


Cat Behavior

Cat Behavior includes ways in which cats act and behave, from purring when they are content to playing to other types of behavior.

5,593 Questions

Why does my cat have green poop if it does not go outside?

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I'm not a cat expert or whatever you call it but I would take it to the vet if this happens a lot. it could be nothing but better safe than sorry

Can you taser a feral cat without killing it?

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Using a taser on a feral cat can cause serious injury or even death. It is not a recommended method for dealing with feral cats. It's best to contact local animal control or a rescue organization for assistance in safely trapping and relocating the cat.

What do you do if a cat doesn't chew the ambilical cord?

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If a cat does not chew the umbilical cord, you can gently wipe away any birth fluids from the kitten's face and nose using a clean cloth. Then, you can use sterilized scissors to cut the umbilical cord about an inch from the kitten's body and tie it off with a clean thread to prevent bleeding. If you are unsure or uncomfortable doing this, it's best to seek assistance from a veterinarian.

What wild cats have no tails?

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Some wild cats that have no tails or very short tails include the Manx cat, the American Bobtail, and the Pixiebob. These cats are known for their unique tail characteristics and are often sought after for their distinctive appearances.

What is a female feral cat called?

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A female feral cat is simply referred to as a "female feral cat."

Why does your cat keep twicting and licking himself?

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Your cat may be experiencing mild skin irritation, allergies, parasites, or stress that is causing him to twitch and constantly groom himself. It's best to consult with a veterinarian to determine the root cause and provide appropriate treatment to alleviate your cat's discomfort.

Are cat's tongues antibacterial?

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Yes, cat's tongues have antibacterial properties due to the presence of papillae, which are tiny, hook-shaped structures on their tongue that help clean their fur and skin. Additionally, cat's saliva contains enzymes that can help to kill bacteria.

How do you know if a cat is sad?

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Signs that a cat may be sad include reduced appetite, increased hiding, decreased grooming, changes in sleeping patterns, or excessive vocalization. Monitoring their behavior and consulting with a veterinarian can help determine the underlying cause of their sadness.

Why do cats always wash them selfs?

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It is a sign of affection. It is actually not very common for cats to trust each other enough to allow another cat into their personal space. Cats are not herd animals like dogs, and generally prefer living by themselves in a household. If your cats are grooming each other, congratulations, your cats love each other. Many times, if there is an age difference between the two cats, the older one will "mother" the younger one (even if the older is a male), and groom it as a protection tool. If they are the same age, it's more directly related to bonding. All in all, your cats have developed an affection for each other and are progressively getting along well.

Is it dangerous for a cat to fall 100 feet?

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Yes, falling from a height of 100 feet can be dangerous for a cat. Cats can suffer serious injuries such as broken bones, internal injuries, and trauma from such a fall. It's important to seek immediate veterinary care if your cat falls from a height.

What if your cat keeps gagging and coughing and nothing comes up?

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If your cat is gagging and coughing with nothing coming up, it could be a sign of a respiratory issue, hairball, or even a foreign object stuck in the throat. It's best to take your cat to the vet for a thorough examination to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment. Delay in seeking veterinary care could lead to worsening of the condition.

How do cats look after kittens?

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Mother cats typically groom their kittens to keep them clean, help with their digestion, and bond with them. They also provide warmth and protection by curling around them, and they nurse kittens to provide them with essential nutrients. Overall, mother cats are very attentive and caring toward their kittens, ensuring their well-being and safety.

Why is your cats meow weak like a person with a hoarse voice?

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A weak meow in a cat can be due to various reasons such as a respiratory infection, sore throat, or simply being tired. It might also be related to age-related changes in vocal cords or other underlying health issues. If the meow persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it's best to consult a veterinarian for further evaluation and treatment.

The cat doth play and after slay?

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It sounds like a playful but potentially dangerous behavior. Cats are natural hunters and their play often mimics hunting behaviors. It's important to provide appropriate toys and outlets for their hunting instincts to prevent any harm to small animals or birds.

Do Big cats walk in own footprints?

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Yes, big cats like lions and tigers tend to walk in their own footprints to minimize noise and avoid alerting potential prey or other predators to their presence. This behavior helps them move stealthily and increase their chances of hunting successfully.

Will a male cat calm down after getting fixed?

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Most male cats will experience a reduction in territorial and aggressive behaviors after being neutered. Hormonal changes that occur after neutering can lead to a calmer demeanor and less likelihood of roaming, fighting, and spraying urine to mark territory. However, individual cat personalities can vary, and some cats may show faster results than others.

What does the proverb the cat would eat fish but would not wet her feet?

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This proverb means that someone may desire something, but they are not willing to go through any trouble or inconvenience to get it. It implies a reluctance to make any effort or take risks in order to achieve a goal.

Cat is to kitten as cow is to?

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Hay. Or Silage. Or Grass. Or Grain. Take your pick.

What do pregnant cats look like?

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Pregnant cats may have a slightly rounded belly due to the growing kittens inside. As the pregnancy progresses, their abdomen may become larger and firmer. Some pregnant cats also exhibit changes in behavior, such as increased affection or nesting behavior as they prepare for birth.

How much to get a male cat neutered?

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Asked by Catman79

The cost to neuter a male cat can range from $50 to $200, depending on the veterinarian and location. Many animal shelters or clinics offer low-cost neutering services. It's recommended to shop around and inquire about pricing beforehand.

Does a cat purring have 20 decibels?

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A cat's purring typically ranges between 25-50 decibels, so 20 decibels would be quieter than typical purring.

How can you stop male cats from spraying around your front door of your home?

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Neutering is the most effective way to prevent male cats from spraying. Additionally, you can create a deterrent by using outdoor motion sensor devices or citrus scents around the front door to discourage the behavior. Ensuring the area is clean and free of any previous spraying marks can also help deter further spraying.

Can Polysporin be used on a cat?

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Yes, but do NOT let him/her lick it. If he/she does, take him/her to the vet immediately.

Ok, I looked this up yesterday as my cat had an abscess that was looking pretty bad yesterday. I was in a PANIC!! I had used some Neosporin plus pain relief to try to make him more comfortable as his injury healed. I read this and freaked OUT and rushed to the nearest Vet, ONLY to find out that the medicines in Neosporin are so minimal that unless you are literally squeezing the tube down the animals throat it is NOT going to harm them. The Vet's office even told me that they tend to use Neosporin on some wounds that the felines and canines get. So, on a positive note, I got my pet the shot of antibiotics that will help him heal quicker. On the negative side, my daughter cried the whole way to the Vet thinking that her cat was going to die due to bathing himself and taking in the Neosporin. Please don't post answers unless you are 100% sure you are correct. My pet will be fine, but has now cost me an additional emergency Veterinarian fee.

My cat is cleaning herself a lot more than usual. Is this normal?

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Yes, cats are very clean animals and grooming is a natural behavior. If your cat's grooming habits have suddenly increased, it could be due to stress, anxiety, skin irritation, or even parasites. It's a good idea to monitor her closely and consult with a veterinarian if you notice any other concerning changes in behavior.

How do you get your cat to stop meowing because it is going through heat?

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Asked by Babylo

Spaying or neutering your cat is the most effective way to prevent heat-related meowing. Ensure your cat has plenty of toys, attention, and a comfortable environment filled with familiar scents to help distract and calm them during this time. Consulting with a veterinarian for additional advice can also be helpful.