



Part of the reptile family there are about 2,400 species of snakes in the world. Snakes live almost everywhere, in deserts, forests, oceans, streams, and lakes. Some species are ground dwellers, others live in trees, and other snakes spend most of their lives in water. This is the place to ask your questions about these cold blooded reptiles.

9,213 Questions

What do garten snakes eat?

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Garter snakes primarily eat small prey items like insects, worms, slugs, and sometimes small fish or amphibians. Their diet may also include small rodents or birds.

Are snakes completley blind?

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No, snakes are not completely blind. They have very limited visual acuity and mainly rely on their other senses such as thermal pits and their sense of smell to navigate and hunt.

What does general description mean?

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A general description provides an overview or summary of something without going into specific details. It is a brief outline that gives a broad understanding of the subject without delving into specifics.

What snakes are related to the coral snake?

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Coral snakes are related to other venomous snakes in the family Elapidae, such as cobras, mambas, and sea snakes. They share similar characteristics like fixed fangs and potent venom used for hunting and defense.

What snake builds a nest for its young?

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King cobras are known to build nests for their eggs, which they guard until they hatch. However, they do not provide parental care once the eggs hatch.

Is a tiger snake endangered?

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The tiger snake is not considered endangered. It is listed as "Least Concern" on the IUCN Red List, as its population is stable and it is not facing major threats. However, conservation efforts are in place to protect their habitats and ensure their continued survival.

What are snakes that live on jekyll island?

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Some of the snakes that inhabit Jekyll Island in Georgia include Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes, Eastern Coral Snakes, Eastern Rat Snakes, Eastern Garter Snakes, and Eastern Hognose Snakes. It's important to be cautious and respectful of these native species when exploring the island.

Are gaboon pit vipers endangered?

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Yes, Gaboon pit vipers (Bitis gabonica) are currently listed as Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Although they have a wide geographic range across sub-Saharan Africa, their populations are declining due to habitat loss, fragmentation, and human persecution. Conservation efforts are needed to ensure their long-term survival in the wild.

What is a chicken with a snake tail called?

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A chicken with a snake tail is often referred to as a "chimera" or a "hybrid." It is a fictional creature created through a mix of different animals.

What do they call people who are obsessed with snakes?

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Herpetologists are experts on all reptiles, not just snakes. the adjectives Ophidian and Serpentine apply to the serpentine creatures proper. Ophidomania might me a manic condition about snakes. There was an electronic device called and ophidian thermocouple- a heat sensor- that was actually patterned after one installed ( by nature) in a sidewinder snake. Ophidomania- condition, Ophidiomaniac- snake maniac! beware. I knew a guy like that when I was a kid- first it was Icthyology ( fish biology) then, by Gawrsh, he diverged into reptiles. used to panic half the class bringing in manuals on reptiles to class!

What type of snakes eat other snakes?

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all species of snake can and will eat another snake. although how common or rare it is depends on the species of snake. all can and will do it if they are hungry and there's no other options for food.

I've even seen cases where a ball python ate a larger ball python it was being housed with, then died

Is a non poisionous snake harmful to a dog?

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A non-poisonous snake can still harm a dog through bites or by causing infection at the site of the bite. It's best to keep your dog away from snakes to avoid any potential harm. If your dog is bitten by a snake, seek veterinary care immediately.

Why do locusts shed their skin?

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Locusts shed their skin through a process called molting to allow for growth and development. As they grow, their exoskeleton becomes too small and rigid, so they shed the old exoskeleton to reveal a new, larger one underneath. This allows them to continue growing and adapting to their environment.

Why does theKing snake kills multiple mice but does not eat them.....he has not eaten in over a month and a half?

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King snakes are known to kill more prey than they can immediately consume, a behavior known as surplus killing. This can be due to instinctual hunting behavior or the snake being in a state of fasting or brumation. If the snake has not eaten in over a month and a half, it may be preparing to shed its skin, digesting its previous meals slowly, or experiencing a seasonal decrease in appetite.

How many snakes in Tasmania?

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It is unknown how many snakes altogether Tasmania has. What is known is that Tasmania has just three species of land snakes:

  • Tasmanian Tiger Snake or Black Tiger
  • Australian Copperhead
  • White-lipped Whip Snake

The first two are venomous. The Whip snake has low levels of toxicity, and no human deaths have been reported as a result of being bitten by a White-lipped Whip Snake.

What type of venom does a copperhead snake have?

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Copperhead snakes have hemotoxic venom, which primarily affects the blood and blood vessels of their prey. This venom can lead to symptoms such as swelling, pain, and tissue damage in humans if bitten. It is less potent compared to venom from some other venomous snake species.

Do snakes eat cacti?

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No .
No, lizards do not eat cactus.

What does it mean when your snake just opens its mouth randomly?

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If a snake is opening its mouth randomly, it could be a sign of respiratory issues such as a respiratory infection or difficulty breathing. It is best to consult a veterinarian familiar with reptiles to assess and treat any underlying health concerns.

Why are snakes left unmolested in the vast Natal sugar plantations?

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Snakes play a vital role in controlling rodent populations that can damage sugarcane crops. By keeping the rodent numbers in check, snakes naturally help protect the crops, so they are left undisturbed in the plantations. Additionally, many snake species in this region are harmless to humans and do not pose a threat to agricultural activities.

What eats udumbu?

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Udumbu, also known as the red-headed rock agama, is typically preyed upon by various predators such as birds of prey, snakes, and small mammals. These predators hunt udumbu for food due to their small size and vulnerability when out in the open.

Are snakes attracted to oleander plants?

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No, snakes are not generally attracted to oleander plants. Oleander is toxic to most animals, including snakes, and they are more likely to avoid areas with this plant. Snakes are more attracted to places with food, water, and shelter.

When Was Solid Snake Born?

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Solid Snake's birthday is on November 17, 1972.

Are there any herbivorous snakes?

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Some snake species are primarily herbivorous, such as the Cuban rock iguana which feeds on fruits and plants. However, the majority of snake species are carnivorous, relying on a diet of rodents, birds, and other small animals for sustenance.

Is there such thing as purple snakes?

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There are not naturally occurring purple snakes in the wild. While some snakes may have hues of purple in their scales due to patterns or iridescence, truly purple snakes do not exist.

What does snake mean in french?

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a snake is called 'un serpent' in French
A snake is 'un serpent' in French.