

Wave Power

Wave power refers to the transport of energy through ocean surface waves and putting that energy to functional use such as for desalinating water and generating electricity. Wave power generation is not a commonly-used commercial technology.

423 Questions

What transfer of energy is by electromagnet waves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Electromagnetic waves transfer energy through oscillating electric and magnetic fields. This transfer occurs through a vacuum because they do not require a medium for propagation. Examples of electromagnetic waves include light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays.

How are waves and tides predictable?

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Waves are predictable based on factors like wind speed, duration, and fetch direction. Tides are predictable due to the gravitational forces of the moon and sun, which create regular patterns of high and low tides. Mathematical models and historical data help forecast wave heights and tidal movements.

What is a wide range of energy waves that radiate from the sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

This refers to electromagnetic waves.

These are:

  1. Radio waves (biggest wavelength)
  2. Microwaves
  3. Infrared waves
  4. Visible waves (light, the rainbow spectrum)
  5. Ultraviolet waves
  6. X-ray waves
  7. Gamma waves (smallest wavelength).

How does the fetch of a wave affect its erosional power?

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Asked by Wiki User

The fetch of a wave refers to the distance over which wind can travel uninterrupted across the water surface before generating waves. Longer fetch results in larger and more powerful waves due to the increased amount of energy that can be transferred to the water. This enhanced wave energy leads to greater erosional power, as the waves can carry more sediment and exert a stronger force on the coastline.

What is an offshore wave breaker?

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An offshore wave breaker is a structure built in the ocean to reduce the intensity of waves and protect a coastline or harbor from wave erosion. It works by dissipating wave energy before it reaches the coast, thus reducing the impact of waves on beaches or structures.

What are the pros and cons of the sound wave?

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Asked by Kkarawaiti

Pros: Sound waves are efficient for communication, can travel through various mediums, and are essential for language, music, and signaling in nature.

Cons: Sound waves can be easily disrupted by obstacles, lose energy over distance, and can cause noise pollution in high concentrations.

What does a wave power machine do?

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A wave power machine converts the energy from ocean waves into electricity. It typically involves capturing the kinetic energy of the moving water and converting it into electrical energy through technologies such as turbines or buoys. This renewable energy source can help generate electricity without producing greenhouse gas emissions.

What kind of energy does the Gordon dam do for the environment?

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The Gordon Dam generates renewable energy in the form of hydropower. This type of energy is considered to be more environmentally friendly compared to fossil fuels, as it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions during operation. However, building dams can have environmental impacts on river ecosystems and local communities.

Why do bats emit pulses of ultrasound INSTEAD of continuous waves of ultrasound to navigate?

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Bats emit pulses of ultrasound for echolocation because it allows them to distinguish between echoes from different objects and surfaces. By emitting short pulses, bats can accurately determine the distance, size, shape, and texture of objects in their environment. This helps them navigate, locate prey, and avoid obstacles efficiently.

What powers a wave?

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A wave is powered by energy transferred from a source. In the case of ocean waves, the primary source of energy is the wind transferring its energy to the water's surface causing waves to form and propagate.

What would Happen to you if you put your hand in a electricity Eel in an tank?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you were to put your hand in a tank with an electric eel, you would likely receive a powerful electric shock. Electric eels are capable of generating a strong electrical current to stun prey and defend themselves from predators. This could potentially cause injury or harm to you.

A mechanical wave genrally does NOT?

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A mechanical wave generally does NOT require a medium to propagate.

How are wave erosion landforms created?

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Wave erosion landforms are created through the repetitive action of waves breaking against the coastline and wearing away the rock or sediment. Over time, this erosion carves out features such as sea cliffs, sea caves, sea stacks, and wave-cut platforms. The strength and frequency of the waves, as well as the type of rock or sediment present, all contribute to the formation of these landforms.

How much electrical energy does wave power produce?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wave power systems can produce varying amounts of electrical energy depending on factors such as the size of the system, wave conditions, and technology efficiency. On average, a typical wave energy converter can produce between 50 kW to 500 kW of electrical power under optimal conditions. However, advancements in technology continue to improve the efficiency and output of wave power systems.

How the energy in waves originally came from the Sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

The energy in ocean waves primarily comes from the Sun through the process of thermal gradients created by the uneven heating of the Earth's surface. Solar radiation heats the Earth's surface, causing temperature differences that drive air and water movements, ultimately generating wave energy in the oceans.

How can wave energy be used widely?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wave energy can be used widely by installing wave energy converters along coastlines to harness the energy from ocean waves. These devices capture the kinetic energy of the waves and convert it into electricity, which can be used to power homes, businesses, and even entire communities. Wave energy is a renewable and sustainable source of energy that can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change.

What are the sub type or surface waves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Subtypes of surface waves include Rayleigh waves, which travel along the surface and cause the ground to move elliptically, and Love waves, which cause horizontal shearing motions. These waves are classified based on their motion and behavior as they propagate along the Earth's surface.

When waves cut large holes into the fractured or weak rock along the base of a sea cliff. what is formed?

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Asked by Wiki User

When waves cut large holes into the fractured or weak rock along the base of a sea cliff, sea caves are formed. These are hollowed-out spaces within the cliff, created through the relentless force of the waves crashing against the rock over time.

How much energy does 445 mm wave have?

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Asked by Wiki User

The energy of a 445 nm wave can be calculated using the formula E = hc/λ, where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength. Plugging in the values, we get E ≈ 4.45 x 10^-19 joules.

Is Wave Power Suitable For UK Sites?

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Yes, wave power is suitable for UK sites as the UK has significant wave energy potential due to its coastal location and exposure to the Atlantic Ocean. The UK government has been supporting wave energy research and projects to harness this renewable energy source.

What happens to the motion of a particles as a wave asses through a medium is the motion of the particles like the motion of a mas on a spring?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a wave passing through a medium, particles undergo oscillatory motion that is similar to the motion of a mass on a spring. As the wave travels, particles move back and forth around their equilibrium positions due to the wave's energy transferring through the medium. This oscillatory motion is characteristic of how energy is propagated in wave phenomena.

The height of a wave is measured from the top of one crest to the top of another.?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, that is correct. The height of a wave is typically measured from the highest point of a wave, known as the crest, to the lowest point of the wave, known as the trough.

How does wave energy impact the environment?

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Wave energy can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment. Harnessing wave energy can reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a more sustainable energy mix. However, the installation of wave energy devices can disrupt marine ecosystems, impact marine life migration patterns, and alter coastal sediment transport processes. Impact assessments and careful planning are necessary to minimize these negative effects.