



The Energy category covers the description, definition, and use of all types of energy. Questions of a general nature can be put in the general Energy category. Other sub-categories exist for Fossil fuels, Nuclear energy, and renewables such as Wind, Solar, Hydro, Tidal, and Wave power.

24,866 Questions

What is the energy transformation in a shower?

Potential to kinetic.

Before you turn the shower on, the water is above the ground, waiting in the pipes. Once you open the valve it falls, converting that potential energy into kinetic energy.

Headphones useful and wasted energy?

Headphones can be useful in minimizing external noise and distractions, allowing for better focus and concentration. However, if used excessively or at high volumes, headphones can lead to wasted energy in the form of electricity consumption. It is important to use headphones mindfully and efficiently to maximize their benefits while minimizing unnecessary energy usage.

What transmits heat light sound and electric charges?

Different mediums or materials can transmit heat, light, sound, and electric charges:

  1. Heat:

Transmitted via conduction (solids), convection (fluids like liquids and gases), and radiation (vacuum or any transparent medium).

  1. Light:

Travels through a vacuum (space) and transparent materials like air, water, or glass.

  1. Sound:

Requires a medium (solid, liquid, or gas) to travel through, as it cannot propagate in a vacuum.

  1. Electric charges:

Conducted through conductive materials like metals, water with dissolved salts, and specific semi-conductive materials like silicon.

Each of these phenomena relies on specific mechanisms and materials to propagate through various mediums.

What three components are necessary for an energy conversion?

The 3 components are input energy a converter and out put energy.

What is the electrical conductivity of gasoline?

Gasoline is a non-conductive liquid, meaning it does not conduct electricity. This is because it lacks free ions or electrons that are necessary for electrical conduction. In fact, gasoline is used as a safety measure in environments where electrical sparks could cause fires or explosions, as it does not support combustion easily.

Is a hexagon a concave?

If it's a regular hexagon, it can't be concave. If it's an irregular hexagon,

then it can be concave if it wants to, but it doesn't have to be.

How do you differentiate the betz limit with respect to v2?

The Betz limit represents the maximum energy obtainable from a flowing fluid. This is a new topic for me, but Wikipedia has an entry under Betz' Law (don't forget the apostrophe after Betz) which may help you. This is a rather specialised topic and if Wikipedia does not give what you want you will probably have to consult a textbook on the subject.

What is the fomulae for energy?

There are different formulae for calculating different kinds of energy.

There are different formulae for calculating different kinds of energy.

There are different formulae for calculating different kinds of energy.

There are different formulae for calculating different kinds of energy.

How much more energy do average Americans use than the world average?

The results will probably vary a bit, depending on who you ask, and how the calculations are done.The Wikipedia article on "World energy consumption" list the following per-capita use of energy:

USA: 87,216 kWh (per person, for the year 2008), and

World: 21,283 kWh (per person, for the same year).

So, about 4 times the global average.

What is the difference between a form of energy and sound energy?

Truly there can be no diffence in either for they still are a pure form of energy.

What is the kinetic energy of 3000 lb car traveling at 60 mph?

To calculate the kinetic energy of the car, we first need to convert the mass from pounds to kilograms. 3000 lbs is approximately 1360.78 kg. The kinetic energy formula is KE = 0.5 * mass * velocity^2. Plugging in the values, KE = 0.5 * 1360.78 kg * (26.8224 m/s)^2 = approximately 491,440 Joules.

How much of the energy stored in the corn gets passed on to you in burgers?

Well, isn't that a happy little question! When you enjoy a burger made from corn-fed beef, you're receiving a portion of the energy stored in the corn that the cows ate. It's like a beautiful cycle of energy flowing from the sun to the corn to the cows to you, creating a lovely connection between nature and your meal.