



About 8,240 species of reptiles in the world. They inhabit every continent except Antarctica. Cold-blooded or Ectothermic, these creatures became the first vertebrates to live on land seeking the warmth of the sun. Frightening to some, this category will fascinate you, so slither on in and ask your questions.

7,847 Questions

How do you get rid of alligator skin on your legs?

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To get rid of alligator skin on your legs, it is important to exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells, moisturize daily with a hydrating lotion or cream, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. You can also try using products containing glycolic acid or urea to help soften and smooth the skin.

How long does it take crocodiles to lay eggs?

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Female crocodiles typically lay eggs once a year, and the time it takes from mating to laying eggs is about 45-50 days. The actual egg-laying process can take several hours, with a female crocodile laying around 40-60 eggs in a nest dug in the sand or vegetation near the water.

What do garten snakes eat?

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Garter snakes primarily eat small prey items like insects, worms, slugs, and sometimes small fish or amphibians. Their diet may also include small rodents or birds.

Are snakes completley blind?

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No, snakes are not completely blind. They have very limited visual acuity and mainly rely on their other senses such as thermal pits and their sense of smell to navigate and hunt.

What reptiles are omnivores?

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Some reptiles that are omnivores include certain species of turtles, such as red-eared sliders and painted turtles. Some lizards, like green iguanas and bearded dragons, are also known to have an omnivorous diet, consuming both plant matter and insects.

Which reptiles live the longest?

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Among reptiles, the Aldabra giant tortoise has been known to have one of the longest lifespans, with some individuals living over 150 years. Other long-lived reptiles include certain species of sea turtle, such as the green sea turtle, which can also live for several decades.

How long does it take for a crocodile to kill a human?

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Crocodiles are powerful predators that can swiftly overpower and kill a human within minutes, using their strong jaws and teeth. The exact timing can vary based on a variety of factors, such as the size and species of the crocodile, as well as the circumstances of the encounter.

What does general description mean?

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A general description provides an overview or summary of something without going into specific details. It is a brief outline that gives a broad understanding of the subject without delving into specifics.

What snake builds a nest for its young?

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King cobras are known to build nests for their eggs, which they guard until they hatch. However, they do not provide parental care once the eggs hatch.

What is archaeoptyeryx?

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Archaeopteryx is a genus of bird-like dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period. It is considered a transitional species between non-avian dinosaurs and modern birds due to its combination of dinosaurian and avian traits. Fossils of Archaeopteryx have provided important evidence for the evolutionary link between dinosaurs and birds.

What is the implication if a man likened to a turtle?

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If someone is likened to a turtle, it may imply that they are moving slowly or cautiously in their actions or decisions. Turtles are also known for being resilient and strong, so this comparison could suggest that the man is determined and able to overcome obstacles.

What do they call people who are obsessed with snakes?

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Herpetologists are experts on all reptiles, not just snakes. the adjectives Ophidian and Serpentine apply to the serpentine creatures proper. Ophidomania might me a manic condition about snakes. There was an electronic device called and ophidian thermocouple- a heat sensor- that was actually patterned after one installed ( by nature) in a sidewinder snake. Ophidomania- condition, Ophidiomaniac- snake maniac! beware. I knew a guy like that when I was a kid- first it was Icthyology ( fish biology) then, by Gawrsh, he diverged into reptiles. used to panic half the class bringing in manuals on reptiles to class!

Where are saltwater crocodiles located in jaws unleashed?

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Saltwater crocodiles can be found in various locations in the game Jaws Unleashed, including the Sapphire Beach and Blood Sands areas. They tend to inhabit shallow waters and can be aggressive towards the player-controlled shark.

When did crocodiles first appear?

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Crocodiles first appeared around 200 million years ago during the Mesozoic Era. They are ancient creatures that have remained relatively unchanged over millions of years.

Is goldfish a reptile?

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No, goldfish are not reptiles. They are freshwater fish belonging to the family Cyprinidae. Reptiles are a separate group of animals that include species like snakes, turtles, and lizards.

Does a turtle have bilateral body symmetry?

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No. They do not undergo any stage of metamorphosis at all. Once they hatch from their eggs, they remain as the same form for the rest of their life. They grow quite a bit, but they do not "morph", or transform, the way caterpillars turn into butterflies.

Do alligators fight sharks?

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Alligators and sharks typically live in different environments, with alligators primarily found in freshwater habitats and sharks in saltwater oceans. While it is not common for them to interact in the wild, there have been cases where they may come into contact in transitional areas like estuaries, but direct fights between them are rare.

A cold blooded reptile basks on a warm rock in the sun Its body is warmed by?

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the heat absorbed from the rock, helping to raise its body temperature and increase its metabolism. Reptiles need external heat sources like rocks or the sun to regulate their body temperature and perform essential functions like digestion and overall body functions.

Do snakes eat cacti?

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No .
No, lizards do not eat cactus.

Why are snakes left unmolested in the vast Natal sugar plantations?

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Snakes play a vital role in controlling rodent populations that can damage sugarcane crops. By keeping the rodent numbers in check, snakes naturally help protect the crops, so they are left undisturbed in the plantations. Additionally, many snake species in this region are harmless to humans and do not pose a threat to agricultural activities.

When Was Solid Snake Born?

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Solid Snake's birthday is on November 17, 1972.

Is there such thing as purple snakes?

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There are not naturally occurring purple snakes in the wild. While some snakes may have hues of purple in their scales due to patterns or iridescence, truly purple snakes do not exist.

How does fragmentation in sponges differ from reproduction in reptiles?

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Fragmentation in sponges involves breaking off a piece of the sponge that grows into a new individual, while reproduction in reptiles usually involves sexual reproduction where eggs are fertilized internally or externally. Sponges can regenerate lost parts easily through fragmentation, while reptiles rely on more complex reproductive strategies to produce offspring.