

Technology Conferences

All around the world, several technology conferences are held annually to showcase the latest technological developments and innovations. Respected resource speakers provide information and answer questions raised by participants of the conference.

450 Questions

What is enabling technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advanced science and engineering activity that allow the creation or improvement of products and services across a wide product scope.

Who invented bell jar?

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Asked by Wiki User

The bell jar was invented by German chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen in the mid-19th century. It is a type of laboratory equipment used for creating a vacuum or isolating experiments from the external environment.

What is the most successful space probe launched in Neptune?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most successful space probe launched to Neptune was Voyager 2. It made its closest approach to Neptune in 1989, providing valuable data and images of the planet and its moons. Voyager 2 remains the only spacecraft to have visited Neptune.

Does time change in space travel?

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Asked by Wiki User

Time does not change in space travel per se, but the perception of time can be affected due to the phenomena of time dilation. Time dilation occurs when an object is moving at very high speeds or near a strong gravitational pull, causing time to pass differently for the object compared to a stationary observer. This effect is predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity.

What are the effects of gamma radiation on seeds?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gamma radiation can have both positive and negative effects on seeds. Low doses can stimulate seed germination, increase growth rates, and improve crop yield. However, high doses can cause mutations, cell damage, and even death to the seed, leading to reduced germination rates and poor growth. It is important to carefully control the dosage of gamma radiation to harness its benefits without causing harm.

Where and when did the first clock invented?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first mechanical clocks were invented in Europe in the late 13th century. The oldest known mechanical clock still in existence is the Salisbury Cathedral clock, which dates back to 1386.

What is Eclipse effect in satellite communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

The eclipse effect in satellite communication occurs when the satellite passes into the shadow of the Earth, causing a temporary loss of communication signal. This happens during solar eclipses or when the satellite is behind the Earth in its orbit. To mitigate the impact, satellite operators can use battery power or pointing strategies to maintain connectivity during these periods.

What are advantages of going into space?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some advantages of going into space include scientific discoveries, advancements in technology, and the opportunity to explore and potentially colonize other planets. Space exploration also fosters international cooperation and inspires the next generation of scientists and engineers.

What are robots brains made of?

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Asked by Aleinx

Robot brains are typically made of computer hardware components such as processors, memory modules, and specialized circuitry for processing and storing information. These components work together to control the robot's movements, interact with its environment, and execute programmed tasks.

Which form of technology has enabled humans to see objects even smaller than this?

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Asked by Wiki User

The invention of electron microscopes has enabled humans to see objects smaller than ever before, allowing us to visualize and study nanoscale structures such as molecules, viruses, and even individual atoms. By using a beam of accelerated electrons instead of light, electron microscopes have significantly increased the resolution and magnification capabilities in scientific research and technology.

Definition of project report?

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Asked by Wiki User

A project report is a detailed document that outlines the objectives, scope, progress, and results of a specific project. It typically includes information about the project background, methodology, findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Project reports are used to communicate the status and outcomes of a project to stakeholders and provide a record for future reference.

How do you prepare project report?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends what your project was about. If it were to be a book report you could prepare by getting the books you need, get a pen, a pencil, an eraser, and some paper, and then start reading the book, writing down the IMPORTANT FACTS. Then once you finish the book, you would have all of this information on the book, so then you use your information to make a book report. A poster is always good, or you can just read your notes taken while reading the story, and give your rating on how many stars it deserves. Hope I helped!

What is space technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Space technology refers to the development and utilization of technology for exploring and studying outer space. It includes spacecraft, satellites, telescopes, and other equipment used for space exploration, communication, earth observation, and scientific research in space.

How was the decisions of the use of Hubble space telescope made based on economic social and cultural contexts?

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Asked by Wiki User

The decisions regarding the use of the Hubble Space Telescope were influenced by economic factors such as funding availability, social factors like public interest and support for space exploration, and cultural factors related to scientific advancement and international collaboration. Ultimately, a balance between these considerations helped shape the decisions on how the telescope would be used.

Why ac is measured in tonns?

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Asked by Wiki User

The unit of measurement "ton" in air conditioning relates to the cooling capacity of an air conditioning system. One ton of cooling capacity is equivalent to the amount of heat needed to melt one ton (2000 pounds) of ice in a 24-hour period. It provides a convenient way to compare and categorize the cooling capacity of different air conditioning systems.

How do you handle fine zirconium powder?

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Asked by Wiki User

To handle fine zirconium powder, you should wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, and a mask to avoid inhalation and skin contact. Store the powder in a dry, well-ventilated area away from sources of ignition, and handle it with tools designed to prevent sparks or friction. Clean up any spills carefully using methods that minimize the risk of generating dust.

How do you remove fevi stick from plastic?

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Asked by Wiki User

To remove Fevistick from plastic, you can try using rubbing alcohol or acetone-based nail polish remover. First, apply the solvent to a clean cloth and gently dab at the Fevistick residue. Repeat this process until the residue lifts off. Be sure to test the solvent on a small, inconspicuous area of the plastic first to ensure it does not cause damage.

What is the first invented whitening soap?

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Asked by Dlareg999

The first commercially produced whitening soap was likely introduced in the early 20th century with ingredients such as kojic acid or papaya extract to lighten skin tone. However, it's important to note that the concept of whitening soaps has been culturally prevalent in many regions for centuries, using natural ingredients like milk, honey, or turmeric for skin lightening.

What is the difference between stain and pigment?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stains are transparent colorants that penetrate the material they are applied to, enhancing the natural grain and texture. Pigments are opaque colorants that sit on top of the material, providing more coverage and a solid color finish.

What is the science concept in a relaxing chair?

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Asked by Wiki User

The science concept in a relaxing chair is ergonomics, which is the study of designing products or environments to optimize human well-being and overall performance. Relaxing chairs are designed to provide comfort and support for the body by considering factors such as posture, pressure distribution, and movement. This helps reduce stress on the body and promotes relaxation.

When is the plane mirror used in microscope?

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Asked by Wiki User

A plane mirror is often used in a microscope to direct light from the light source onto the specimen. It helps to illuminate the specimen evenly and reduce shadows, making it easier to view the specimen under the microscope. Additionally, the mirror can be adjusted to control the intensity and angle of the light directed onto the specimen.

How does a robot run?

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Asked by Wiki User

A robot runs by using a motor to drive wheels or legs in a walking motion. The motion is controlled by a series of algorithms and sensors that help the robot maintain balance and adjust its movements as needed. This allows the robot to move in a coordinated and efficient manner.

What is oscillating movement?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oscillating movement is a back-and-forth or side-to-side motion that repeats regularly. It is characterized by a periodic change in direction around a central point or axis. Examples include the swinging of a pendulum or the movement of a fan.

How much does android application development cost in general for enterprise app?

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Asked by JeffJohnsongp7031

Android application development cost varies a lot based on the features of the app and platforms associated. It can be commented after going through the detailed requirements. Professional android application development companies have ready framework for different type of apps and thus using that, may reduce the time and development cost. Better to share your scope with an app development company and get the absolute idea about pricing.