



Giraffes are well known for their extraordinarily long necks which they use to eat the leaves on tall trees.

2,117 Questions

Do dogs have the same number of bones as humans?

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No. Dogs have somewhere between 319 and 321 bones. Humans have 206 bones.

Which animal looks as if it is part Zebra and part Giraffe?

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The Okapi is an animal that has striped legs like a zebra and a long neck like a giraffe. It is often referred to as the "forest giraffe" because of its physical resemblance to both animals.

How long are giraffes' tails?

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Giraffes' tails are typically between 8 to 10 feet long. They use their tails to swat away insects and as a communication tool with other giraffes.

How do you say 'giraffe' in Japanese?

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In Japanese, 'giraffe' is pronounced as 'kirin' (キリン).

How much is a one-legged giraffe?

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It is not ethical to sell or purchase animals, including giraffes, with disabilities for profit or ownership. All animals, including those with disabilities, deserve to be treated with respect and care in their natural habitats or in appropriate sanctuaries.

Do giraffes like cold weather?

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Giraffes are adapted to warmer climates and may struggle in extremely cold weather. They are more prone to health issues like frostbite or respiratory infections in colder temperatures. Generally, they prefer milder climates with plenty of sunshine and access to shelter if needed.

When does a giraffe run 35 miles an hour?

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A giraffe runs at a speed of 35 miles per hour when it is being chased by a predator or when it needs to quickly escape from danger. Giraffes are generally not built for speed and prefer to use their powerful legs for walking and grazing.

How does a giraffe vomit?

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Giraffes have a unique physiology that makes it extremely difficult for them to vomit. Their long necks and powerful muscles in the lower esophagus prevent them from regurgitating food in the way that other animals can. If a giraffe were to try to vomit, it could potentially be very harmful to their delicate throat and airway.

What are the adaptation of grassland giraffe?

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Giraffes living in grassland environments have adapted long necks to reach high branches for food, long legs for running swiftly to escape predators, and a spotted coat that acts as camouflage among the tall grass. They also have a specialized digestive system to process tough, fibrous plant material.

What would happen if you woke up one morning and there was no more atmosphere?

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Without the atmosphere, there would be no air to breathe, resulting in lack of oxygen needed for survival. Additionally, the atmospheric pressure keeps liquid water stable, so it would start to evaporate rapidly. Extreme temperatures would also prevail with no atmosphere to regulate heat distribution. Essentially, life as we know it would cease to exist.

Is the giraffe an omnivore?

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Yes, all giraffes are herbivores. They never eat meat of any kind.

Can giraffes lick their elbows?

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No, giraffes cannot lick their elbows. Their necks are too long and their tongues are not flexible enough to reach that far back.

Is a giraffe a herbivore carnivore omnivore or decomposer?

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A giraffe is a herbivore, meaning it primarily eats plants. Their diet consists mainly of leaves, fruits, and flowers from trees and shrubs. They do not consume meat or perform decomposition activities like carnivores or decomposers.

Are giraffes orange with brown spots or brown with orange spots?

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Which ever way you look at it you are most likely correct. Usually what i see is they are tan with brown spots.

Does a giraffe lay down?

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Yes, giraffes do lay down to sleep and rest. They typically do this for short periods of time, as lying down for extended periods can make it difficult for them to get back up due to their long legs and neck.

Is a carnivore a heterotroph or an autotroph?

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A heterotroph, which is defined as an organism that must obtain its energy from an external source (i.e. a plant or other animal). Lions do not produce their own energy like plants do in photosynthesis, so they are not autotrophs. They obtain energy by consuming other animals, such as gazelle and other safari animals.

Do acacia trees have poison on their leaves?

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Acacia trees do not have poison on their leaves. However, some species of acacia trees may have thorns or spines that can cause skin irritation or injury if touched. It is always best to handle plants with caution and wear gloves when dealing with thorny plants.

How much sunlight does a giraffe need?

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Giraffes need sunlight for about 10-12 hours a day. They typically spend the day grazing, resting, and socializing in open areas where they can get enough sunlight to maintain their body temperature and synthesize vitamin D.

What is so special about sassafras tree leaves?

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Sassafras tree leaves are unique because they can have three different shapes on the same tree: mitten-shaped, two-lobed, and three-lobed. They also have a pleasant fragrance when crushed and can be used to make sassafras tea. Additionally, the leaves have historically been used in traditional medicine for their perceived health benefits.

Is an elephant or a giraffe taller?

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A giraffe is taller than an elephant. Giraffes can reach up to 18 feet in height, while elephants typically stand around 8 to 13 feet at the shoulder.

How many giraffes will it take to equal this weight 570000000000000000000000000kg?

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I THINK THAT THERE AREN'T ENOUGH GIRAFFES IN THE WORLD TO TAKE THAT WEIGHT. especially now people are not taking care of mother then, if people still continue all their shananigans.there wont even be one single giraffe

What is one connection between a mouse and a giraffe?

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Both a mouse and a giraffe are mammals that belong to the animal kingdom. They both have vertebrates, give birth to live young, and nurse their offspring with milk.

What trophic level does a giraffe occupy?

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A giraffe typically occupies the third trophic level as a herbivore in most ecosystems. They consume plant material, such as leaves, shoots, and fruits, making them primary consumers.

How does the giraffes excretory system work?

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Giraffes have a similar excretory system to other mammals. They eliminate waste through their kidneys, which filter blood to produce urine. The urine is then stored in the bladder and excreted through the urethra. Giraffes also have specialized adaptations in their kidneys to help conserve water in their arid habitats.

Structures with no function that are remnants of an organisms evolutionary past are?

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Vestigial structures are anatomical features that have lost their original function in the course of evolution. These structures are a result of changes in the organism's environment or behavior, rendering them unnecessary. Examples in humans include the appendix and wisdom teeth.