


Travel & Places

The movement or transfer of people from one location to another through a journey is travel. Planes and trains will take you far, but wherever you go, there you are! Whether you're traveling across a state or around the world, questions about locations, travel times, and anything related to traveling should be asked in this category. Happy traveling!

32,841 Questions

Who are the tourism planners?

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Ever wondered about the type of bridge Tower Bridge is? I did, and on one of my trips to London, I got the chance to explore this fascinating structure. Tower Bridge is a bascule and suspension bridge. A bascule bridge is one that opens to allow ships to pass through. "Bascule" comes from the French word for "seesaw," which describes the action of the bridge opening.

The bridge's two massive bascules, each weighing over 1,000 tons, can be raised in just five minutes. Imagine standing there, watching this engineering marvel in action! This iconic bridge, completed in 1894, spans the River Thames, connecting the districts of Tower Hamlets and Southwark.

During my visit, I learned that Tower Bridge was built to ease road traffic while still allowing tall ships to sail into the Pool of London, a vital port area back then. The suspension parts of the bridge help distribute the weight, ensuring stability. The total length of the bridge is 800 feet, with the longest span being 200 feet.

The experience of walking across the high-level walkways, 42 meters above the Thames, offered me breathtaking views of London. For anyone keen on engineering or history, Tower Bridge isn't just a crossing point; it's a destination in itself. So, next time you're in London, don't just take a photo—take a walk through history!

What is an example of mass migration in the last 25 years?

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one example, arguably, could be the influx of Mexican immigrants deep into the US. I realize there is a great deal of debate over illegal immigrants coming here, but there are also many, many people who come here legally from Mexico, seeking security and opportunities

What are the landmarks and points of interest of the great plains region?

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Some landmarks and points of interest in the Great Plains region include Badlands National Park in South Dakota, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, the Black Hills in South Dakota and Wyoming, the Flint Hills in Kansas, and the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. These locations offer unique natural landscapes, historical significance, and opportunities for outdoor recreation.

What equipment does a space probe carry?

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A space probe typically carries instruments such as cameras, spectrometers, magnetometers, and radiation detectors to study the environment of its target, as well as communication equipment to transmit data back to Earth. It may also carry propulsion systems for course correction and power sources such as solar panels or radioisotope thermoelectric generators.

What is the apparrent magnitude of the star 'Arcturus'?

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The apparent magnitude of Arcturus is approximately -0.04, making it one of the brightest stars in the sky. This makes Arcturus visible to the naked eye and a prominent object in the northern hemisphere during certain times of the year.

What is the Russian space saterlight called?

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The Russian space satellite is called a "cosmic satellite" in Russian, while "космический спутник" is the common term to refer to a satellite in space.

Do white lions live in the forest?

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White lions are typically found in savannas and grasslands in South Africa. They are not native to dense forests.

Is solar wind faster than light?

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No, solar wind is not faster than light. Solar wind is the flow of charged particles from the Sun that travels at speeds ranging from 300 to 800 km/s, while the speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792 km/s.

What is the biggest gym in the world and how big?

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The biggest gym in the world is the Gold's Gym in Venice Beach, California, USA. It spans over 50,000 square feet and is known for its extensive range of equipment, fitness classes, and celebrity clientele.

What is service life of a 30 lb propane tank?

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Typically, a 30 lb propane tank can last between 18-22 hours when used at a medium setting. However, actual service life can vary depending on the specific usage and conditions of use. Regular maintenance and inspections can also affect the tank's lifespan.

Did the big dipper at Luna park Sydney burn down?

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The Big Dipper at Luna Park Sydney did not burn down. It was dismantled in 2001 and replaced with a new roller coaster called the Hair Raiser.

What are the most deadly animals of Tasmania?

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Asked by MatthewWilliam

Some of the most deadly animals in Tasmania include the Tasmanian Devil, which can be aggressive and deliver powerful bites, as well as the tiger snake, which is highly venomous and responsible for the most snakebite deaths in Tasmania. Additionally, the redback spider and funnel-web spider are both venomous and potentially dangerous to humans.

Can man live on the Moon and why?

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It is currently not possible for humans to live on the Moon because there is no breathable atmosphere or readily available resources for sustenance. Additionally, the extreme temperature fluctuations and lack of protection from harmful radiation make it inhospitable for long-term human habitation.

Schools that have marine biologist degrees?

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Some schools that offer undergraduate or graduate degrees in marine biology include the University of Miami, University of California Santa Cruz, and James Cook University in Australia. These programs typically encompass coursework in marine ecology, oceanography, and marine conservation, along with hands-on fieldwork and research opportunities.

Can you measure the mass of a hippopotamus in milligrams?

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No, it is not practical or feasible to measure the mass of a hippopotamus in milligrams. Hippopotamuses are large animals with masses typically in the range of several thousand kilograms to over 4,000 kilograms. Milligrams are a much smaller unit of mass, equivalent to 0.001 grams.

How long does it take to grow hydroseed?

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Hydroseed typically germinates within 5-10 days, and grass can start to be visible within 10-14 days after seeding. However, it can take several weeks for grass to establish fully and fill in the area. Factors such as watering frequency, soil quality, and weather conditions can affect the growth time.

Is outer space bottomless?

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Outer space is not bottomless, but it is infinite in size. There is no definitive edge or boundary to space as we know it, but it continues on infinitely in all directions.

What major events shaped the US space program?

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Major events that have shaped the US space program include the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik in 1957, which ignited the space race; the Apollo moon landing in 1969, which demonstrated American space capabilities; the Space Shuttle program, which operated from 1981 to 2011; and the recent emergence of private space companies like SpaceX, which has accelerated innovation in space technology.

What is the Star Constellation Name for December?

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The star constellation for December is Sagittarius.

Which of the following would be considered the Sun's fuel?

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The Sun's fuel is hydrogen. Through nuclear fusion, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing energy in the process. This continuous process sustains the Sun's energy output.

Which planet is space probe voyager second associated with?

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much of what is known about Neptune comes from the space probe Voyager II, which passed Neptune in 1989.

Neptune was found to have two narrow rings and other fainter ones, as well as six moons.

A year on Neptune is equal to almost 1656 Earth years. A Neptunian day is about 18 hours long.

What are the differences between Colorado and Texas?

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Colorado and Texas have several differences, including climate (Colorado tends to be cooler with more mountainous terrain compared to Texas's warmer temperatures and flatter landscape), population size (Texas is more populous), and industries (Texas has a stronger focus on oil and gas, while Colorado has a more diverse economy with industries like technology and outdoor recreation).