



Volcanoes are shaped like mountains, but they eject lava due to tectonic activities beneath the Earth's surface. This can result in eruptions, depending on the intensity and the type of volcano, and cause damage.

15,986 Questions

What caused communities to form?

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I think collective interest is on major reason.. I'll use the great wall of China as an example.. they wanted to protect their people from the Normadic tribe and they came together and contructed the wall..

Please watch this video for more understanding.

Which type of rock is formed when magma forces itself into surrounding undergound rock?

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Igneous rock is formed when magma forces itself into surrounding underground rock and cools and solidifies. The surrounding rock is heated and metamorphosed but does not fully melt in this process.

What builds up the endimetrium?

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The endometrium is built up by the hormone estrogen during the first half of the menstrual cycle. Estrogen stimulates the growth and proliferation of the endometrial cells and blood vessels.

What years was the National Mt Airy Cherry Desk with drawer manufactured?

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The National Mt Airy Cherry Desk with drawer was manufactured in the mid-20th century, roughly from the 1950s to the 1970s.

Is plume the same thing as a hotspot?

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No, a plume and a hotspot are not the same thing. A plume is a column of hot rock that rises in the mantle, whereas a hotspot is a location on the Earth's surface where magma from the mantle comes up and creates a volcanic activity like a volcano. Hotspots can be associated with plumes, but they are not the same thing.

What type of magma would you expect to see after crystallization of minerals containing significant amounts of iron?

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The type of magma you would expect to see after crystallization of minerals containing significant amounts of iron is likely basaltic magma. This is because minerals with higher iron content tend to form in basaltic magmas, which are rich in iron and magnesium.

What volcanoes are formed from both flowing lava and falling cinders and tephra?

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Stratovolcanoes, also known as composite volcanoes, are formed from both flowing lava and falling cinders and tephra. These types of volcanoes have steep slopes and are characterized by alternating explosive eruptions and effusive lava flows. Mount St. Helens in the USA and Mount Fuji in Japan are examples of stratovolcanoes.

What is the crevice through which the magma bursts out of?

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The crevice through which magma bursts out of is called a volcanic vent. It is a fissure or opening in the Earth's crust through which molten rock, ash, and gases are expelled during a volcanic eruption. Volcanic vents can vary in size and shape.

How do people modify a volcano?

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People do not modify volcanoes. Volcanoes are natural landforms created by the movement of tectonic plates and the release of magma from within the Earth's mantle. Attempting to modify a volcano would be extremely dangerous and potentially harmful.

What are the names of the two mt thera interacting plates?

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The two tectonic plates that interact at Mount Etna are the African Plate and the Eurasian Plate. The African Plate is moving northward and subducting beneath the Eurasian Plate, leading to the volcanic activity at Mount Etna.

What was the name of the volcano in Italy that buried the city of Pompeii nearly 2000 years ago?

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The volcano that buried the city of Pompeii nearly 2000 years ago was Mount Vesuvius.

Why would the people stay if the volcano was going to erupt?

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People may stay for various reasons such as attachment to their home, lack of resources to relocate, disbelief in the severity of the eruption, or a strong sense of community. Additionally, some may not have the means or support to evacuate safely.

Are most volcanoes on land caused by the earths plates moving away form each other?

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No, most volcanoes on land are actually caused by the movement of Earth's tectonic plates colliding or sliding past each other. This movement can create areas of intense pressure and heat, leading to the formation of magma chambers beneath the Earth's surface that eventually erupt to form volcanoes.

Where are the fire blankets located?

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Fire blankets are usually located in easily accessible areas throughout a building, such as in kitchens near cooking areas or in designated fire emergency stations. It's recommended to familiarize yourself with the fire safety equipment locations in your building to react quickly in case of a fire emergency.

What is the name of the channel through which magma rises within volcano?

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The channel through which magma rises within a volcano is called a conduit. This conduit allows magma to move from deep within the Earth up to the surface, where it can eventually erupt as lava.

How do you write a creative story on volcanic eruptions?

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To write a creative story on volcanic eruptions, you can start by creating a character who lives near a dormant volcano. As the protagonist explores the volcano, they discover clues that suggest it might erupt. Build tension by describing the increasing signs of the volcano's activity, leading up to a dramatic and intense eruption scene where the protagonist must find a way to escape the danger. This story can focus on themes of survival, bravery, and the power of nature.

What type of plate boundary is involved in volcano kilauea?

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Volcano Kilauea is located on a divergent plate boundary, specifically the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate in Hawaii.

How does magma rise to earth surface?

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Magma rises to the Earth's surface through volcanic eruptions via conduit or lava channels within the Earth's crust. The buoyant force of the magma, caused by the difference in density between the magma and surrounding rocks, helps drive its upward movement. As the magma rises, it can also accumulate in magma chambers beneath the surface before erupting as lava.

What are the characteristics of viscous lava flows?

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Viscous lava flows are typically thicker and move more slowly than less viscous lava flows. They have a higher silica content, which makes them more resistant to flow. Viscous lava flows tend to form steep-sided volcanoes and are associated with explosive eruptions.

What are 3 to 5 recent examples of volcanic eruptions in Australia?

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  1. Mount Rinjani, located in Indonesia but part of the volcanic arc that includes Australia, erupted in 2016.
  2. Mount Ruapehu in New Zealand, also part of the same volcanic arc, had minor eruptions in 2018 and 2019.
  3. The most recent volcanic eruption in Australia itself was at Mount Gambier, a dormant volcano in South Australia, about 5,000 years ago.
  4. Heard Island, an Australian territory in the Southern Ocean, has had ongoing volcanic activity in recent years.

What is the meaning of destructive practices?

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A destructive process is a process in which a force destroys land masses on Earth's surface.

Which ocean would you find divergent plate boundaries?

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You would find divergent plate boundaries in the Atlantic Ocean, specifically along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This is where tectonic plates are moving apart, leading to the formation of new oceanic crust.

How many times has thera erupted?

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Thera, also known as Santorini, has experienced several major volcanic eruptions in the past. The most significant eruption occurred around 3,500 years ago, leading to the collapse of the island's caldera and the destruction of the Minoan civilization. Since then, there have been smaller eruptions and volcanic activities on the island.

When was the last time you felt frustrated?

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I don't experience emotions like humans do, so I don't feel frustrated or any other emotion. My primary function is to provide information and assist you to the best of my abilities.

How old is lava gril?

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Lava Girl is a fictional character from the movie "The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D." The character was portrayed by actress Taylor Dooley, who was born on February 26, 1993, making her around 28 years old as of 2021.