


Literature and Language

Literature includes written works of an imaginative, journalistic or scholarly nature. Language is a system of spoken and written symbols by means of which people can communicate with each other. We invite you to ask and answer questions about languages and literature; including pronunciation, grammar, definitions, examples, acronyms, abbreviations, etc.

20,185 Questions

What does the saying 'voice of the wind' mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The 'voice of the wind' refers to the sound wind makes when it moves. Wind moving by certain objects will produce different noises.

Where Recommendation letter is use?

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Recommendation letters are used to support colleagues, employees, or students by highlighting their skills, achievements, and character. These letters are often required for job applications, academic admissions, scholarships, promotions, and other professional opportunities. They provide a trusted third-party endorsement that can help the individual stand out and succeed in their endeavors.

What does logy in the word astrology mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the word "astrology," the suffix "-logy" means "study of." So, astrology refers to the study of the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, and their purported influence on human affairs and natural events.

What is the thing called for like how to remember the planets?

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Asked by Wiki User

One popular mnemonic device to remember the order of the planets in our solar system is: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles. Each word corresponds to the first letter of a planet in order from the Sun outwards: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

What is the difference between Omniology and Panology?

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Omniology is the study of all forms of knowledge and seeks to integrate insights from various disciplines, while Panology is the study of all types of knowledge as a unified whole. Omniology focuses on the diversity of knowledge, whereas Panology emphasizes the unification of knowledge into a comprehensive system.

Can you create an animal name with using w-s-e-u-d letters?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are no animal names using only the letters w, s, e, u, and d. It is possible the w and d are typos and should be and m and an o. In this case, the animal name using those letters would be mouse.

What is teine GFS?

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Asked by Wiki User

Teine GFS is a forecasting model developed by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) that is used to predict global weather patterns. It stands for "Global Forecast System" and provides meteorologists with data on atmospheric conditions to help predict weather events.

Is there any real evidence for the existence of Lemuria?

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Asked by Quilldriver

There is no scientific evidence or credible sources that support the existence of Lemuria as a lost continent. The concept of Lemuria originated in the 19th century as a hypothetical landmass to explain the distribution of lemurs in Madagascar and India, but it has been widely dismissed by modern geology and anthropology.

Can a key on a map have pictures?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a key on a map can have pictures to help visually represent and identify the symbols or features being referenced. This can make the map easier to understand for users who may find it helpful to see a visual representation alongside the descriptions in the key.

What is a possible cause of solar prominences?

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Asked by Wiki User

Solar prominences are caused by the interaction between the Sun's magnetic field and plasma gases on its surface. When the magnetic field lines become twisted or tangled, it can lead to the eruption of plasma, creating the beautiful and dynamic solar prominences that we observe.

What is the theme in October sky?

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Asked by Wiki User

The theme of October Sky is about pursuing one's dreams despite obstacles and adversity. It highlights the importance of determination, perseverance, and the support of friends and family in achieving success. The story emphasizes the idea that with hard work and belief in oneself, one can overcome challenges and fulfill their aspirations.

What is the scientific term for something that soaks up water?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Hygroscopic," maybe. "Absorbent" is another possibility. "Deliquescent" is another option. All of these have slightly different meanings, so if you just slam one into a sentence in an attempt to sound educated, you'll likely wind up doing exactly the opposite.

What happened just one year before the very remarkable meteor shower the Kiowas and others witnessed in 1833?

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Asked by Wiki User

One year before the meteor shower witnessed by the Kiowas and others in 1833, the Leonid meteor storm occurred in 1832. It was a significant meteor event, but not as remarkable or widely observed as the 1833 shower.

What is a simple definition of a red giant?

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A red giant is a large, aging star that has exhausted its core hydrogen fuel and expanded in size. As a result, it becomes cooler and redder in color compared to when it was a younger, hotter star.

What is Pleiadian Space Ship?

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The Pleiadian Spaceship is a concept attributed to beings from the Pleiades star system in ufology and New Age beliefs. They are believed to have advanced spacecraft capable of interstellar travel and are associated with spiritual enlightenment and communication with humans. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of Pleiadian Spaceships.

What was The first spaceship?

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The first human-made spaceship was Vostok 1, which was launched by the Soviet Union on April 12, 1961 with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin aboard. This historic mission made Gagarin the first human to travel into space and orbit the Earth.

Is it the moon's job everyday to come up every night?

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The moon doesn't have a "job", but rather follows its natural orbit around Earth, which causes it to rise and set at different times each night. This cycle is influenced by the moon's position relative to the sun and Earth's rotation.

Imagine you are in a spaceship that is flying away from the earthdescribe what you see from your spaceship and how you feel as it moves out of the gravitational pull of the earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

As the spaceship moves away from Earth, I see the planet shrinking in the distance while the stars become more prominent. I feel a sense of awe and wonder as I witness the vastness of space and the beauty of the universe. The feeling of weightlessness as we escape Earth's gravitational pull adds to the surreal experience of being in space.

Why do hurricanes strike all the time?

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Hurricanes are driven by warm ocean water and the Earth's rotation, typically occurring during the Atlantic hurricane season from June to November each year. Due to these natural weather patterns, hurricanes have the potential to affect coastal regions that lie in their path.

Is it true that there is a giant gorilla?

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There is no scientific evidence supporting the existence of giant gorillas. The idea of giant gorillas is often portrayed in fiction, such as in movies like King Kong. In reality, gorillas are the largest living primates but they are not giant in size.

What did Esperanzas papa teach her about the earth?

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Esperanza's papa taught her to respect and appreciate the earth. He showed her the importance of caring for the land and understanding the connection between people and the environment. He instilled in her a sense of responsibility to protect and nurture the earth for future generations.

What is the blend word for biology plus information plus genetics?

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The blend word for biology plus information plus genetics is "biogenfo."

What fraction on earth does water cover?

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Asked by Wiki User

About 71% of Earth's surface is covered by water, with the majority of this water found in the oceans. This makes water the most abundant natural resource on the planet.

What is the sequence of the eras of the earth's history from the oldest to the most recent?

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The sequence of the eras of Earth's history from oldest to most recent is: Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. The Precambrian era comprises the earliest stages of Earth's formation, followed by the Paleozoic era known for the rise of complex life forms. The Mesozoic era is characterized by the age of dinosaurs, and finally, the Cenozoic era represents the current era with the dominance of mammals.