


Turtles and Tortoises

Turtles and tortoises are part of the family, Testudines. Tortoises are diurnal and land-dwelling, while turtles spend most of their lives in the water. These two reptiles also have other cousins named terrapins. They can live up to 300 years, but sadly are the most highly endangered species. Unfortunately, they are poached excessively for use of food, cosmetics, and medicine.

4,516 Questions

What is the implication if a man likened to a turtle?

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If someone is likened to a turtle, it may imply that they are moving slowly or cautiously in their actions or decisions. Turtles are also known for being resilient and strong, so this comparison could suggest that the man is determined and able to overcome obstacles.

What is turtle in Welsh?

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The word for "turtle" in Welsh is "crwban."

How big is the turtles heart?

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A turtle's heart is relative to its body size, with most species having hearts that are small compared to mammals. The heart is usually around 1-2% of its body weight.

How long is the turtles penis?

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Male turtles typically have a retractable penis, called a cloaca, that varies in length among different species. The penis can extend anywhere from a few millimeters to a few centimeters in length.

Are map turtles poisonous?

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No, map turtles are not poisonous to humans. They are harmless aquatic turtles that primarily feed on insects, fish, and vegetation in their natural habitats. It is important to wash hands after handling any type of turtle to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Does a turtle have bilateral body symmetry?

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No. They do not undergo any stage of metamorphosis at all. Once they hatch from their eggs, they remain as the same form for the rest of their life. They grow quite a bit, but they do not "morph", or transform, the way caterpillars turn into butterflies.

What domain is the turtle in?

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In computer graphics and programming, the turtle is typically associated with the field of Logo programming, a beginner-friendly programming language designed for education. The turtle acts as a virtual pen that can be controlled to draw shapes and patterns on the screen.

Are turtle beach headphones very good?

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Turtle Beach headphones are known for their good sound quality and comfort, making them a popular choice for gaming and multimedia use. They offer a range of models with varying features and price points to suit different preferences and budgets. It's important to consider your own needs and preferences when choosing headphones to determine if Turtle Beach is a good fit for you.

Why turtles have claws?

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Turtles have claws to help them with activities such as digging, climbing, and grasping food. The claws also aid in defense and mating behavior. They are a versatile tool that assists turtles in navigating their environment.

Do tortoises have toe nails?

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No. All modern chelons (turtles and tortoises) are toothless.
No, turtles and tortoises lost their teeth quite long ago, when they were coexisting with dinosaurs.

What did the envelope say that turtle saw in the Westing house?

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The envelope that Turtle saw in the Westing house said, "The Westing Game. Pair up, and be rich." It was the start of the mystery game created by Sam Westing for the heirs of his estate.

How many turtles are abused each day?

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It is difficult to provide an exact number, but worldwide, thousands of turtles are abused or exploited each day through illegal trade, pet ownership, habitat destruction, and bycatch in fishing activities. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these vulnerable species from further harm.

Is Pawikan oversized turtle?

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Pawikan is not an oversized turtle, but rather a type of sea turtle found in the Philippines. They are known for their large size, with some species growing up to several feet in length. The term "Pawikan" is used specifically to refer to sea turtles in the Philippines.

What do fresh water baby turtles eat?

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Freshwater baby turtles typically eat a diet consisting of small insects, worms, aquatic plants, and small fish. It's important to provide a varied diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and development. Commercial turtle pellets can also be offered as a convenient and balanced food option.

What is the binomial nomenclature of a turtle?

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This order includes all turtles and tortoises. It is divided into three suborders: Pleurodira (side-necked turtles), Cryptodira (freshwater turtles, snapping turtles, tortoises, soft-shelled turtles, and sea turtles), and Amphichelydia (a suborder of turtles that is now extinct).

How does a desert tortoise defend itself?

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A desert tortoise defends itself by retracting into its shell and relying on its tough, armored exterior to protect it from predators. They also have strong limbs and sharp claws that they can use to dig burrows for hiding.

Little turtle was the leader of which Indian nation?

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The Little Turtle was a chief of the Miami Nation. He successfully led his people in battles against American forces in the Northwest Indian War.

Why are loggerheads important?

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Loggerhead sea turtles are important for maintaining the health of marine ecosystems by controlling jellyfish populations and seagrass beds. They are also indicators of the health of ocean ecosystems as they are vulnerable to pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change. Additionally, their nesting sites support biodiversity and coastal ecosystem resilience.

Your tortoise does a black poo and then white chalky poo is this normal?

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Excreting a black stool can be normal in tortoises, as it can indicate the presence of digested plant matter. However, passing white chalky stools can be a sign of dehydration or a dietary issue. It's important to ensure your tortoise has access to fresh water and a well-balanced diet to prevent further issues. If you're concerned, it's best to consult a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles.

How tall can turtles grow up to be?

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Asked by Nana33569

Turtles can vary in size depending on the species. The largest species, such as the leatherback sea turtle, can grow up to 7 feet in length and weigh up to 2,000 pounds. Smaller species, like the Bog turtle, may only grow to a few inches in length.

What are the shields of a turtle?

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A turtle's shell serves as its shield, providing protection from predators and environmental threats. The shell is made up of two parts: the carapace (top shell) and the plastron (bottom shell), which are fused to the turtle's skeleton. In addition to physical protection, the shell also helps regulate the turtle's body temperature and provides structural support for movement.

How many fingers do turtles have?

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Turtles typically have five toes on each of their front feet, but the number of toes on their back feet can vary depending on the species. Most turtles have three or four toes on their back feet. Each toe ends in a claw, which helps them navigate their environment and dig.

What happens if your turtle has slime around the eyes?

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Slime around a turtle's eyes can indicate an infection or an issue with the turtle's tear ducts. It is important to seek advice from a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles to properly diagnose and treat the underlying cause of the slime. rinsing the eyes gently with saline solution can help in the meantime.

Why don't turtles fly?

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Turtles are not built for flight as they do not have wings or the physiological adaptations needed for flying, such as large breast muscles for flapping. Their anatomy and body structure are better suited for a life in water or on land.

What happens if you put a turtle inside hot water?

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Putting a turtle in hot water can be very harmful or fatal, as they are ectothermic animals whose body temperature is regulated by their environment. Rapid changes in temperature can lead to stress, overheating, or even death for the turtle. It is important to always handle turtles with care and ensure their environment is suitable for their specific species.