


Sports include physical recreational activities that have elements of competition/struggle and play. They often involve spherical objects of different types, but can involve a remote control, a couch and a bag of chips. Here you'll find questions and answers about popular sports in the world; including information on players, teams, results, statistics, records and related topics.

28,242 Questions

What is a backhand in handball?

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A backhand in handball refers to a type of shot or pass made with the back of the hand facing towards the direction of the ball. This technique is often used to surprise opponents and change the direction of play quickly. It can be an effective way to score points or set up scoring opportunities in handball.

Where can I find Omega watches?

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Certainly! OMEGA is a renowned Swiss luxury watch manufacturer with a rich history from 1848. They offer a wide range of exquisite timepieces. Here are some popular collections:

Speedmaster: Known for its association with space exploration, the Speedmaster features iconic models like the Moonwatch Professional and the newer Speedmaster Chronoscope.

Seamaster: The Seamaster collection includes divers’ watches, with options like the Seamaster Diver 300M in various materials and strap types.

De Ville: The De Ville series combines elegance and craftsmanship. Models like the De Ville Mini Trésor come in steel or Moonshine™ gold with stylish designs.

Constellation: The Constellation line offers classic and refined watches, often featuring the iconic “Griffes” or claws on the bezel1.

What is the difference between Nike Free shoes and Nike Free Run shoes?

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Asked by Sportybd

The Nike Free series is a broader product line that includes sports shoes of various styles and uses.

Nike Free Run is a sub-product line in the Nike Free series that is specifically designed for running.

How much do climotoligists get paid?

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The salary of climatologists can vary depending on factors like experience, education, location, and type of employer. On average, climatologists in the United States earn around $80,000 to $100,000 per year. However, salaries can range from $50,000 to over $130,000.

How do you respond to how much do you want to get paid?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am not programmed to receive payment. My purpose is to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities.

How do geese adapt to low oxygen levels?

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Geese have adaptations such as larger lungs and more efficient circulation systems that enable them to extract oxygen more effectively from the air. They can also regulate their metabolism to cope with lower oxygen levels by slowing down their activity levels. Additionally, geese may adjust their flight patterns and altitude to find areas with higher oxygen concentrations.

Did Rudolph Virchow have children?

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Yes, Rudolf Virchow had six children with his wife Ferdinande Rosamunde Intze.

How much cabincrew get paided?

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Cabin crew salaries can vary depending on the airline, country, and experience level. On average, cabin crew members can earn between $20,000 to $50,000 per year. In addition to base salary, they may also receive benefits such as flight allowances and healthcare.

Why is candle a source of light?

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A candle produces light through a chemical reaction called combustion. When the wick of a candle is lit, it burns and melts the wax, releasing energy in the form of light and heat. This process is what makes a candle a source of light.

An object 51 mililmeters from a diverging lens the object has a height of 13 milimeters and the image height is 3.5 milimeters how far in front of the lens is image located?

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The formula used to calculate the image distance for a diverging lens is 1/f = 1/d_o + 1/d_i, where f is the focal length of the lens, d_o is the object distance, and d_i is the image distance. Given the object distance of 51 mm, the object height of 13 mm, and the image height of 3.5 mm, the image distance from the lens can be calculated using the equation and appropriate algebraic rearrangements.

What part of the wave travels the farthest distance?

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Asked by Teenspirit94

The crest of a wave travels the farthest distance, as it is the highest point of the wave and moves the farthest from its starting point before crashing onto the shore or breaking.

Why are Colobus monkeys adapted to the rainforest?

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Colobus monkeys are adapted to the rainforest due to their specialized diet of leaves, which are abundant in the rainforest. They have a unique digestive system that allows them to efficiently extract nutrients from these leaves. Their distinctive coloration also helps them blend in with the dense forest canopy, providing camouflage from predators.

What type of snowboard bindings do you need if you have a 9 us size foot?

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Asked by Wiki User

You would generally need size Medium bindings for a US 9 foot size. It's always best to refer to the specific sizing chart of the binding brand you choose to ensure a proper fit.

Does Jane Goodall play sports?

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While Jane Goodall is not known for being an athlete or playing organized sports, she is renowned for her groundbreaking work in the field of primatology, particularly studying chimpanzees in their natural habitats.

What is a sateliette?

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It seems like you may have mistakenly combined "satellite" and "planet" to create the term "sateliette." A satellite is a natural or artificial body that orbits around a planet, while a planet is a large celestial body that orbits a star.

What is the purpose of a gps?

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A GPS, or Global Positioning System, is used to determine the location of a person or object anywhere on Earth with satellite technology. It is commonly used for navigation, tracking, and mapping purposes.

What part of the sun is the hottest?

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The core of the sun is the hottest part, with temperatures reaching around 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius). This is where nuclear fusion reactions occur, releasing energy in the form of light and heat.

WHAT went into space on August 20 1977?

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On August 20, 1977, the Voyager 2 spacecraft was launched into space by NASA. Voyager 2 was designed to study the outer planets in our solar system, and it has since gone on to become the only spacecraft to visit Uranus and Neptune. It continues to send data back to Earth as it travels into interstellar space.

What is the temparature on Neptune?

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The temperature on Neptune ranges from about -360°F (-218°C) to -330°F (-201°C), making it one of the coldest places in our solar system. These extreme temperatures are due to Neptune's distance from the Sun and its thick atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, and methane gases.

What is tata sky?

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Tata Sky is a direct broadcast satellite television provider in India, offering digital television services. It provides a wide range of channels and services such as movies, sports, music, and more to its subscribers through satellite broadcasting technology.

When and why was hGH banned by sports world?

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hGH was banned in the sports world in 1989 by the International Olympic Committee. It was banned because it can enhance athletic performance by increasing muscle mass and strength, which gives athletes an unfair advantage over their competitors.

What british players are from Africa?

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Some British football players of African descent include Raheem Sterling (born in Jamaica), Wilfried Zaha (born in Ivory Coast), and Alex Iwobi (born in Nigeria).

Describe how respiration takes place?

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During respiration, oxygen is inhaled through the respiratory system and enters the bloodstream where it is transported to cells. Inside the cells, oxygen is used in the process of cellular respiration to produce energy in the form of ATP, carbon dioxide is produced as a byproduct, and then exhaled back out of the body.

Is washing up a sport?

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No, washing up is not considered a sport. Sports typically involve physical activity, competition, and skill development, which are not typically associated with washing dishes.

What is the difference between Dextrose and Glucose polymer?

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Dextrose is a simple sugar and a form of glucose, while glucose polymer is a complex carbohydrate made up of multiple glucose molecules linked together. Glucose polymer is slower to be broken down and absorbed by the body compared to dextrose, providing a more sustained release of energy.