Why is 10 week old kitten is shedding?
Shedding is a natural process for cats to get rid of old or damaged fur and make way for new growth. At 10 weeks old, a kitten's body is still developing and adjusting, which can sometimes result in more shedding than usual. It's important to ensure they have a healthy diet and grooming routine to support their growing needs.
Poop typically has a strong, foul odor due to the presence of bacteria and waste products in the stool. The smell can vary based on factors such as diet, hydration, and overall health.
Can polmolive dish soap kill fleas?
I don't think so. I would try flea powder or anti-flea soaps. If you would like to have your cat/s cleaned everyday,
1. Buy animal shampoo.- Cheap ones could work.
2. Get some lukewarm water in a basin.- Not too much, just enough for your pet.
3. Get a absorbent cloth.- Dip it in the mixture and then, rub your pet. Use as much as it takes to rub it.
4. Get a DRY cloth. - Rub it all over until your pet is dry.
What causes a cat to poop outside of the litter box?
I read on PetCareRx that feline diabetes, urinary tract infection, or a scarred bladder can be the primary reason why your cat is pooping outside the litter box. It can also be due to kidney stones or simply old age. It is a good idea to consult with a vet if you are concerned about this.
How old do you have to be for petsmart?
In the Grooming Salon, you have to be 16 to become a bather and 18 to become a groomer. As far as the rest of the store, I am unsure. It probly depends on the state you are in. In AZ it's 17 for any positions in the store. Not too sure about grooming and the hotel.
What household food can you feed kittens?
If the kitten has already weaned off milk, they can eat soft baby food like products, although be sure none of these have onion or garlic in them. They do best with things like plain chicken. Do not feed them vegetables or products containing vegetables, or cow's milk. If they still need milk, talk to a veterinarian about buying bottles of cat milk formula.
Please note that human foods (unless you wish to feed your kitten a raw diet - which requires a lot of research) should never be substituted for a complete and balanced cat food.
Why does your cat sleep so much?
What to feed an orphaned kitten?
You will need to bottle feed an orphaned kitten. Cimicat substitute milk or baby milk formula can be used successfully. You will need to feed the kitten every two hours. You will also need to stimulate the kitten after feeding, to enable it to pass waste matter. You do this by gently rubbing a cotton wool ball around it's belly area until the kittens produces waste matter.
How do you train an adult cat to dig litter in a box and not the sides of the litter box?
We trained our cat by carrying it towards the litterbox and making its paws scrape up and down the litter.
Is it ok for a young cat with no kittens to produce milk and to start feeding 12 week old kittens?
Mom cats often adopt another cat's litter, especially if the mom recently gave birth. For young kittens, that's okay BUT mom will need more food with protein (e.g. a good dry and wet food). However, 12-week old kittens should NOT be nursing. Separate the older kittens from their "adopted" mom and get them onto dry food.
How do you prevent cats from pooping on your lawn?
This is a very difficult problem, and the answer depends on how determined that cat is. For example, a cat that lives in an apartment around which there is only a small patch of garden nearby to act as a litter box, that cat will be very determined to poop in it. Some things you can try are: # place chicken wire on any bare soil so the cat can't scratch it up. # place chicken wire or bird netting over the tops of all the plants, draping it down to the ground in a single flower bed. # spray citrus oil on the area where the cat has been pooping. # scatter citris peels around the area. # place a motion-activated sprinkler in the garden. # keep a squirt bottle handy and squirt the cat any time you see it in the garden. # make sure the cat has a clean litterbox available in a quiet spot that isn't near any other strong smells. Stop faffing around get a Jack Russel terrier.
Is it okay to trim your outdoor cat's nails?
Yes, you can trim your outdoor cat's claws. Even when they are trimmed, they are still very sharp. Definitely sharp enough for climbing and self-defense.
Does liquid dish soap kill the lawn?
Yes, some will, some won't.
Do NOT use anti-bacterial dishwashing liquid, it will kill the microbes that benefit growing.
What does it mean if your cat has brown urine?
The biggest cause for brown urine is dehydration OR a urinary tract infection (UTI). If a UTI, the brownish urine is likely because the infection is bad enough that the insides of the bladder or kidneys are bleeding. When very fresh bleeding, blood looks red/reddish. But when bleeding had occurred over time, it's called old blood and looks brownish rather than reddish. Both dehydration and UTI can be very serious in cats. They are small; their bladder and kidneys are small. They can't tolerate a UTI like humans can. If it is a kidney infection, the cat can become so sick it can die. For $35 take it to a vet. They will put a very tiny tube into the cat's urethra (where urine comes out) and get a urine sample. The vet will look at the urine under a microscope to see if it has bacteria in it (urine should not have any bacteria). The vet will also take kitty's temperature, check the eyes and mouth for dry mucous membranes, and possibly give the cat a shot of Normal Saline (NS) and a shot of antibiotics. All of this will cost $100-150. BUT if you wait and don't take this cat to a vet NOW, the cat will get sicker and then it could cost up to $300 to $400 to treat. Or without treatment, kitty could die.
Make sure kitty has fresh water. Offer kitty some canned food if you have it. And call the vet so you can take the cat in for evaluation and treatment.
How much do you feed a 10 month old cat?
A kitten so small needs to be fed little and often; around five to six times a day or whenever they are hungry. Be sure to feed small amounts. Too much food at once will cause them to be sick.
Your shelter is spaying the kittens you want at about 8 weeks is that ok?
Yes. Eight weeks is the youngest age a kitten can be neutered/spayed. Most people wait until the cat is around 6 months old -- and personally, I did not have my young female cat spayed until she was 9 months old -- but if they want to do it now, then that's their business.
You should be glad, actually: having a cat spayed at a regular veterinary clinic can cost nearly a thousand dollars per cat!
How much does it cost to get a cat fixed?
Vet costs vary over different parts of the country, and between rural areas and cities. There can be significant variations in prices for local vets as well. Better call some local vets and shop their prices. Cat owners in your area can be a good source of information too. It all depends on where you live and which vet you choose. Also, if your cat is rare or exotic, you may have to pay more.
What can you give a cat for pain in the right foot?
At home, nothing - cats are extremely sensitive to human pain medications (aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, paracetamal, ibuprofen, Motrin, Pamprin, etc) and even a single pill can cause fatal stomach ulcers.
If your cat has a broken paw, the best option is to take your cat to a veterinarian to have it examined. Your veterinarian can prescribe appropriate pain medication such as butorphenol, which is a schedule III controlled drug, to mediate the pain until the area heals.