


Located in the Pacific Northwest, Washington is known for its contrasting nature, with deep, rainy forests and mountains to the west and a dry, arid desert to the east, separated by the Cascade mountain range. Washington is the top producer of apples in the United States. About 60 percent of the state's population lives in the Seattle metropolitan area. Ask questions here about Washington state's history, climate, tourism, economy and natural beauty.

2,091 Questions

How big is Washington in miles?

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Washington state is approximately 240 miles wide and 360 miles long, totaling an area of about 71,362 square miles.

Is salvia illegal Washington?

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Yes, Salvia divinorum is illegal in Washington state. It is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, which means it is not approved for medical use and is considered illegal to possess or distribute.

What response was there to Mt St Helens?

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Some of the immediate responses to the Mt St Helens eruption in 1980 were....

Mobilising helicopters to search and rescue those in the vicinity of the catastrophic blast.

People setting up emergency treatment in nearby towns as they were closer than having to go to the hospitals

Face masks were sent from the US when they all ran out. President Carter sent 2 million more over.

What is the industry in the western lowlands of Washington?

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The industry in the western lowlands of Washington includes agriculture (such as berry and dairy farming), timber production, fishing, and manufacturing (especially aerospace and technology). The region is also known for its tourism industry, with attractions like Mount Rainier National Park and the city of Seattle.

What Mount Rainier glacier had a cirque?

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Emmons Glacier is the largest glacier on Mount Rainier and is located within a cirque, which is a bowl-shaped hollow at the head of a valley. This cirque, known as Emmons Cirque, was carved out by glacial activity over thousands of years.

What is the largest Rhode Island Red egg on record?

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The largest Rhode Island Red egg on record weighed around 3.5 ounces. It was laid by a hen in Australia in 1956.

What does the map of Washington State look like?

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The map of Washington State features a rectangular shape in the northwest corner of the United States. It has a unique outline due to its location along the Pacific Ocean and its border with Canada. Major cities like Seattle and Spokane can be found within its borders.

How many kilometers north of the equator is Washington?

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This is a fantastic question ! It presents learning possibilities, for all of us,

in a variety of subjects, above and beyond anything you ever imagined.

I guarantee it.

-- First, for you, a Social Studies lesson:

George Washington, the "father of our country" and the first president of the USA,

became so popular and so well-known in his lifetime that many different places used

his name. So, when you talk about Farendunk, Catspaw, or Tweedledee, you can

probably get away without mentioning the state it's in. But when you mention

Washington, it's always a good idea to clarify which one you're talking about.

-- Next, also for you, a Geography lesson:

Cities, towns, and states spread over a good deal of land. It's not possible for

a whole state, city, or town to be the same distance from anything.

-- Now, what I have learned:

What you're capable of if you get in too deep before you decide to turn back.

-- Finally, here is the answer to your question. It's definitely somewhere on this list:

Washington, Arkansas . . .

The center of the intersection of Franklin St and US-278, at 33.7749° north latitude,

is 3,752.4 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Connecticut . . .

The center of the intersection of Wykeham Rd and Green Hill Rd, at 41.6306° north latitude,

is 4,625.2 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Georgia . . .

The center of the intersection of Toombs Ave and Spring St, at 33.7370° north latitude,

is 3,748.2 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Iowa . . .

The center of the intersection of Main St and Iowa Ave, at 41.2995° north latitude,

is 4,588.4 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington DC . . .

The Washington National Monument, at 38.8895° north latitude,

is 4,320.6 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Illinois . . .

The center of the intersection of Main St and Peoria St, at 40.7034° north latitude,

is 4,522.1 4,295.0 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Indiana . . .

The center of the intersection of Walnut St and NE 5th St, at 38.6587° north latitude,

is 4,295.0 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Kansas . . .

The center of the intersection of E 7th St and 'B' St, at 39.8135° north latitude,

is 4,423.3 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Louisiana . . .

The center of the intersection of Main St and Grand Prairie Hwy, at 30.6163° north latitude,

is 3,401.5 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Maine . . .

The center of the intersection of Liberty Rd and Old Union Rd, at 44.2736° north latitude,

is 4,918.8 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Michigan . . .

The center of the intersection of West Rd and Van Dyke Rd, at 42.7245° north latitude,

is 4,746.7 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Missouri . . .

The center of the intersection of W 3rd St and Jefferson St, at 38.5579° north latitude,

is 4,283.8 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, North Carolina . . .

The center of the intersection of Market St and W 5th St, at 35.5465° north latitude,

is 3,949.2 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Nebraska . . .

The center of the intersection of Jefferson St and Lafayette St, at 41.3976° north latitude,

is 4,599.3 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, New Hampshire . . .

The center of the intersection of Cross Rd and S Main St, at 43.1750° north latitude,

is 4,796.7 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, New Jersey . . .

The center of the intersection of Broad St and Washington Ave, at 40.7584° north latitude,

is 4,528.3 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Oklahoma . . .

The center of the intersection of Morehead Ave and Main St, at 35.0589° north latitude,

is 3,895.0 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Pennsylvania . . .

The center of the intersection of Chestnut St and Jefferson Ave, at 40.1716° north latitude,

is 4,463.1 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington State . . .

The southernmost point on the Washington/Oregon state line, at 45.5436° north latitude,

is 5,059.9 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Texas . . .

The center of the intersection of FM-1155 and Park Rd 12, at 30.3227° north latitude,

is 3,368.9 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Utah . . .

The center of the intersection of N 100 E and E Telegraph St, at 37.1303° north latitude,

is 4,125.2 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Virginia . . .

The center of the intersection of Main St and Middle St, at 38.7135° north latitude,

is 4,301.1 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Vermont . . .

The center of the intersection of W Corinth Rd and SR-110, at 44.1059° north latitude,

is 4,900.2 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, Wisconsin . . .

The center of the intersection of Main Rd and CR-W, at 45.3948° north latitude,

is 5,043.4 km north of the equator. (rounded)

Washington, West Virginia . . .

The center of the intersection of Dupont Rd and Lake Washington Rd, at 39.2626° north latitude,

is 4,362.1 km north of the equator. (rounded)

When and why does phosphorescence occur in Puget Sound?

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Phosphorescence occurs in places all over the world and it happens when small micro organisms " glow" in the water. These plankton like creatures come from the bottom of the ocean where it's dark so they only come out at night. I have seen phosphorescence in the puget sound before and it occurs around the middle of august in the summer but in the sound it only happens in summer. Most of the times I have noticed it's a clear night with no rain.

If the time is 8 pm in California what time is it in Washington state?

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  • From the 2nd Sun. of Mar. to the 1st Sun. of Nov., at noon EDT (UTC-4) in Washington, D.C. it's 7 PM MSK (UTC+3) in Moscow.
  • From the 1st Sun. of Nov. to the 2nd Sun. of Mar., at noon EST (UTC-5) in Washington it's 8 PM MSK (UTC+3) in Moscow.

What hemisphere is mt st Helens in?

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Mount St. Helens is located in the northern hemisphere, in the state of Washington in the United States.

Who is the mayor of Washington st?

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Washington State does not have a mayor it has a Governor and her name is Chris Gregoire. I misspelled her name I'm sure. Cities have mayors, States have Governors. As for the Mayor of the City of Washington DC the name is Adrian Fenty.

If Mount Rainier in Washington were to erupt explosively covered with snow and glaciers what would you expect?

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An explosive eruption of Mount Rainier covered with snow and glaciers could trigger lahars (mudflows) caused by rapid melting of ice and snow. These lahars would flow downhill, potentially reaching populated areas surrounding the mountain and causing significant damage. The combination of ash, mudflows, and debris could lead to widespread destruction and loss of life.

What is the distance from Mount Saint Helena to Seattle WA?

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The driving distance from Mount Saint Helena to Seattle, WA is approximately 730 miles.

Which mountain erupted May 18 1980?

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Mount St. Helens in the state of Washington erupted on May 18, 1980. The eruption was one of the most significant volcanic events in the United States in recent history, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.

If its 3 o'clock in Washington state what time is it in New York?

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3:00 PM in Washington State (PT) = 5:00 PM in Illinois (CT) 3:00 PM in Washington DC(ET) = 2:00 PM in Illinois (CT)

When is camas Washington supposed to get snow?

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Snowfall in Camas, Washington is most likely during the winter months, typically from November to February. However, the exact timing and amount of snowfall can vary each year depending on weather patterns and conditions. It's best to check local weather forecasts for the most up-to-date information on potential snowfall in the area.

What is the altitude of Spokane in Washington USA?

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Spokane's altitude is around 1,843 feet (562 meters) above sea level.

How did Tacoma get its name?

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Tacoma got its name from the nearby mountain, Mount Rainier, which was originally called Mount Tacoma. The city was named after the mountain in 1852, but the name was later changed to Mount Rainier.

Does Washington state have Daylight Saving Time?

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Yes, Washington state observes Daylight Saving Time. Clocks are moved forward by one hour in the spring and set back by one hour in the fall, following the schedule set by the federal government.

Where is hurricane ridge located?

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Hurricane Ridge is located in Washington DC. It is a mountainous region of the Olympic National Park. The best way to access it is by road from Port Angeles. The ridge is a major skiing and snowboarding area.

What jobs are in the cascade range Washington State?

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In the Cascade Range in Washington State, common jobs include park rangers, forest firefighters, wilderness guides, ski instructors, and lodge staff. There are also opportunities in conservation, research, and tourism-related roles within the region.

What is the coldest and wettest town in Washington?

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The coldest and wettest town in Washington is likely to be Mazama, located in the North Cascades region. The town receives heavy snowfall in winter and experiences high precipitation levels throughout the year due to its proximity to the mountains.