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3,503 Questions

What is the typical family structure of Kenya?

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In Kenya, the typical family structure is often nuclear, consisting of parents and their children living together. However, extended families are also common, with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins living in the same household or nearby. Family ties are strong and play a significant role in societal structure and support systems.

Will All offspring from the same parents will have exactly the same traits?

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No, offspring from the same parents will inherit a unique combination of genes, resulting in variations in traits such as appearance, behavior, and other characteristics. This genetic variation is what leads to diversity within a species.

Healthy relationships are built through cooperation and?

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communication, where both parties actively listen, express their needs and feelings honestly, and work together to find solutions. Trust, respect, and mutual support are essential components for fostering a healthy and strong relationship.

What does feeding relationship mean?

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A feeding relationship refers to the interaction between a predator and its prey in an ecosystem. It includes how energy and nutrients are transferred between different organisms through consumption and can have cascading effects on the entire ecosystem.

Can you buy bakugan diagonal relationship cards?

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Yes, Bakugan Diagonal Relationship cards are available for purchase. They are typically sold as part of Bakugan trading card game booster packs or starter decks, both of which can be found in stores or online.

What is a mutualism relationships?

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Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship between two species where both benefit from the interaction. Each organism provides resources or services that the other needs, leading to a mutually beneficial arrangement. Examples include the relationship between bees and flowers where the bees get nectar and the flowers are pollinated.

What type of symbiotic relationship is eubacteria?

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Eubacteria can have various symbiotic relationships, including mutualism, where both the bacteria and the host benefit; commensalism, where the bacteria benefits and the host is unaffected; and parasitism, where the bacteria benefits at the expense of the host. The type of relationship depends on the specific interactions between the eubacteria and the host organism.

Does a first cousin have a close genetic relationship?

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Yes, first cousins share about 12.5% of their DNA, making them genetically similar but not as closely related as siblings.

My dad and his mom and my grandfather on my mom's side have high cholesterol -- Does this mean I will get it?

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While genetics can play a role in cholesterol levels, it doesn't guarantee you will have high cholesterol. Lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and overall health habits also influence cholesterol levels. Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can help monitor your cholesterol levels and make any necessary lifestyle changes.

What does sybiotic mean?

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"Symbiotic" refers to a mutually beneficial relationship between two different organisms living in close proximity to each other. This relationship can involve one or both organisms benefiting from the partnership.

Symbiotic relationships of whales and barnacles?

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Barnacles form a symbiotic relationship with whales by attaching themselves to the whale's skin or baleen plates. The barnacles benefit from the whale's movement, which provides them with a constant flow of food-rich water. In return, the barnacles can cause some drag on the whales, affecting their swimming efficiency and potentially increasing energy expenditure.

In Radha soami satsang of beas why the next guru is always from their family is it a family business?

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Yes, in Radha Soami Satsang Beas, the successor to the spiritual leadership is traditionally chosen from within the family. This practice helps maintain the continuity and preservation of spiritual teachings and practices within the organization. While it may resemble a family business to some, the primary focus remains on the spiritual development and guidance of its followers.

How does the zygote's genetics makeup compare to the genetic makeup of the parents?

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The zygote's genetic makeup is a combination of genetic material from both parents. It inherits half of its genetic material from the egg (ovum) provided by the mother and half from the sperm provided by the father. This combination of genetic material forms a unique set of genes that determine the zygote's characteristics.

Describe and give an example of two symbiotic relationships that occur among populations in a community?

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Mutualism: This type of symbiosis benefits both species involved. An example is the relationship between bees and flowers: Bees obtain nectar and pollen for food from flowers, while aiding in pollen transfer, benefiting the flower's reproduction.

Parasitism: In this symbiotic relationship, one species benefits at the expense of the other. A common example is ticks feeding on the blood of mammals. The tick benefits by gaining nutrients while the host suffers from blood loss and potential diseases.

How do family relegion and education shape the values of americian society?

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Family, religion, and education play important roles in shaping the values of American society. Family provides an early foundation for values and beliefs, while religion often reinforces moral principles and community values. Education imparts critical thinking skills and can broaden perspectives, ultimately influencing how individuals interpret and contribute to societal norms.

Did Sir Isaac Newton have kids or wife family?

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Sir Isaac Newton never married. It is said he was very generous with his nieces and nephews and with the scientists who helped him in his work.

He also died a virgin. He was an asexual.

Isaac Newton never had siblings.His mother remarried so he had step sisters and brothers

What should you do when your mom laugh at you?

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You can politely ask her why she is laughing, and express how it makes you feel. Communication is key to resolving misunderstandings and managing hurt feelings.

Which statement is true regarding studies of the empty nest syndrome?

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Research on the empty nest syndrome has found that not all parents experience negative emotions when their children leave the home. Some parents report feeling relief, renewed freedom, and the opportunity to focus on their own goals and interests. The impact of the empty nest syndrome varies among individuals and is influenced by factors such as the parent-child relationship and the parent's level of social support.

How does stereotyping occur in the adolescence age group?

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In adolescence, stereotyping can occur as individuals start to form their identities and rely on simplified categories to make sense of the world. They may be influenced by social media, peers, and societal expectations, leading them to generalize characteristics of certain groups. This can result in biased perceptions and treatment of others based on these stereotypes.

How do you stop your family bullying you - Its not ALL your family - just your little sister and your mum they dont physically abuse you but they hurt you with words and make you depressed?

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If you feel comfortable, try talking to a trusted adult or counselor about how you are feeling. Set boundaries with your family members by calmly expressing how their words affect you and asking for their behavior to change. Surround yourself with supportive friends and activities that make you feel good about yourself.

What does it mean when your shy crush opens up to you and treats you like family at times?

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It could indicate that your crush feels comfortable and secure with you, and sees you as someone they trust and can confide in. They may value your friendship and want to share more of themselves with you, possibly hinting at romantic interest.

How to live if there is nothing else left for what to live?

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When feeling like there is nothing left to live for, it's important to seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals. Engage in activities that bring you joy, set small achievable goals, and practice self-care. Remember that difficult times pass and reaching out for help is a sign of strength.

Does social degradation starts from family?

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Social degradation can certainly begin within a family if there are issues such as abuse, neglect, or dysfunctional dynamics present. These experiences can impact how individuals view themselves and interact with others, potentially leading to further social degradation as they navigate relationships and society. However, social degradation can also be influenced by external factors like poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to resources.

Why happens to kids that don't spend quality time with their family?

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Children who don't spend quality time with their family may experience feelings of loneliness, isolation, and detachment. They may also struggle with building strong emotional bonds and developing healthy communication skills, which can impact their overall well-being and relationships in the long run.

Will your mom think you're crazy if you tell her that you're a girl in a boy's body?

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Asked by Wiki User

She may not understand and she may be disappointed, which is a normal first reaction with parents, and doesn't mean they love you any less. But if you truly believe you are a girl in a boy's body, then you need to talk to her about it. If you feel she won't be receptive to listening, then you may want to discuss it with another family member first, someone whom you feel may be able to help you explain it to your mom.

But before you talk to anyone about it, you first need to research and study it and learn as much about this as possible. Also, depending on your age, it may be best to wait until you are a bit older before talking to your mom, or anyone else, about it.

Don't talk to friends about it yet either, for several reasons. For one, no matter how much you trust your friends, they may not be willing to accept this, at least not at first. Also, they may not honor that confidentiality, which would most likely lead to others teasing you and making your life hell. Lastly, you need to be absolutely positive this is how you feel before talking to them about it. There is always a slight chance that you may be confused right now, and may even change your mind later.

Once you have researched and learned all you can about it, and if you still feel you were born in the wrong body, then you can talk to your mom about this. That is part of the reason you need to research and learn as much about it as possible. The more you educate yourself about this, the better you can help your mom to understand, and the better you can understand it yourself, and be absolutely certain this is how you feel and what you want.

I also strongly suggest you check into counseling and/or support groups in your area, or online support groups, who can help you understand all aspects of the feelings you have about this. It will also help you to realize and know you are not crazy, because you aren't. And you are certainly not alone in this because there are thousands and thousands of others just like you, both male and female who feel they were born in the wrong body, too.