


A barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow or raise the level of water.

1,254 Questions

What are the water dams in UAE and their capacity?

In 2006 the FAO listed the total dam capacity of 118 million m3

The FAO Aquastat lists 67 dams in UAE with a total capacity of 61.07 million m3

How old is this pat no 2741360 Inflato-Pump made by the Van Dam Rubber co in NY?

Well, honey, that Inflato-Pump patent, number 2741360, was issued back in 1956. So, if my math is right, that makes it about 65 years old. It's a vintage piece now, just like me - old but still kicking!

What is the largest dam in regards to water retention?

(Public knowledge) World—Structures and Buildings World's Largest Dams Dam Location cu m cu yds Year completed Three Gorges China 39,300,000 51,402,459 UC08 Syncrude Tailings Canada 540,000 706,320 UC Chapetón Argentina 296,200 387,410 UC Pati Argentina 238,180 274,026 UC New Cornelia Tailings United States 209,500 274,026 1973 Tarbela Pakistan 121,720 159,210 1976 Kambaratinsk Kyrgyzstan 112,200 146,758 UC Fort Peck Montana 96,049 125,628 1940 Lower Usuma Nigeria 93,000 121,644 1990 Cipasang Indonesia 90,000 117,720 UC Atatürk Turkey 84,500 110,522 1990 Yacyretá-Apipe Paraguay/Argentina 81,000 105,944 1998 Guri (Raúl Leoni) Venezuela 78,000 102,014 1986 Rogun Tajikistan 75,500 98,750 1985 Oahe South Dakota 70,339 92,000 1963 Mangla Pakistan 65,651 85,872 1967 Gardiner Canada 65,440 85,592 1968 Afsluitdijk Netherlands 63,400 82,927 1932 Oroville California 59,639 78,008 1968 San Luis California 59,405 77,700 1967 Nurek Tajikistan 58,000 75,861 1980 Garrison North Dakota 50,843 66,500 1956 Cochiti New Mexico 48,052 62,850 1975 Tabka (Thawra) Syria 46,000 60,168 1976 Bennett W.A.C. Canada 43,733 57,201 1967 Tucuruíi Brazil 43,000 56,242 1984 Boruca Costa Rica 43,000 56,242 UC High Aswan (Sadd-el-Aali) Egypt 43,000 56,242 1970 San Roque Philippines 43,000 56,242 UC Kiev Ukraine 42,841 56,034 1964 Dantiwada Left Embankment India 41,040 53,680 1965 Saratov Russia 40,400 52,843 1967 Mission Tailings 2 Arizona 40,088 52,435 1973 Fort Randall South Dakota 38,227 50,000 1953 Kanev Ukraine 37,860 49,520 1976 Mosul Iraq 36,000 47,086 1982 Kakhovka Ukraine 35,640 46,617 1955 Itumbiara Brazil 35,600 46,563 1980 Lauwerszee Netherlands 35,575 46,532 1969 Beas India 35,418 46,325 1974 Oosterschelde Netherlands 35,000 45,778 1986

How many dams in kerala?

There are more than 50 dams in Kerala, with major ones like Idukki Dam, Idamalayar Dam, and Mullaperiyar Dam being notable. These dams play a crucial role in water management and hydroelectric power generation in the state.

How do wolverines get into beaver dams?

Wolverines may access beaver dams by exploiting weak spots or holes in the structure. They are strong and agile animals that can easily climb or dig to gain entry. Wolverines are opportunistic feeders and will take advantage of any available food source, including beaver lodges and dams.

What basic need do beavers satisfy when they build their dams?

Beavers build dams to create a safe habitat by flooding an area to protect themselves from predators, regulate water levels, and store food for the winter. By building dams, beavers can access food more easily and create a sheltered environment for their family.

How do they keep water from flowing down the steep mountain side?

To prevent water from flowing down a steep mountainside, various methods such as building retaining walls, terracing the slopes, planting vegetation to stabilize the soil, or creating drainage channels can be employed. These measures help to control erosion, slow down the movement of water, and reduce the risk of landslides or floods.

Did the 3 gouges dam slow the earths rotation?

No, the Three Gorges Dam's impact on the Earth's rotation is negligible due to its size and mass relative to the Earth. The dam's reservoir has redistributed some mass, affecting the planet's moment of inertia, but this effect is incredibly small and cannot noticeably slow the Earth's rotation.

Is dh5 alpha srain of E. coli is dam negative?

Yes, the DH5 alpha strain of E. coli is dam negative. This means that it lacks the Dam methylase enzyme responsible for DNA adenine methylation. DH5 alpha strains are commonly used in molecular biology research due to their ease of transformation and lack of methylation.

What are the disadvantages of gabions?

the advantages are that it helps to protect the coast line by stopping the waves pounding at the cliffs. it does this by breaking the power of the waves when it hits the little rocks inside the cage. gabions are quite natural as rubble or pebbles can be used. gabions are also quite cheap and may be prefered to other coastal defenses such as sea walls.

the disadvantages are that they may be considered unsightly by some people, they may take up quite a lot of space up on the beach as lots of gabions are needed to provide plenty of protection ( this makes the beach less desirable to people as the beach may seem more crowded) if the rocks inside the cage become worn down the whole cage will need taking out and replacing. if the gabions are stacked up in a wall and a lower one needs replacing this will mean taking out all the ones above it aswell before replacing it and rebuilding the wall. this would take lots of time and money!

A timber crib retaining system offers an excellent alternative solution being generally faster and more simple to construct without the need of skilled or experienced labour.

Timber crib can be used in both domestic and commercial applications and are considered by many as aesthetically superior to gabion baskets in addition to being environmentally friendly and sustainable.

What does dam stand for in the metric system?

The word DAM in the metric system is dakameter! Hope this helps!

Seattle is located on what large inland body of water?

Seattle is located on the shores of Puget Sound, which is a large inlet of the Pacific Ocean.

What are the names of dams on the ganga river?

Some of the major dams on the Ganga River include the Bhagirathi Dam, the Tehri Dam, the Ramganga Dam, and the Bansagar Dam. These dams are important for various purposes such as hydroelectric power generation, irrigation, and flood control.

World's smallest dam?

The Petit Saut Dam in French Guiana is considered one of the smallest dams in the world, standing at a height of about 36 meters. It was built primarily for hydroelectric power generation on the Sinnamary River.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a dam?

  • Dams are extremely expensive to build and must be built to a very high standard.
  • The high cost of dam construction means that they must operate for many decades to become profitable.
  • The flooding of large areas of land means that the natural environment is destroyed.
  • People living in villages and towns that are in the valley to be flooded, must move out. This means that they lose their farms and businesses. In some countries, people are forcibly removed so that hydro-power schemes can go ahead.
  • The building of large dams can cause serious geological damage. For example, the building of the Hoover Dam in the USA triggered a number of earth quakes and has depressed the earth's surface at its location.
  • Although modern planning and design of dams is good, in the past old dams have been known to be breached (the dam gives under the weight of water in the lake). This has led to deaths and flooding.
  • Dams built blocking the progress of a river in one country usually means that the water supply from the same river in the following country is out of their control. This can lead to serious problems between neighboring countries.
  • Building a large dam alters the natural water table level. For example, the building of the Aswan Dam in Egypt has altered the level of the water table. This is slowly leading to damage of many of its ancient monuments as salts and destructive minerals are deposited in the stone work from 'rising damp' caused by the changing water table level
  • Hydro powerdams can damage the surrounding environment and alter the quality of the water by creating low dissolved oxygen levels, which impacts fish and the surrounding ecosystems. They also take up a great deal of space and can impose on animal, plant, and even human environments.
  • Fish populations can be impacted if fish cannot migrate upstream past impoundments dams to spawning grounds or if they cannot migrate downstream to the ocean. Upstream fish passage can be aided using fish ladders or elevators, or by trapping and hauling the fish upstream by truck. Downstream fish passage is aided by diverting fish from turbine intakes using screens or racks or even underwater lights and sounds, and by maintaining a minimum spill flow past the turbine.
  • Hydro powercan impact water quality and flow. Hydro power plants can cause low dissolved oxygen levels in the water, a problem that is harmful to riparian (riverbank) habitats and is addressed using various aeration techniques, which oxygenate the water. Maintaining minimum flows of water downstream of a hydro power installation is also critical for the survival of riparian habitats.
  • Hydro power plants can be impacted by drought. When water is not available, the hydro power plants can't produce electricity.
  • New hydro power facilities impact the local environment and may compete with other uses for the land. Those alternative uses may be more highly valued than electricity generation. Humans, flora, and fauna may lose their natural habitat. Local cultures and historical sites may be flooded. Some older hydro power facilities may have historic value, so renovations of these facilities must also be sensitive to such preservation concerns and to impacts on plant and animal life.
  • By 2020, it is projected that the percentage of power obtained from hydro power dams will decrease to around four percent because no new plants are in the works, and because more money is being invested in other alternative energy sources such as solar power and wind power.
  • � dams detract from natural settings, ruin nature's work

� dams have inundated the spawning grounds of fish� dams have inhibited the seasonal migration of fish� dams have endangered some species of fish� dams may have inundated the potential for archaeological findings� reservoirs can foster diseases if not properly maintained� reservoir water can evaporate significantly� some researchers believe that reservoirs can cause earthquakes� the reservoir created by the dam may inundate land, crops, cities and villages� people may be displaced by the reservoir and have to find new homes� the reservoir may cause instability of the hillsides

  • � Effect on water resources as precipitation and evaporation may change
  • 1) Expensive to build and maintain - most dams can be very expensive to build, and even more expensive to maintain. Every dam has a design life. What happens when the design life of the dam expires? Nobody wants to pay to retrofit the dam, but they just want it to keep working forever.

    2) Endagering to many wildlife species - while some species of wildlife thrive in a reservoir environment, most are affected in a negative way. Creative (...and expensive) solutions usually need to be engineered to minimize the effect on the wildlife

(Case Study) By Lewis Ian Latham from Knowsley Park CFL.
The 3 Gorges Dam is the largest of its kind in Asia and located on the Yangzte River. The power created from this dam supplies China one tenth of their requirements which is a great deal as it is more than 3x larger than the UK alone. The people protected from this dam have risen over the years to above 2 million civilians, the power is clean which helps ecosystems, wildlife and air purity (a big problem in China)
However.... Over 2 million civilians were therefore displaced and had to move many miles to relocate mainly travelling to Chongqing. Both land slides and Earthquakes have been triggered from this dam as the water fluctuates over 30m annually so the flow can be maintained to protect the rural area. The weight from the dam puts pressure on the ground below and continues on to trigger earthquakes throughout the local areas. Behind every dam ever created can be found a resevoir, the one located behind the 3 Gorges is VERY LONG and DEEP. Over 100 Heritage Sites were lost and 13 Cities, 140 towns, 1300 villages, 1500 factories and 100,000 acres of land were submerged by the resevoir....

What is the importance of fluid pressure in dams?

Fluid pressure in dams is important because it helps to keep the structure stable by counteracting the external forces acting on it, such as the weight of the water in the reservoir. Proper management of fluid pressure is crucial to prevent structural failure and ensure the safety and integrity of the dam. Additionally, controlling fluid pressure allows for efficient energy production through hydroelectric power generation.

How does a beaver move a tree to his dam?

A beaver will chew down a tree near water using its strong teeth. It then uses its powerful body to drag the tree to the dam site by swimming while pushing or pulling the tree along the water's surface. Once the tree reaches the dam, the beaver will strategically position and secure it in place using mud, rocks, and other materials to strengthen the dam structure.

What is the basis for the selection of sites for the hydroelectric power plants?

The selection of sites for hydroelectric power plants is based on factors such as water availability, topography for dam construction, environmental impact assessment, proximity to transmission lines, and economic feasibility. These factors help determine the potential for generating electricity efficiently and sustainably.