


Cobras or elapids are a species of venomous snake that include both terrestrial snakes and sea snakes. Elapids can found in both the Indian and Pacific Oceans as well as in India, Africa, Asia, Australia and one species, the eastern coral snake (also known as the American cobra) is found in the United States. Questions about cobras can be directed here.

930 Questions

What are a king cobras enemy?

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King cobras have few natural enemies due to their size, strength, and venomous venom. Some potential threats could include other large predators like tigers or mongooses, but generally, they are apex predators in their environment and have few natural predators.

How king cobras keep from drying out?

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King cobras prevent dehydration by staying close to water sources, such as rivers and streams, that they can access for drinking. They also have specialized skin scales that help retain moisture and can regulate their body temperature to reduce water loss through perspiration. Additionally, they may seek shelter in damp areas to maintain hydration levels.

How many meters is the cobra snake?

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A cobra snake's length can vary, but on average they can grow between 1.2 to 2 meters long.

What is a rattle snakes life span?

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Rattlesnakes typically live for 10-20 years in the wild, but some have been known to live up to 30 years. The exact lifespan can vary depending on factors such as species, environment, and availability of food and shelter.

What is the cousin of the cobra?

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The king cobra is the cousin of the cobra. Both belong to the same family of venomous snakes, known as Elapidae.

What is the king cobra symbiotic relationship here are the words my science teacher told me mutualism commensalism and parasitism.?

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The king cobra does not exhibit a symbiotic relationship in the traditional sense of mutualism, commensalism, or parasitism. As a predator, the king cobra primarily interacts with its prey through predation rather than a symbiotic relationship.

What are facts about cobra lily?

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The cobra lily, also known as Darlingtonia californica, is a carnivorous plant native to North America. It has tubular leaves that resemble a striking cobra, giving it its common name. It attracts, traps, and digests insects for nutrients to supplement its growth in nutrient-poor environments.

How do king cobras smell?

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King cobras have a keen sense of smell due to their forked tongues, which they use to pick up chemical cues in the air. When a king cobra flicks its tongue, it collects scent particles which are then inserted into an organ in the roof of its mouth called the Jacobson's organ. This organ helps the king cobra process information about its environment and locate prey.

What is the smallest cobra?

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The smallest cobra species is the Mozambique spitting cobra (Naja mossambica), which typically grows to around 3-4 feet in length.

What is the largest Cobra on record?

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The largest species of cobra is the king cobra, which can grow up to 18 feet (5.5 meters) in length. However, the longest king cobra recorded was around 19 feet (5.7 meters) long.

Do cobras live in Kenya?

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Yes, cobras can be found in Kenya. The most common species is the Egyptian cobra (Naja haje), which is known to inhabit various regions in the country. It is important to be cautious when encountering cobras in the wild as their venom can be dangerous.

How fast do king cobras move?

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King cobras can move at speeds of up to 12-15 mph (19-24 km/h) in short bursts to catch prey or escape threats. They are known for their agility and can quickly strike and retreat.

What is the cobra lily life span?

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Cobra lilies (Darlingtonia californica) can live for several decades in the wild under optimal conditions. In cultivation, they can also have a long lifespan if provided with the right care, including proper soil, water, and light conditions. With attentive maintenance, cobra lilies can thrive and continue to grow for many years.

What is cobra grande?

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Cobra Grande, also known as Boiúna, is a legendary giant anaconda serpent in Brazilian folklore, said to be capable of shape-shifting into human form. It is believed to inhabit the Amazon River and is often associated with paranormal occurrences and supernatural powers. Folktales about Cobra Grande vary, but it is generally depicted as a powerful, mysterious, and feared entity in local myths.

How many people king cobras bite in a year?

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It's difficult to determine an exact number as data on king cobra bites can vary and may not always be accurate. However, king cobra bites on humans are relatively rare due to their shy nature and remote habitat. When bites do occur, they can be deadly without prompt medical treatment.

What symbiotic relationship does a king cobra have with another animal?

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The king cobra has a mutualistic relationship with the mongoose. Mongooses are immune to the cobra's venom and can hunt and consume the snake without being harmed. This benefits both species as the mongoose gets food, and the cobra reduces its potential threats.

What climate do king cobras live in?

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King cobras can be found throughout Southeast Asia, from India to Southern China to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
The King Cobra is widespread throughout Southeast Asia and parts of India, and is found mostly in forested areas.

It is found in the Southeast Asian rainforest. Because of destruction of rainforests it also can be seen in South Asia, East Asia and southern China. It is listed as a Appendix II animal within cities.
in darker forests are darker in colour than those found in open forests or savannas.
The Rainforest's and grasslands of Southeast Asia, India and China.

General Information

King Cobra Scientific Cassification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Serpentes

Family: Elapidae

Genus: Ophiophagus

Species: O. Hannah

The largest poisonous snake would be the King Cobra(Ophiophagus hanna), the Latin wordOphiophagus means "Snake-eater". The king cobras average size is 13-14 ft. (3.96-4.26m) weighing around 20 lbs (9 kg), they can reach a length of around 18.5ft (5.6388m) weighing over 40lbs. (18.1436kgs.) and lives in the Rainforest's and grasslands of Southeast Asia, India and China. Color is generally tan, olive-green or black with faint pale yellow cross bands, the females lay around 50 eggs, the king cobras are the only snakes who construct a nest for their hatchlings which they incubate and protect until they emerge in 60 to 80 days, the young are called Hatchlings and about 1.5 ft. (50cm ) long at birth, the King cobra is very fast and agile with an average lifespan of about 20 years.

Although not the most toxic of poisonous snakes a king cobra can kill an elephant with one bite, the king cobra tracks by site and smell then kills it's prey by striking and injecting it with venom and swallowing it whole, it's preferred diet is mainly other venomous and non-venomous snakes but includes small reptiles, birds and amphibians as well. King Cobras are aggressive and will rear up to confront the intruder where most other cobras will slither away and hide. The only predators are the mongoose and man.
southeast asia
on the ground of the amazon
The King Cobra lives in the Rainforest's and grasslands of Southeast Asia, India and China.

General Information

King Cobra Scientific Cassification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Serpentes

Family: Elapidae

Genus: Ophiophagus

Species: O. Hannah

The largest poisonous snake would be the King Cobra(Ophiophagus hanna), the Latin wordOphiophagus means "Snake-eater". The king cobra can reach a length of around 18.5ft (5.6388m) weighing over 40lbs. (18.1436kgs.) and lives in the Rainforest's and grasslands of Southeast Asia, India and China. Color is generally tan, olive-green or black with faint pale yellow cross bands, the females lay around 50 eggs in a constructed nest where they will guard and incubate them faithfully for 60 to 80 days, the young are called Hatchlings and about 1.5 ft. (50cm ) long at birth, the King cobra is very fast and agile with an average lifespan of about 20 years.

Although not the most toxic of poisonous snakes a king cobra can kill an elephant with one bite, the king cobra tracks by site and smell then kills it's prey by striking and injecting it with venom and swallowing it whole, it's preferred diet is mainly other venomous and non-venomous snakes but includes small reptiles, birds and amphibians as well. King Cobras are aggressive and will rear up to confront the intruder where most other cobras will slither away and hide. The only predators are the mongoose and man.
Tropical rain forests of south and south east Asia
In india.
In the rainforests of northeastern Asia.

What is the Indian cobras food chain?

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Indian cobras are carnivores that primarily feed on rodents like rats and mice. They are also known to consume other small mammals, birds, and reptiles. Indian cobras play a crucial role in regulating the population of these prey species, contributing to the balance of the ecosystem they inhabit.

How do king cobras get rid of waste?

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King cobras, like other snakes, excrete waste through a single opening called the cloaca. This opening is used for both waste elimination and reproduction. They produce uric acid as waste, which helps conserve water in their bodies.

What are the adaptations of a cobra?

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Cobras have evolved several adaptations that help them survive, including their venomous bite for hunting and defense, their hood that can be spread to appear larger and deter predators, and their keen sense of sight and smell to track prey efficiently. They are also known for their quick speed and agility, allowing them to escape threats and catch prey effectively.

What does a king cobra eat?

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King cobras primarily prey on other snakes, including venomous and non-venomous species. They also eat lizards, rodents, and birds. King cobras are known for their ability to hunt and eat other snakes, making them apex predators in their ecosystems.

What is a spitting king cobra scientific name and classification?

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The scientific name of the spitting king cobra is Ophiophagus hannah. It belongs to the Animalia kingdom, Reptilia class, Squamata order, Elapidae family. The species is known for its ability to spit venom as a defense mechanism.

What are the levels of classification for a king cobra?

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King cobras belong to the following taxonomic classification:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Reptilia
  • Order: Squamata
  • Family: Elapidae
  • Genus: Ophiophagus
  • Species: Ophiophagus hannah

What is the Order for King cobra?

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Order: Squamata

Suborder: Serpentes

General Information

King Cobra Scientific Cassification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Serpentes

Family: Elapidae

Genus: Ophiophagus

Species: O. Hannah

The largest poisonous snake would be the King Cobra(Ophiophagus hanna), the Latin wordOphiophagus means "Snake-eater". The king cobras average size is 13-14 ft. (3.96-4.26m) weighing around 20 lbs (9 kg), they can reach a length of around 18.5ft (5.6388m) weighing over 40lbs. (18.1436kgs.) and lives in the Rainforest's and grasslands of Southeast Asia, India and China. Color is generally tan, olive-green or black with faint pale yellow cross bands, the females lay around 50 eggs, the king cobras are the only snakes who construct a nest for their hatchlings which they incubate and protect until they emerge in 60 to 80 days, the young are called Hatchlings and about 1.5 ft. (50cm ) long at birth, the King cobra is very fast and agile with an average lifespan of about 20 years.

Although not the most toxic of poisonous snakes a king cobra can kill an elephant with one bite, the king cobra tracks by site and smell then kills it's prey by striking and injecting it with venom and swallowing it whole, it's preferred diet is mainly other venomous and non-venomous snakes but includes small reptiles, birds and amphibians as well. King Cobras are aggressive and will rear up to confront the intruder where most other cobras will slither away and hide. The only predators are the mongoose and man.

What does the king cobras scientific name Ophiophagus Hannah mean?

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The scientific name Ophiophagus hannah means "snake-eating snake" in Greek. This name reflects the king cobra's diet, as it primarily preys on other snakes.