



Tigers are the largest natural species of cat in the world, and are native to Asia. The characteristic orange and black stripes are unique to each tiger and the beauty and majesty of this animal has been depicted in pictures and stories from many different cultures throughout history. Tigers are critically endangered as they are sold as pets illegally, hunted for sport and used in Chinese medicine.

5,213 Questions

What are baby tigers called?

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Baby tigers are called cubs.

What other animals depend on tigers for survival?

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I dont think any of them do, at least not like as prey, but they do kill some of the others so their isn't too many of the other animals. so I guess indirectly, some animals actually do depend on them.

Can you scare a tiger away?

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It is not recommended to try to scare a tiger away, as it may provoke an attack. In the unlikely event that you encounter a tiger, the best course of action is to remain calm, avoid direct eye contact, slowly back away while maintaining a safe distance, and make yourself look larger by raising your arms. Seek help from wildlife authorities if needed.

These footprints have only four toes your cat has four toes These footprints must belong to your cat?

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Not necessarily. While it is true that cats typically have four toes, other animals such as raccoons and opossums also have four toes. To definitively identify the animal responsible for the footprints, additional evidence or observation would be needed.

What animal is stronger than a tiger?

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The lion is considered to be stronger than a tiger due to its larger and more muscular build. Lions are known for their power and strength, especially in their neck and forelimbs which allows them to take down large prey.

Why we shouldn't kill tigers?

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Tigers are apex predators and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Killing tigers disrupts this balance, leading to negative consequences for the environment. Additionally, tigers are an endangered species, and killing them further threatens their already declining population.

How Much Do Tiger Skins Cost?

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Tiger skins are illegal to trade under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Buying and selling tiger skins is illegal and punishable by law.

How many people a year are killed by champagne corks?

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Around 24 people are estimated to be killed each year by champagne corks, typically due to accidents or careless handling during celebrations.

Do whiskers help tigers feel their way?

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Yes, whiskers help tigers navigate their environment by detecting changes in air currents, objects, and prey movement. They are sensitive enough to pick up vibrations, aiding in hunting and navigating in the dark.

Is a Tiger the only big cat with stripes?

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No, tigers are not the only big cats with stripes. Other big cats with stripes include the jaguar and the rare South China tiger. Some smaller cats such as the ocelot and the serval also have striped markings.

Do tigers have manes?

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no. female lions are not important enough to have a mane or name
No she does not, but she can have small tufts of fur around her head around her ears but not very often. Males only have a mane when they are fully mature which is about of 3 years of age.

Are tigers pack animals?

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Most big cats are not very social. While female lions often form groups and hunt together, this is not a common practice among other species, including tigers. Tiger cubs remain with their mother for about two years, after which they may naturally disperse or be driven away by the mother. Female offspring may remain with the mother longer than the males, who take to wandering upon reaching maturity (at about age two). A tigress may bear as many as six cubs, though two to four are more common. While raising her cubs, a female is unlikely to allow an adult male near her territory, as mature males may kill the cubs to bring the mother back into season. Tiger territory forms shifting boundaries held by mothers, which often overlap with territory held by males, which are wanderers. As long as tigers or groups of tigers do not get too close to each other when crossing territory, they are somewhat peaceable. They are not, however, friendly enough with each other to be called social (beyond the family).

What trophic level is rice?

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Rice is a primary producer, so it is considered a trophic level 1 organism. It converts sunlight into energy through photosynthesis.

Housing requirements for cats?

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Cats need a warm and comfortable space to rest and hide, as well as areas to scratch, climb, and play. They also require access to fresh water, a litter box that is kept clean, and regular veterinary check-ups. Providing toys and enrichment activities can help keep them mentally and physically healthy.

Is there any similes in the book tiger rising?

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Yes, there are similes in the book "The Tiger Rising" by Kate DiCamillo. One example is "Her eyes were as big and round as silver dollars."

What can you do to prevent tigers becoming extinct?

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To prevent tigers from becoming extinct, efforts should focus on habitat conservation, anti-poaching measures, reducing human-tiger conflict, and promoting sustainable tourism practices. Enforcing strict laws against poaching and illegal wildlife trade is crucial to protect these endangered animals. Additionally, collaboration between governments, conservation organizations, and local communities is important to ensure the long-term survival of tigers.

A Mississippi cub-pilot summary?

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A Mississippi cub-pilot refers to a novice or apprentice steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River. They were responsible for learning the intricate navigation of the river, such as the changing currents, sandbars, and hazards, under the guidance of an experienced pilot. Mark Twain's book "Life on the Mississippi" offers a detailed account of his experiences as a Mississippi cub-pilot.

Who wrote tiger tiger burning bright?

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The poem "The Tyger," which includes the line "Tiger, Tiger, burning bright," was written by William Blake, an English poet and artist. It is part of his collection of poems called "Songs of Experience," published in 1794.

What are the risks of inbreeding tigers?

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Inbreeding tigers can lead to a decrease in genetic diversity, which can result in a higher likelihood of genetic disorders and health issues. It can also weaken the species' ability to adapt to changing environments and reduce their overall survival chances. Moreover, inbreeding increases the chance of harmful recessive genes being expressed in the offspring, further impacting the tiger population.

Is there a movie for the tiger rising?

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Yes, there is a movie adaptation of "The Tiger Rising" by Kate DiCamillo. The film was released in 2021 and is directed by Ray Giarratana. It stars Queen Latifah, Dennis Quaid, and Katherine McPhee.

Are people scared of tigers?

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Yes, many people are scared of tigers due to their size, strength, and potential danger to humans. Tigers are apex predators and can be aggressive if they feel threatened.

What has been done so far to help these endangered tigers?

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Efforts to help endangered tigers include establishing protected areas, enforcing wildlife protection laws, anti-poaching patrols, implementing community conservation programs, and raising awareness about the importance of tiger conservation through educational campaigns. Additionally, organizations like WWF and Panthera are involved in conservation projects aimed at saving tiger populations.

What animals see in blck and white?

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AnswerNot at all. They always said that dogs do, but it has been proven that dogs see the world basically in red green and yellow as well. Cows see in purple as well as black and white. Horses see only in black and white. Pigs see neon colors, but not black and white. I know that cats see in full colour. Oh and humans! AnswerNo, not all animals see in black and white. Some have been known to see in full colour but I'm not quite sure which they are.


Look at how the animal lives and you'll get some clues. Animals that eat fruit need to be able to tell which fruits are ripe and which are not, so monkeys, apes, and fruit-eating birds see in color. Insects that pollinate plants need to see colors to distinguish the right kinds of flowers for them, so bees and some other insects see some colors (and, indeed, some can see ultraviolet colors that we humans can not). Animals that use the color of their own bodies as social signals often see in color, but not always. So lizards that flash colorful dewlaps in their territorial and mating displays usually see some color, as do most birds.

AnswerSimple answer, no.

What is a good attention grabber for a tiger report?

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"Did you know that the majestic tiger possesses strength, agility, and beauty unlike any other creature on Earth?"

Recorder notes for ding dong merrily on high?

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"Ding Dong Merrily on High" is a traditional Christmas carol with French origins. It is cheerful and lively in nature, making it a popular choice for festive performances. The song's lyrics describe the joyous sound of bells ringing out on Christmas Day. When playing this song on the recorder, focus on a clear and crisp articulation to capture the merry tone of the piece.