


Cats (Felines)

Cats are a type of pet first domesticated in Egypt around 2500 BC. Today, they are very popular as companion animals worldwide. Cats are independent, and are less attention demanding than other animals. They also need very little exercise and does not need to be walk daily, like the way dogs do. These qualities make them ideal pets for people who can only spend little time with their companion animals each day, and people who wants an indoor pet. In this category, there are questions containing information about cats.

15,260 Questions

My kitten has been spotted following another cat around a lot will the other cat kill my kitten?

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While it's normal for kittens to follow older cats to learn and play, watch out for any hissing, swatting, or stress signs. Keep your kitten indoors or in a safe area if the other cat is unfamiliar to avoid potential fights or diseases.

What is best over-the-counter anti-diarrhea treatment for cats?

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Pumpkin is a great natural source that will help with both diarrhea and constipation. For an adult cat with diarrhea start with feeding your cat a teaspoon of pureed pumpkin (plain, no sugars added) twice a day. If that does not help, you can increase each feeding to 1 1/2 teaspoons. Then 2 teaspoons if still not enough. Be careful though. Too much will go the other way and cause a constipated cat to go.

If your cat has diarrhea for a more than a day or two and is lethargic and not eating, consult a vet immediately. Even just a couple days without food and water can cause liver damage in a cat.

Why does my cat have green poop if it does not go outside?

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I'm not a cat expert or whatever you call it but I would take it to the vet if this happens a lot. it could be nothing but better safe than sorry

Can you taser a feral cat without killing it?

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Using a taser on a feral cat can cause serious injury or even death. It is not a recommended method for dealing with feral cats. It's best to contact local animal control or a rescue organization for assistance in safely trapping and relocating the cat.

Do people in cuba eat cats?

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Some people do, but most don't. Cats are obviously considered pets in Cuba, I've always thought that those who eat cats don't really have a heart or are not so fond of pets. But the reality is that those who choose to eat cats in Cuba don't do it because they find the meat to be a delicacy or anything, but because of necessity. It's not a tradition or anything either. It's more something that has been happening for the past 10-15 years or so, and not everyone eats Cats, just some people who probably have no choice because meat is not something you can afford to eat everyday in Cuba.

What is wrong with a cat who has a scab on his nose?

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A scab on a cat's nose could be a sign of a minor injury from scratching or rubbing their nose. However, it could also be a symptom of a more serious condition such as an infection, dermatitis, or an autoimmune disease. It is best to have a veterinarian examine the cat to determine the cause of the scab and provide appropriate treatment.

What do you do if a cat doesn't chew the ambilical cord?

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If a cat does not chew the umbilical cord, you can gently wipe away any birth fluids from the kitten's face and nose using a clean cloth. Then, you can use sterilized scissors to cut the umbilical cord about an inch from the kitten's body and tie it off with a clean thread to prevent bleeding. If you are unsure or uncomfortable doing this, it's best to seek assistance from a veterinarian.

Are bromeliads poisonous to cats or dogs?

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Bromeliads are considered non-toxic to cats and dogs. However, ingestion may still cause mild gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting or diarrhea if consumed in large quantities. It is always best to monitor your pets and contact a veterinarian if you notice any unusual symptoms after they have been exposed to bromeliads.

What is the name of a cats foot?

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A cat's foot is called a "paw." It includes the pads on the bottom of the foot, the claws, and the soft fur.

What wild cats have no tails?

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Some wild cats that have no tails or very short tails include the Manx cat, the American Bobtail, and the Pixiebob. These cats are known for their unique tail characteristics and are often sought after for their distinctive appearances.

Are cats edibal?

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While some cultures do consume cat meat, it is not a common practice and is generally considered taboo in many parts of the world. In most places, it is illegal to consume cat meat due to ethical and cultural reasons. Domestic cats are considered companion animals rather than food sources.

Whats the best age for a cat to have kittens?

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Cats are typically ready to have kittens between 6 months to 4 years of age, with peak fertility around 1 to 2 years old. It's recommended to wait until the cat is at least 1 year old before breeding to ensure they are physically mature and healthy. Consulting with a veterinarian about the best age for your specific cat is advisable.

What is a female feral cat called?

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A female feral cat is simply referred to as a "female feral cat."

Can Systane eye drops be used on cats?

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It is not recommended to use Systane eye drops or any other over-the-counter human eye drops on cats without consulting a veterinarian first. Cats have sensitive eyes, and the wrong type of eye drops can be harmful to them. Always consult with a veterinarian before administering any medication to your pets.

Why does your cat keep twicting and licking himself?

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Your cat may be experiencing mild skin irritation, allergies, parasites, or stress that is causing him to twitch and constantly groom himself. It's best to consult with a veterinarian to determine the root cause and provide appropriate treatment to alleviate your cat's discomfort.

What would happen if you spun your kitten around?

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Spinning a kitten around can cause disorientation, dizziness, and potential injury to the kitten. It is not recommended to subject kittens (or any animals) to such treatment as it can be harmful to their well-being.

How are cats eyes linked with road safety?

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Cat's eyes are reflective markers on the road that help improve nighttime visibility for drivers. They have a design similar to a cat's eye, with a reflective surface that bounces light back towards the driver, making road markings and hazards more visible in low light conditions. This helps drivers stay in their lane and navigate safely, especially in areas with poor visibility.

Are cat's tongues antibacterial?

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Yes, cat's tongues have antibacterial properties due to the presence of papillae, which are tiny, hook-shaped structures on their tongue that help clean their fur and skin. Additionally, cat's saliva contains enzymes that can help to kill bacteria.

Why do cats always wash them selfs?

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It is a sign of affection. It is actually not very common for cats to trust each other enough to allow another cat into their personal space. Cats are not herd animals like dogs, and generally prefer living by themselves in a household. If your cats are grooming each other, congratulations, your cats love each other. Many times, if there is an age difference between the two cats, the older one will "mother" the younger one (even if the older is a male), and groom it as a protection tool. If they are the same age, it's more directly related to bonding. All in all, your cats have developed an affection for each other and are progressively getting along well.

How long does it take for a litter of kittens to be born?

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At sometimes, it could take anywhere up to 14 hours for the kittens to be born starting from when the water broke. Sometime it takes a very long time for another kitten to come out. Because the mom does need to take a break from pushing and cleaning the kittens. I would not worry because more will come out unless she only had two kittens.

Is it dangerous for a cat to fall 100 feet?

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Yes, falling from a height of 100 feet can be dangerous for a cat. Cats can suffer serious injuries such as broken bones, internal injuries, and trauma from such a fall. It's important to seek immediate veterinary care if your cat falls from a height.

What if your cat keeps gagging and coughing and nothing comes up?

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If your cat is gagging and coughing with nothing coming up, it could be a sign of a respiratory issue, hairball, or even a foreign object stuck in the throat. It's best to take your cat to the vet for a thorough examination to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment. Delay in seeking veterinary care could lead to worsening of the condition.

What is the meaning of a dead cat in the yard?

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The presence of a dead cat in the yard can symbolize bad luck or misfortune in some cultures. It may also represent the end or loss of something significant in your life. It is important to remember that interpretations of symbols like this can vary widely depending on personal beliefs and cultural context.

What are the head bolt torque specs for a Cat 3024?

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The head bolt torque specs for a Cat 3024 engine are typically around 75-80 ft-lbs. It is important to consult the specific service manual for the exact torque specifications for your engine model. Make sure to follow the recommended tightening sequence as well for proper installation.

What is the origin of the term cat house?

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The term "cat house" originated in the early 20th century as slang for a brothel. It is believed to have derived from the practice of calling women "cats" in the underworld slang of the time.