



Geography is the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants and phenomena. Find questions about geology, agriculture, population and more.

19,139 Questions

Examples of commodities are?

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Crude oil is traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX).

Gold is traded on the COMEX exchange.

Corn is traded on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT).

Coffee is traded on the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).

Cattle is traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)

Physical features of earth?

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Rock, Fire, Water, Air

What are the importance of highland in geography?

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1)it serves as sources of Minerals- most highlands especially (LIBERIA) are souces of Minerals like Iron ores, gold, diamonds.

2)it serves as Defence: highlands are use in the time of inter-tribal war for easy defence against enemies.

3) As tourist Centres- some highlands serve as center for tourist attraction.

In what country is Toronto?

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Toronto is the largest city, in the second largest country on Earth: Canada. Canada is located immediately north of the 'lower 48' states of the US. Toronto is located on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario, one of North America's five "Great Lakes.

Where does Texas have a canyon?

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Texas has a famous canyon known as Palo Duro Canyon, located in the Texas Panhandle near Amarillo. It is the second largest canyon in the United States and offers stunning geological formations and outdoor recreational opportunities.

How are plants adapted to sand dune environment?

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Plants in sand dune environments often have deep roots to anchor them in loose sand and access water underground. They may also have waxy or hairy leaves to reduce water loss through transpiration and protect against wind and salt spray. Some plants have specialized mechanisms to survive in nutrient-poor soils, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules.

What are some features of the geographic themes of place and region?

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The geographic theme of place focuses on the unique physical and cultural characteristics that distinguish one location from another. It examines the human and physical attributes of a specific area. The theme of region, on the other hand, looks at how places are grouped together based on similar characteristics such as language, climate, economy, or culture. It helps geographers understand the spatial patterns and relationships that exist between different places.

What is the geographic location of the US using the terms hemisphere and continent?

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the United States is located in the northern and the western hemispheres.The United States continent is north america

What makes geography unique as a discipline?

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Geography is unique as a discipline because it combines both physical and human aspects of the world, allowing for a holistic understanding of the interactions between people and their environment. It also provides a spatial perspective, studying patterns and phenomena in relation to location and space. Lastly, geography is interdisciplinary, drawing from various fields such as economics, sociology, and environmental science to explain complex relationships on Earth.

Is Chicago west coast?

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No, Chicago is not on the west coast of the United States. It is located in the Midwest region of the country, on the shores of Lake Michigan.

What desert located in northern Africa is the largest in the world?

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The Sahara covers most of the northern third of Africa. It is the largest hot desert in the world and the second largest overall, behind the Antarctic Desert. For more information on the largest deserts click here:

How many square miles of water is there in Texas?

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Texas has approximately 6,034 square miles of inland water area, which includes rivers, lakes, and reservoirs.

How were hunters and gatherers affected by geography?

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Hunters and gatherers were affected by geography in terms of access to resources such as plants and animals. Their lifestyle was influenced by the availability of water sources, climate, terrain, and presence of natural barriers. Geographic features also impacted their mobility and the distribution of different groups across the landscape.

Which of the following organizational entities within the operations section may be used to divide incident geography?

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Branches and divisions are organizational entities within the operations section that may be used to divide incident geography. Branches typically represent functional areas, while divisions are used to manage geographic areas within an incident.

What continent is rio jenaro in?

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Rio de Janeiro is located in South America.

What are some ways human geography can influence our lives?

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Human geography influences our lives by shaping the way we interact with our environment, understanding cultural diversity, and informing policy decisions. It helps us study how people live, work, and organize themselves within spaces, which influences social dynamics, urban planning, economic activities, and political structures. Studying human geography can provide insights into issues like migration, urbanization, globalization, and sustainability, which have a direct impact on our daily lives.

What are the disadvantages of hirakud dam?

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Some of the disadvantages of Hirakud Dam include: displacement of local communities, loss of fertile land due to submergence, disruption of natural ecosystems, and negative impacts on downstream water quality and sediment flow.

What are some interesting tourism facts?

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Asked by Janeisawesome

  • Tourism is one of the world's largest industries, generating significant revenue and supporting millions of jobs globally.
  • The most visited country in the world is France, thanks to iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and rich cultural heritage.
  • Sustainable tourism practices are becoming increasingly popular as travelers seek to minimize their environmental impact and support local communities.

Is Great Britain a neighbouring country?

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Yes, Great Britain is a geographical location that includes three countries: England, Scotland, and Wales. They share land borders with each other but are not considered neighboring countries in the traditional sense.

Why does America have the worst weather?

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America does not have the worst weather overall; it has diverse weather patterns due to its size and geographical features. Extreme weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards do occur in certain regions, but these are not constant across the entire country. Variability in weather can be attributed to factors like geography, climate change, and atmospheric conditions.

How do you know what countries belong to which continents?

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Continents are typically defined based on geological and geographical factors, such as tectonic plate boundaries and landmass size. There are accepted continental boundaries that help determine which countries belong to each continent. These boundaries can sometimes be subjective, leading to variations in classification depending on the source or criteria used.

What is directional arrow in geography?

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A directional arrow in geography is a symbol used on maps to indicate the cardinal directions - north, south, east, and west. It helps users orient themselves and understand the layout of the map in relation to these directions.

What do geographers use to show regions on maps?

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Geographers use colors, shading, or patterns to represent different regions on maps. This helps to visually differentiate between one area and another, making it easier to understand and study spatial patterns and relationships.

Why did early explorers study astronomy and geography?

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Early explorers studied astronomy to navigate using the stars and understand their position relative to Earth. Geography helped them create maps, plan routes, and learn about different regions they were exploring. Both disciplines were essential for successful exploration and discovery of new lands.