


Literature and Language

Literature includes written works of an imaginative, journalistic or scholarly nature. Language is a system of spoken and written symbols by means of which people can communicate with each other. We invite you to ask and answer questions about languages and literature; including pronunciation, grammar, definitions, examples, acronyms, abbreviations, etc.

500 Questions

Who is a Shengda Laoren?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Shengda Laoren" is a Chinese term that roughly translates to "Sage of the Ages." It refers to an individual who is wise, venerable, and with great life experience and knowledge. It is a term of respect for someone who is seen as a wise elder.

Eight century ecclesiastical scholar from york?

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Alcuin of York was an eighth-century ecclesiastical scholar known for his contributions to education, theology, and Carolingian reforms under Charlemagne. He served as an advisor to Charlemagne and promoted learning and scholarship throughout the Carolingian Empire.

How do you preserve geological heritage?

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Asked by Wiki User

To preserve geological heritage, it is essential to limit human impact on natural sites, promote responsible tourism practices, maintain the integrity and original features of geological formations, and implement effective conservation strategies to protect these important sites for future generations to enjoy. Additionally, raising awareness about the value of geological heritage and the importance of conservation efforts can help garner support for preservation initiatives.

What religious affiliation had England broken during the Elizabethan era?

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Asked by Wiki User

The religious affiliation that England had broken during the Elizabethan era was with the Roman Catholic Church. This led to the establishment of the Church of England as the official state church under Queen Elizabeth I.

What is the meaning of Good can exist without evil whereas evil cannot exist without good?

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Asked by Wiki User

This statement suggests that the concept of "good" can exist independently on its own, as a positive and desirable quality. However, the concept of "evil" relies on the presence of "good" as a contrasting force to define itself. In other words, good can stand alone, while evil must be defined in relation to good.

What is a metaphot?

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Asked by Wiki User

It seems like there might be a typo in your question. Did you mean "metaphor"? A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes something in terms of something else to create a symbolic comparison. It is used to convey meaning by suggesting a resemblance or analogy between two things.

What is the importance of number 1008 in Jain religion?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Jainism, the number 1008 holds religious significance as it represents the total number of virtues a follower should possess in order to attain spiritual enlightenment. These virtues include qualities such as non-violence, truthfulness, and self-discipline, which are essential for leading a righteous life according to Jain beliefs. The number 1008 serves as a reminder for Jains to strive towards embodying these virtues in their thoughts, words, and actions.

Who was Travis Burdow?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am not able to find any information about an individual named Travis Burdow.

What is an Oriental Scholar?

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Asked by Wiki User

An Oriental scholar is typically a scholar who studies the humanities, languages, history, and culture of Asia, particularly East Asia and the Middle East. These scholars focus on understanding various aspects of Asian societies and their contributions to the world.

What are the names of all known seraphim?

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Asked by Wiki User

The names of all known seraphim are not explicitly detailed in any specific religious texts. In Christian tradition, the Bible mentions seraphim as a type of angelic being that worship and serve God. They are described as having six wings and are associated with themes of purification and divine presence.

What is the comparative of slowly?

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Asked by Wiki User

The comparative form of "slowly" is "more slowly."

Is guess a homaphone?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, "guess" is not a homophone. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings, like "pear" and "pair."

What are the example of china dialects?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examples of Chinese dialects include Mandarin, Cantonese, Wu, Min, and Hakka. Each of these dialects is associated with a different region in China and can vary greatly in terms of vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.

What is the distinction between pidgin and creole?

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Asked by Wiki User

A pidgin language is a simple language used to foster communication between two people or groups of people who do not speak the same language. It usually borrows vocabulary from both languages, can visual communication such as hand gestures, and often uses only a couple of verb tenses. Its purpose is to transmit vital information. By definition, a pidgin language is not the mother tongue of anyone. However, a pidgin language can over time evolve into a creole language. The most well documented occurrence of this is Haitian Creole. In the early days of the French colony of Saint Domingue (present day Haiti), African slaves and French colonists communicated with each other in a pidgin language because the Africans did not speak French and the French did not speak any of the African languages (indeed, the Africans had just as much trouble communicating with one another as they did with their French masters). This pidgin language eventually evolved and was enriched to what we now call Haitian Creole, the mother tongue of millions of people.

What does que tiempo hace en julio mean in spanish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Qué tiempo hace en julio=What is the weather in July?

How is Chomsky's theory of Universal Grammar different from a prescriptive grammar or a set of rules?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chomsky's Universal Grammar is a theoretical framework that posits that all human languages share a common underlying structure. It focuses on innate language acquisition mechanisms in the human brain. In contrast, prescriptive grammar refers to rules imposed by authorities to dictate "correct" language use without necessarily reflecting how language is actually used or acquired by speakers.

What language does Gianluigi Buffon speak?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gianluigi Buffon speaks Italian as his native language. He may also be able to communicate in other languages, such as English.

Why do people from the US use the unnecessary phrase go ahead?

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Asked by Wiki User

In American English, "go ahead" is often used to indicate permission or encouragement to proceed with a decision or action, even though it may seem unnecessary. It has become a common part of communication in the US, adding a polite or friendly tone to interactions.

How many Swahili speakers are there in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are approximately 75 million Swahili speakers worldwide. Swahili is widely spoken in East Africa and serves as a lingua franca in the region.

What is the name of the squiggly line under the n in francais?

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Asked by Wiki User

The squiggly line under the letter "n" in "français" is called a cedilla. It is used to indicate that the "c" is soft and pronounced as "s."

Who is known as the father of phonetics?

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Asked by Wiki User

The father of phonetics is generally considered to be Alexander Melville Bell, who was a renowned teacher of speech and elocution in the 19th century. His work laid the foundation for the field of phonetics as we know it today.

What is the word for words that are spelled similarly and mean the same thing in different languages?

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Asked by Anzoon

Cognates. Example: English "blue," French "bleu," and German "blau," are all cognates. Not all similar-sounding words are cognates. Example: The English "become" does NOT have the same meaning as the German "bekommen" (which means "get" in English).

How many people in the world speak Urdu?

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Asked by Wiki User

About 200 million people speak something that they think of as Urdu, but the number could get as high as one billion depending on what Urdu is defined as. The discrepancy arises because Urdu is technically a form of Hindustani.

What does ns mean in examination?

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Asked by Wiki User

You're giving too little information; ns or NS can mean several different things: new series, new style, not specified, not sufficient, Nova Scotia, nuclear ship, and probably other meanings as well. What kind of examination are you asking about?

What is the past tense of mew?

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Asked by Wiki User

For no particular reason, I would go with meow and meowed. If your intent is the verb mew meaning to confine or shut up, the past tense is mewed.