficient for gathering solar heat.

What is a zoogyroscope?

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Asked by Wiki User

A zoogyroscope is a device used to observe or study the movement or behavior of animals, especially insects. It typically consists of a rotating platform or drum where the animals are placed for observation under controlled conditions.

What types of technology is used most in zoology?

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Asked by Wiki User

In zoology, technology such as DNA sequencing for genetic analysis, GPS tracking for monitoring animal movements, and remote sensing for habitat mapping are commonly used. Camera traps and drones are also increasingly being used for studying wildlife behavior and population dynamics.

What is the typical line voltage for gas furnaces?

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Asked by Wiki User

The typical line voltage for gas furnaces is 120 volts for residential units and 240 volts for commercial units. This voltage powers the components such as the blower motor, ignition system, and controls in the furnace. It is important to ensure the voltage is compatible with the furnace to prevent damage or malfunction.

What is the most common manifold gas pressure for natural gas furnaces?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most common manifold gas pressure for natural gas furnaces is typically between 3.5 to 4.0 inches of water column (WC). It is important to refer to the manufacturer's specifications for the specific furnace model to ensure the correct pressure setting.

What cell structure is Oil- burning furnaces?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oil-burning furnaces are not a cell structure. They are a type of heating system that burns oil to produce heat for buildings.

Why terminal voltage of a self excited shunt generator decreases with an increase of load?

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Asked by Wiki User

The terminal voltage of a self-excited shunt generator decreases with an increase in load due to an increase in voltage drop across the internal resistance of the generator. As the load current increases, the drop across the internal resistance also increases, reducing the output voltage available at the terminals. This effect is known as voltage regulation and is a common characteristic of self-excited shunt generators.

Is rope non-conductive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rope can conduct electricity if it is wet, such as in a marine environment, or if it has conductive materials woven into it. Dry rope is generally non-conductive, but caution should still be exercised around electrical sources to prevent any accidents.

Which materials will carry sound the best - string - twine - rope - or wire?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wire will carry sound the best because of its rigid structure that allows for more efficient transmission of vibrations. String, twine, and rope are more flexible and absorb more of the sound energy, leading to lower quality transmission.

Is jumping rope voluntary or involuntary?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jumping rope is involuntary. You can move your arms freely to wave the jump rope over your head and also jump over it. If you were to say that the jump rope was too cold or too warm, then it would be voluntary because your brain will send you a message when you touch the jump rope to let go or pull away.

What is 338 kW in Horse-power?

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Asked by Wiki User

338 kW is approximately 453 horsepower. You can convert kilowatts to horsepower by multiplying the kilowatt value by 1.341.

What is a piece of science equipment that holds gas?

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A gas cylinder is a piece of science equipment that is used to hold gas under pressure. It is commonly used in laboratories for various experiments and processes.

How can work be done by an ideal machine?

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Asked by Wiki User

An ideal machine can do work by transferring energy from a source to the object being worked on with perfect efficiency, meaning no energy is lost in the process. This can be achieved by converting one form of energy to another, such as mechanical energy to electrical energy, without any energy dissipation. Ideal machines have no friction or resistance, allowing them to perform work without any loss of energy.

How do you use a burning rope clock?

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Asked by Wiki User

To use a burning rope clock, light the rope at one end and as it burns, measure the time it takes for the fire to reach specific markings on the rope. Each marking represents a certain amount of time, allowing you to track the passing hours as the rope burns.

What is the biggest rope?

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The biggest recorded rope was a 164,263-foot-long rope created by the residents of the Indian village of Thanjavur. This rope was made by twisting together strands of coconut fiber and was measured using a measuring wheel.

What type of tool is used with a strong force to drive something down?

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A hammer is a tool that is used with a strong force to drive something down, typically nails or other fasteners, into a surface. The force of the hammer hitting the surface helps secure the item in place.

You pull down on a rope to raise a flag on a flagpole. Which describes why the rope and the flagpole act as a machine?

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Asked by Wiki User

The rope and the flagpole act as a machine because they work together to achieve a desired outcome, which is raising the flag. The rope transmits the force you apply by pulling, allowing you to raise the flag on the flagpole.

What is the rope thickness unit of measure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rope thickness is typically measured in terms of diameter, which is commonly expressed in millimeters (mm) or inches (in). This measurement refers to the width of the rope when viewed straight on.