


Humor & Amusement

Laughter is good for your soul! In these busy times, it's hard to find time for pleasure, but there's always time for a joke or riddle, word plays, brain teaser, and other amusements that will make you laugh, and that's the purpose of this category. Join us for some good always-in-style laughter! This category covers all the questions that are here to make you laugh.

10,286 Questions

How do you make your self faint?

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Asked by Rose509

Making yourself faint isn't recommended at all, but because it's impossible to stop people from seeking weird experiences the safest method to do it follows below. Do it on your own risk only and follow all precautions!


  1. Don't even think about it you have a heart or brain disease, in particular epilepsy.
  2. Find a large soft surface like a mat or dense grass. You will fall uncontrollable, abruptly and in an unpredictable direction! Concussion and even death are very real! Friends' support is the less reliable option, they may fail to catch but if the mat is not large enough it's a good idea to have a friend to push you to the right direction if required. Your friends have to put your head to the ground quickly (no elevation).
  3. Don’t try to do it when sitting or lying. Falling from the standing is important for fast recovery.
  4. Don’t do it often.


  1. Squat down firmly.
  2. Take 20–30 deep breaths. I’s more important to breathe deeply then faster.
  3. Take the final inhale and stand up quickly.
  4. Do so called Valsalva maneuver — try to exhale without letting the air to go out. Do this 20 seconds with good force like blowing a balloon. Some people suggest blowing on the thumb in the mouth, but actually the thumb in the mouth does nothing and you can injure it during the fall.

It works for ~90% people. Expected unconscious time is 5-40 s. If you got headache, dizziness or unusual sensation for more than a hour -- don't repeat! And never repeat on the same day ever you are quite fine.

Can shooting stars go up?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, shooting stars do not go up. Shooting stars, also known as meteors, are debris from space that enters Earth's atmosphere and appears as a streak of light as it burns up due to friction with the air. The perception of shooting stars moving across the sky is due to the Earth's rotation and the meteor's trajectory.

What are some good animal jokes?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Why don't oysters donate to charity? Because they are shellfish!
  2. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!
  3. Why did the chicken join a band? Because it had the drumsticks!

Who created cockalater?

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Asked by Wiki User

The "cockalater" is a fictional term and does not have a specific creator. It may have been used casually in informal or playful contexts, but it does not have a known origin or established meaning.

Do satellites move fast in the sky?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, satellites move quickly across the sky, traveling at speeds of thousands of kilometers per hour in orbit around the Earth. This rapid movement is necessary to maintain their orbits and stay in communication with ground stations.

How far can a three legged tiger run in the woods?

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Asked by Wiki User

A three-legged tiger would likely have more difficulty running compared to one with four legs, so its running distance in the woods may be limited depending on its physical condition and level of adaptation.

Why is the longest human nose on record only 11 inches long?

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Asked by Wiki User

The length of the nose is limited by the anatomical structure of the human face, specifically the nasal bones and cartilage. The nose needs to be proportional to the rest of the face for functionality and aesthetics. Excessive length can also lead to breathing and health issues.

How did the dogs survive the titanic?

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Asked by Wiki User

The dogs aboard the Titanic were allowed on lifeboats alongside their owners. Some were also later rescued by other ships that responded to the distress signals. The exact number of dogs that survived is uncertain, but many did make it through the disaster.

Do penguins have nostrils?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, penguins have nostrils located on the upper part of their beaks. These nostrils help them breathe while swimming and diving underwater.

Is there such thing as half man half woman wolf?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes if a man and a man have sex (make love) the baby is half women and half man and is a girl and a girl have sex (make love) the baby is half women and half man. If those two half sex people make a baby the product is a mixed sex wolf.

Why was the walrus crying?

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Asked by Wiki User

Walruses are known to shed tears as a way to protect their eyes by removing sand or irritants. It is not necessarily a sign of sadness or emotion like it is in humans.

Do horoscopes have any connections with the stars?

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Asked by Wiki User

Horoscopes are based on the position of celestial bodies like the sun, moon, and planets at the time of a person's birth. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the accuracy or validity of horoscopes in predicting individual behavior or events based on these positions. Astrology, which horoscopes are based on, is considered a pseudoscience.

Who believed to build the first chain of astronomical observatories in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ancient Babylonians are believed to have built the first chain of astronomical observatories in the world. These observatories were used for tracking the movements of celestial bodies, especially the stars and planets.

How do you make that purring sound with your tongue?

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Asked by Wiki User

To make a purring sound with your tongue, lightly press your tongue against the roof of your mouth while exhaling air. The vibration created by the airflow and tongue pressure can produce a purr-like sound. Practice varying the pressure and airflow to control the intensity of the purring sound.

The smallest mouth in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

The smallest mouth in the world belongs to the Philippine Tarsier, a small primate. Their mouth is only about 1.2 cm wide.

What is the worlds smallest mouth size?

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Asked by Sportygirlegk

The world's smallest mouth size belongs to the bumblebee bat, also known as Kitti's hog-nosed bat. This bat has a mouth that is only about 2 millimeters wide.

What do you call a gorilla with a banana in each ear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Anything you like, a gorilla with bananas in its ears is just a made-up scenario for humor.

What happens when a monkey comes and takes you backpack and you fall down the stairs break you leg then when you get to the doc he says that he wants to tear you apart so you run away then fall AGAIN?

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Asked by Ashygirl7890

In this unrealistic scenario, it's important to seek help from authorities or nearby individuals for assistance in the event of an injury caused by a monkey or any other accident. Running away from a healthcare professional is not advised, as proper medical care is crucial for healing and recovery. It's best to prioritize safety and seek appropriate medical attention promptly.

If a cat can jump five feet in the air then why can't it jump through a two-foot high window?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cat may be able to jump five feet in the air vertically, but it may not be able to jump horizontally through the window due to the size constraint. Cats are adept at evaluating and making decisions based on their environment to navigate obstacles effectively. They may choose not to risk getting stuck or hurt by attempting to jump through a window that is too small for them to pass through comfortably.

Who ate the most boogers in one minute out of someones nose?

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Asked by Wiki User

For ethical reasons, it is not recommended to engage in or promote activities that involve consuming boogers. It is important to practice good hygiene and avoid behaviors that may be harmful to your health.

What is thin white and scary?

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Asked by Wiki User

A ghost.

Why do bottled rockets fly?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bottle rockets work by utilizing compressed air in the bottle to create thrust as it escapes through the nozzle. This thrust propels the rocket into the air until gravity eventually brings it back down.

What are the three main things that affect the weather?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three main things that affect the weather are air temperature, air pressure, and humidity. Changes in these factors can result in different weather conditions such as rain, snow, or sunny skies.

What is the silliest animal?

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Asked by Wiki User

The platypus is often considered one of the silliest animals due to its unique combination of features, including a duck-like bill, beaver-like tail, and ability to lay eggs despite being a mammal. Its quirky appearance and unusual characteristics make it stand out among other animals.